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Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 8 октября 2021 года. Версия патча 0.2.788.0.

Tune Into Pirate Radio![]

It seems someone out there in the Wasteland has found a way to hijack the airwaves to begin broadcasting their very own Pirate Radio Station! Open your Pip-Boy and tune into the new station to tap your toes to hours of new “muzak,” and catch a blast from the past with radio dramas and commercials from life before the bombs dropped. As of yet, the audio interloper behind this rogue station has yet to reveal their identity. Until they do, we can at least enjoy some fresh tunes during our adventures in Appalachia.



  • Musician: Fixed an issue that caused wood instruments to not count towards the Musician Possum Badge.


  • Events: Added paper map quest rewards for Encryptid, Scorched Earth, and A Colossal Problem.
  • Mothman Equinox: Lowered the sound of the Ritual Pyres.
  • Mothman Equinox: Ritual Pyres no longer play audio when the fire is not lit.
  • Mothman Equinox: Failing the event now properly kills the remaining enemies.


  • Wrapped Cap: Fixed an issue causing the Wrapped Cap to hide facial hide and prevent other facial apparel to be worn.
  • Hooded Rags: Fixed an issue that caused the Hooded Rags to remove the players armor and under armor.
  • Clipping: The Treasure Hunter Outfit and Radstag Hide Outfit no longer display under armor clipping.


  • Client: Fixed a crash that could occur when opening Holiday Gifts or Mole Miner pails in rapid succession.


  • Menus: Corpses listed in the Nearby Corpses menu now display in order or nearest to furthest.


  • Display Cases: Fixed an issue that prevented the Pepper Shaker from displaying in the Heavy Weapons Display.
  • Flamer: Players no longer continue to burn after respawning after being killed by a flamer.


  • High-Risk: Strangler Heart bonuses no longer bypass the Legendary mod restrictions.

Thank you very much for your participation in the PTS, we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!


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