Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The 184th Infantry Regiment was a contingent of the US Army, deployed to Boston prior to the Great War.


The regiment was deployed to the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston.[1] During food riots, soldiers of the regiment opened fire on civilians outside a food bank, killing at least four and wounding eight others.[1]

The incident was reported by the Boston Bugle. According to Jonathan Corman, spokesman for the Army, the soldiers of the 184th acted within their authority and issued several verbal warnings and only opened fire after protesters had smashed a window and stormed the food bank.[1]

An eyewitness, Hannah Henry, told a different story of how the soldiers had laughed and joked about who they were going to shoot first before the windows were even smashed and the food bank stormed, giving the soldiers the excuse they wanted to open fire.[1]


The 184th Infantry Regiment is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

