Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 25 марта 2022 года. Версия патча 0.2.898.0. Размер обновления 657 Мб
- Better Criticals Perk: Bonuses increased from +20/30/40% to +50/75/100%
- Eagle Eyes: Bonus increased from +25 % to +60 %
- Eagle Eyes (when buffed by the «Stranger In Numbers» Perk Card): Bonus increased from +32 % to +75 %
- All Magazines affecting per weapon type critical: Bonuses increased from +30 % to +100 %
- We’ve made additional tweaks to how Luck helps fill the Critical Hit meter:
- The bonus now starts tapering off after 30 Luck, instead of tapering after 12 Luck.
- As of today’s PTS update, 30 Luck now gives a crit meter fill of 45, up from ~31 in the previous version of the PTS. Reaching 45 Luck now gives just under 59.
Dev Comment: The adjustments we made to Luck and how it fills the crit meter in the previous PTS update didn’t quite meet our expectations, and feedback from our PTS community helped confirm those feelings. As a result, we’ve re-tuned the Luck crit meter fill rate so that it’s much closer to how it currently functions in the live version of the game.
We also made a few more changes to crit damage bonuses in today’s PTS update. Notably, we’ve increased the bonus from the Better Criticals Perk Card so that it is more in line with other buffs and tuned down the buff from Magazines to help balance this out.
- Moonshine Jamboree: Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented players from dealing damage to Gulpers with ranged weapons. Renamed the Volatile Acidic Gulper to Toxic Acidic Gulper. Acidic Gulper Venom weight changed to 0.1lbs. Wait before lighting the bonfire in Moonshine Jamboree reduced to 30 seconds. Wave intermission timer reduced to 30 seconds. Acidic Gulper Venom is now a misc. item. Acid Gulper Venom no longer required to craft the Acidic Gulper Hand Gulper Smacker Mod. Moonshine Jamboree now awards Fermentable Mire Magic Moonshine. Mire Magic Moonshine is no longer craftable. Fixed bug causing Moonshine Jamboree incompletable when inside a nuke zone.
- Eviction Notice: Tweaked radiation hazards, removed prep time, lowered amount of mobs, removed floaters and hounds, increased damage mobs deal by 50 %, addresses a graphical inconsistency with mist when highlighted by a flashlight, and Ranged mobs now attack rad scrubber and rad scrubber takes time to remove rads.
- Gulper Smacker: Renamed mod slots to «Blade» and «Shaft».
- VATS: VATS no longer randomly closes while shooting at an enemy.
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