Hello everyone!
We will be updating the PTS today at 2pm ET. While in maintenance you will be unable to access the PTS. At that time, we will post some high-level patch notes for you to review both here on the forums and on the Official Discord.
Maintenance has begun!
Notable Changes:
Based off player feedback, we’re making some changes to the Legendary Core drop system and increasing the Scrip limit to help players more easily get the components they need for the Legendary Crafting System. In addition to that, we’re also increasing the limits for a few other currencies as well.
- Caps: The max cap limit has been increased from 30,000 to 40,000.
- Gold Bullion: The daily vendor cap has been increased from 200 to 400. Additionally, the max player cap for Gold Bullion has been increased from 5,000 to 10,000.
- Scrip: The daily vendor cap has been increased from 150 to 300. Additionally, the max player cap for Scrip has been increased from 1,000 to 5,000.
Legendary Cores
- Drop Rate: Legendary Cores are now guaranteed drops at all Public Events.
- Note: Some events will drop more than one Legendary Core by default, while others will drop additional cores depending on the success of the event.
- Legendary Cores: Cores obtained before this update will be listed as “Depreciated Legendary Cores” and will no longer be useable. This applies to the PTS only and will not make it to the live game. We will also be granting new characters for you to use on the PTS with the updated cores.
Premade PTS Characters
Along with the Legendary Core changes above, we've added another premade character to your PTS account, named "Legendary Cores." It's stocked up on Legendary Cores and Legendary Modules, so that you can dive back into the Legendary Crafting system in the Test Server.
High-level Patch notes:
Please note some of these fixes contain spoilers for the Steel Reign questline.
- Weapons: Area of Effect attacks now only damage weapon condition once per shot.
- Cannibal: Addressed an issue where using the cannibal perk could control lock the player.
- The Catalyst: Hellcat Power Armor Pieces now auto-learn upon completion of this quest.
- Missing Persons: Clearing enemies on the third floor before defeating the mercenary on the first floor no longer blocks quest progression.
- A Satisfied Conscience: Fixed an issue that could prevent enemies from spawning correctly in the Research Wing of Vault 96.
- A Satisfied Conscience: Fixed issues affecting door controls in several different Terminals.
- A Satisfied Conscience: Players can no longer unlock Cassie's test chamber before finishing the initial conversation with her.
- Out of the Blue: Notes will now appear upon relog, and quest progression is now unblocked.
- Pip-Boy: Addressed an issue where certain mod effects remain displayed in the Pip-Boy after the mod was removed from the equipped item.
- Pip-Boy: Elemental damage resist is now correct when crafting a mod equipped to an armor piece.
- Vending: Items for sale preview now correctly updates when items are purchased at a vendor.
- Audio: Addressed an issue where Hewsen’s idle VO can be heard from very far away.
Maintenance is now complete! Enjoy your time in the Wasteland.
Associate Community Manager
LadyDevann#4079 on discord
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