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The abandoned warehouse is an unmarked location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Situated directly east of the Allied Technologies offices, the location consists of a single room, with half an open space with several file cabinets and desks. The other half consists of a maze of metal containers stacked high. There are stairs that lead to an empty catwalk on the western side of the room.

Related quests[]


  • Before starting Birds of a Feather, visiting the location allows one to see that the area is set up in advance, including three brahmin and the containers and about eight troopers.
  • After completing Birds of a Feather, the three Legion soldiers that were unconscious before will be standing around, if they were not killed during the quest. If any of the NCR troopers were still alive after the quest, then they will run to the other side of the warehouse when the player character walks in as they do during the quest. Killing any of the remaining NCR soldiers results in Infamy with the NCR, but no equivalent Legion Infamy results from killing the three legionnaires. Each Legion soldier will also only defend themselves and will not become hostile from attacks.
  • Entering with ED-E and killing the legionnaires will cause ED-E to attack the brahmin.
  • There is a door at the top of the catwalk that would lead back out to the wasteland, but it is not accessible. This door can't be seen from the outside.
  • On the western side of the warehouse, on a desk between the unloading ramps is one oversized (1.08) coffee mug. On the eastern side, there is a mini maze of shipping containers. Entering on the northern side, next to the solo red shipping container, directly ahead will be three sets of wooden shelves, stacked two high. On the first solo set of shelves are 11 bottles of wine and 3 tin cans, all oversized at (1.41). On the shelf just to the right of that are 6 empty Nuka-Cola bottles and 9 tin cans (one of them on the floor in front of the shelves), all oversized at (1.26). Continuing on through the small maze heading east, then south, then west, the player can also find two triple stacks of wooden shelves among the shipping containers. On these shelves are 11 empty Nuka-Cola bottles and 7 tin cans, all oversized (1.26) with another, larger oversized (1.42) empty Nuka-Cola bottle on top of the right set of shelves. On the opposite side, stacked against these shelves are five more wooden shelves with another 4 oversized (1.26) tin cans on the left side. These items may need to be shot at or even blasted with a grenade in order to be obtained.


The abandoned warehouse appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The door to get into the warehouse doesn't fit the frame, which means you can look straight through the warehouse and see Camp McCarran.[verified]
  • PCPC The door at the top of the stairs of the catwalk is out of place. If it was real, the door would lead outside. It is also not the normal "door" object, as selecting it in the console does not label it. [verified]

