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Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 22 октября 2021 года.


  • Huge Creatures: Added Hermit Crabs to count towards the Weekly Challenge of killing Huge Creatures.


  • Consumables: Smoked Mirelurk Fillet and Wise Mothman buffs should no longer expire on disconnect.


  • Local Looting: Fixed an issue where incorrect inventory was appearing when using Local Looting.
  • Local Looting: The Local Looting feature is no longer available to the player after gathering all items from the nearby corpses.
  • Local Looting: Looting something from the Local Looting menu no longer causes the highlight to jump back to the top of the menu.


  • Dailies: Donating a reward to the Foundation at the end of Vital Equipment now grants the proper reputation with Foundation.
  • Distinguished Guests: Adding Bolton Green Centerpieces and Settings now updates the count and approval ratings.
  • Heart of the Swamp: Fixed an issue where the first objective was empty.
  • Mothman Equinox: New Outfits and Plans rewards should now be tradeable.
  • Rewards: Fixed an quest reward issue with Lucky Strike and Project Paradise.


  • Spawning: Mining Ultracite Veins no longer spawns Scorchbeasts or Scorched.


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