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Fallout Wiki

The 108th Infantry Regiment was a contingent of the United States Army.


Nate served in its 2nd Battalion while fighting in the Resource Wars.[1]


Cut content Fox Company of the 108th is mentioned in cut content.[2]


The 108th Infantry Regiment is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

The 108th Infantry Regiment is a real regiment of the New York Army National Guard.


  1. Lookout: "Record found. 108th Infantry Regiment. Second Battalion. Ahoy there. 'Tis Providence a member of the Congressional Army is delivered to us in our hour of need."
  2. Cut content Sanctuary Hills terminal entries: "7:00 pm - Drinks with Fox Company
    Go 108th!
    (Probability of us getting drunk and singing "The Snows of Anchorage" 5 times - 110%)"