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Fallout Wiki

Hey you. This is my turf. And I don't appreciate what-you-call-ems - trespassers. Beat it.

AJ is a chem dealer operating in Goodneighbor in 2287.


AJ is one of the many drug dealers living in the settlement of Goodneighbor and is notorious for peddling drugs to anyone and everyone; recently, he has started a new "Chems for Kids" sales pitch directed towards young children. He conducts most of his deals in the alleyway where Bobbi No-Nose's hideout is located, always accompanied by two bodyguards. It is later revealed he is also a member of Sinjin's gang.

AJ's customers include Bunker Hill and its mayor Kessler, who need chems such as Jet and Psycho in order to pay off Jared's raider gang. They buy from AJ because he has the lowest prices for regular chems, although they consider his "Chems for Kids" to be distasteful.[1] AJ is also an informant on runaway synths for the Institute.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


The Silver Shroud: AJ's scheme to sell chems to children prompts Kent Connolly to send the Sole Survivor (as the Silver Shroud) to hunt him down and kill him. He is found in the alleyway outside Bobbi No-Nose's hideout, accompanied by two bodyguards. AJ will attempt to bribe the Sole Survivor to stay away; with Speech checks, his bribe can be haggled from 50 to 200 bottlecaps. If the bribe is refused, then he and his guards will immediately turn hostile.



  • AJ only appears in Goodneighbor during The Silver Shroud quest.
  • One can maximize the reward with Speech checks, and then kill him afterward for more loot.
  • AJ and his two bodyguards spawn as leveled characters using the Triggerman template.
  • AJ's Editor ID, "MS04AJ," is unusual in that it follows the pattern for quests rather than non-player characters.


AJ appears only in Fallout 4.


