Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 24 июня 2022 года.
Later this Summer, we’re planning to bring the Meat Week Seasonal Event back to the live version of Fallout 76 so that everyone can join Grahm and Chally’s party, and grab a few plates full of smoking hot barbeque. We’ve addressed a number of issues that affected this event previously, such as rewards not being granted properly, as well as Grahm wandering off when he should be keeping watch over the grill.
Please join us in playtesting a few rounds of Meat Week in the PTS, and then share any bugs you encounter with us in the Bug Reports channel in the Bethesda Studios Discord.
- Purveyor Murmrgh: Players can now purchase up to 100 Legendary Modules and up to 500 Vault Steel at once from Purveyor Murmrgh.
- The Whitespring Resort: A Legendary Exchange Machine and a Gold Press Machine are now available inside of Artisan’s Corner in the Whitespring mall.
- Union Dues: Some Union NPCs now wear Union-painted armor sets in addition to other clothing options.
- Vertibird: Updated the art and position of the intercom inside the Vertibird.
- Displays: The Auto-Axe and Chainsaw no longer sink into wall weapon rack displays.
- Workbenches: Fixed an issue in which Tinker’s Workbenches in players’ C.A.M.P.s could sometimes become unusable and unmovable.
- Heart of the Swamp: The Strangler Heart no longer visually appears to regenerate health while taking damage from players.
- Radiation Rumble: Marion Copeland will now ignore combat until players initiate the event and enemies start spawning.
- Auto-Melee Weapons: Fixed an issue in which automatic-melee weapon attacks consumed Action Points at a faster rate than intended.
- Auto-Melee Weapons: Fixed an issue in which the Chainsaw was missing its critical hit bonus.
- Lunchboxes: Lunchbox effects now trigger correctly for nearby players, even if they aren’t within line of sight of the Lunchbox owner.
- Rewards: The Responders Padded Jacket and Trog Tube Plans can no longer be traded or sold.
- Rewards: Rare plans that a player has already learned will no longer be awarded to them on completing an Expedition.
- Enemies: Fixed an issue that could prevent enemy waves from spawning correctly during certain objective types.
- Fast Travel: Fixed an issue that could prevent teammates from fast traveling to one another while in an Expedition together.
- Mission Completion: Fixed an issue that could cause players to be transported to Poseidon Energy Plant after completing an Expedition, regardless of their previous location before starting that Expedition.
- Mission Completion: Fixed an issue that caused players to be transported to the entrance of Vault 76 if they started an Expedition from an instanced interior.
- Respawning: Adjusted the rules for respawning during an Expedition. Players will now respawn closer to where they died in the Pitt.
- Union Dues: Safes can now be unlocked out of order during the objective to unlock them.
- Unions Dues: Players can now pick up Union Dead Drops out of order.
- Union Dues: Added health bars and names to the Union Fighters for the "Defend the Penn" objective.
- Union Dues: Steel Ingot objective progress is now correctly restored after logging out and back in.
- Union Dues: Removed a brief period when players could interact with Lennox again shortly after choosing to depart in the Vertibird.
- Union Dues: An unselectable instance of the "I'll handle things for you here" line will no longer appear in Hex's dialogue scene near the start of the mission on repeat play.
- Union Dues: Fixed an issue that could cause a player to still receive rewards for completing a Union Dues even after they had left their team and the Expedition.
- Union Dues: Lennox will now acknowledge that players have requested landing.
- Vertibird: The Vertibird’s rotors now animate when landing on the landing pad.
- Vertibird: Teammates will no longer see a prompt to request landing when in the Vertibird.
- Esme: No longer sometimes pulls the player into an unprompted conversation.
- Lennox: Now wears a Hazmat Suit when The Whitespring is in a Nuke Zone.
- General: Corrected a number of typos across a variety of Terminal entries that can be found while completing Whitespring Daily Quests.
- A Refugee’s Guide: It should now be easier for players to take a photo of the Fort Atlas Observatory sign.
- Code Blue: Rucker no longer repeats her starting dialogue for the Code Blue Refuge Daily Quest if the player speaks with her again prior to completing the objective.
- Conversations: Teammates can now correctly hear conversations taking place between the team leader and Esme, Skippy, and Lennox.
- Fast Travel: Fixed an issue that could prevent a player from joining their teammates’ Whitespring Refuge instance if that player was already inside a separate Refuge instance when attempting to fast travel.
- Recipe for Success: Updated the ladle near Esme’s pot so that players can interact with it more easily.
- Recipe for Success: No longer requires players to put on the Chef’s Outfit.
- Refuge Encounters: Fussfungle that the player receives during the “Perfect Fussfungle” Refuge Random Encounter is now marked as a quest item until the player completes the quest.
- Expeditions Menu: The “Resume Expedition” button has been moved above the “Start a New Expedition” button in the Expeditions Menu.
- Expeditions Menu: Fixed an issue that in which the “Join Team Expedition” button would remain visible in the Expeditions Menu after the Team Leader left the Expedition.
- Expeditions Menu: Players can no longer open the Expeditions Menu from the Map while choosing a respawn location in Appalachia.
- Map: The Expeditions Menu button icon on the Map no longer changes shape when pressed.
- Map: Opening and then closing the Expeditions Menu from the Map no longer causes the Map to become unresponsive until the player presses the “Cancel” button multiple times.
- Mission Select: On PC, the “Confirm” button now works correctly on the Mission Select screen when left-clicking it with a mouse.
- Pip-Boy: The Pip-Boy’s “New” tab now correctly displays reward items received after completing an Expedition.
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