Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 1 июня 2022 года. Версия патча 0.1.1083.0. Размер обновления 14,23 Гб.
Based on PTS community feedback that the rewards for completing Missions felt like they could use a boost, we’re making a wide variety of improvements with today’s update for the Test Server. Now, whenever you complete a Mission, you will earn more guaranteed legendary items, either Treasury Notes or Scrip, quite a bit more XP, and for the first time ever, Legendary Modules.
- Legendary Items: At the end of a Mission, players will now receive three 1-, 2-, or 3-star legendary items. They can earn up to two more, for a total of five legendary items, by completing optional objectives during a Mission.
- Legendary Modules: Players will now receive one guaranteed Legendary Module when completing a Mission, with an additional chance to earn a second one.
- More Currencies: Players will now receive either Treasury Notes or Legendary Scrip when completing a Mission.
- More XP: Significantly increased the amount of XP players will earn on Mission completion. Additionally, the 50% XP reduction from enemy kills has been removed, meaning more XP overall for taking down enemies in Expeditions.
- Rare Plans: Item plans from the rare rewards pool that an Expedition Leader has learned will no longer drop as the weekly rare reward for that player. This means players will no longer receive duplicate plans for items they’ve already learned how to craft.
- Loot Adjustments: Players will now receive guaranteed Stimpaks at the end of a Mission, and Grenades have been removed from the loot pool.
- Whitespring Refuge: Based on community feedback, the log walls within the Whitespring Refuge have been removed.
- The Pitt: Implemented general visual updates for the environment during the Union Dues Mission.
- Enemies: The level cap for Fanatic Raider enemies has been increased to 100.
- Enemies: Fixed an issue that caused Fanatic Raiders in Power Armor to be weaker than intended.
- Union Dues: As a response to community feedback, a quest target will now appear for the “Locate the Union Supply Cache” optional objective when players are near it.
- Conversations: NPC dialogue lines that previously played robovoice now have proper voiceover lines.
- Hotkeys: Following community feedback, the Expeditions Icon on the Map now more clearly indicates that the Expeditions Menu can be accessed by pressing its associated button (“R” on Steam).
- Daily: The Alien Blaster and V.A.T.S. Unknown now correctly count towards the “Craft or Scrap a Ranged Weapon” Challenge.
- Teams: Fixed an issue that could cause teammates to join an Expedition in a broken state if the Team Leader started an Expedition while in another instance.
- Auto-Melee Weapons: Condition values for the Ripper and Drill have been increased to match other automatic-melee weapons, like the Chainsaw and Auto-Axe.
- Union Dues: Players can no longer damage the Poison Gas Tanks until the appropriate objective is active.
- Union Dues: When entering The Foundry, Hex’s objective explanation and the Fanatics’ announcement no longer play simultaneously.
- Union Dues: On subsequent Union Dues playthroughs, Wicker no longer addresses the player as if it’s his first time meeting them.
- Union Dues: Addressed an issue that could cause certain objectives to visually disappear after logging out and back in during Union Dues.
- Union Dues: Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from completing the Mission after logging out and back in during the “Speak to Lennox to depart” objective.
- Union Dues: The optional objectives to turn in Steel Ingots and Union Supplies to Wicker will no longer appear until after players have agreed to help him.
- Union Dues: Fixed an issue where some objects, like a section of interactable pipe in The Foundry, would not appear in the world under certain conditions.
- Vertibird: While inside the Vertibird at the start of an Expedition, interacting with a Daily Op menu in the World Activity Tracker and then backing out of the map no longer prevents the player from accessing the Vertibird’s intercom.
- Vertibird: Players can no longer throw grenades while inside the Vertibird.
- Refuge Daily Quests: The first time the player receives a Refuge Daily Quest, it will automatically appear in the quest tracker regardless of the player’s settings for tracking Daily Quests. On subsequent playthroughs, the player’s settings for Daily Quest tracking will apply.
- Code Blue: All entries by Alice Jennings in the Morgantown High School Faculty Records Terminal now each display unique text.
- Code Blue: The Quest description in the Pip-Boy now updates correctly as the player progresses the Code Blue Refuge Daily.
- Mutual Aid: When speaking with Sophie, the Team Leader’s status now correctly changes to “In conversation,” allowing teammates to listen in.
- NPCs: Asking Skippy about The Foundry now correctly moves into dialogue about The Pitt, rather than The Union.
- Recipe for Success: Esme now correctly resumes her cooking animation after the player completes the Recipe for Success Refuge Daily.
- Refuge Encounters: Fixed an issue that could allow the player to complete multiple Refuge random encounters per day.
- Refuge Encounters: Fixed an issue that could cause extra objectives to appear during some Refuge Random Encounters.
- Refuge Encounters: Dialogue options from the Paranoid Refugee NPC now correctly progress the “Imposter Syndrome” Refuge Random Encounter.
- Dialogue: Fixed an issue that could cause dialogue boxes during a conversation to appear on top of subtitles.
- Expeditions Menu: Attempting to start a new Expedition instead of resuming one that is already ongoing, and then selecting “No” from the confirmation dialog, no longer causes the “Confirm” button on the Expeditions Menu to stop working.
Thank you very much for your participation in the PTS, we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!
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