
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 31 января 2022 года. Версия патча 0.2.851.0. Размер обновления 496 Мб.

PTS Now on Steam![]

As mentioned at the top of this article, we’ve expanded the Public Test Server to include all players who own Fallout 76 on Steam. Download the PTS client in your Steam Library, and then log in to join us in playtesting “Invaders from Beyond” Seasonal Event and new Fallout Worlds Settings, as well as the future “Test Your Metal” Public Event.

Test Your Metal Public Event[]

We’ve received tons of great feedback from the PTS community for our upcoming “Test Your Metal” Public Event, which is slated to arrive in-game with a patch after the “Invaders from Beyond” Update. We are going to resume developing Test Your Metal with all of your feedback, bug reports, and thoughts in mind, and plan to keep this event available for playtesting in the PTS for one more week, until February 7. We will make adjustments, implement fixes, and bring it back for playtesting in a future iteration of the Test Server.

Additional Changes in Today’s PTS Update[]

  • Challenges: Challenges that players have chosen to track now correctly appear in the Challenge Tracker on the Map screen.
  • Challenges: “Well Fed” Challenges now only progress while the player is affected by the Well Fed effect.
  • Client Stability: Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate items to appear in the player’s Pip-Boy and result in a client crash.
  • Contextual Ammo: Alien Blaster Rounds should now drop from all contextual ammo sources.
  • Combat: Explosion damage falloff is now calculated correctly when targeting different parts of an enemy.
  • Daily Ops: Addressed an issue that could cause Daily Ops Bosses to flee from the player.
  • Daily Ops: Bosses now calculate weapon damage correctly versus players with high resistances.
  • Fallout Worlds: Players can now correctly place Wires that intersect other objects when Object Intersection is set to Allowed or Allowed (No Collision).
  • Fallout Worlds: The “Invaders from Beyond” weather effect no longer disappears during the event in Custom Worlds.
  • Invaders from Beyond: Players can now correctly leave conversations with The Emissary.
  • Invaders from Beyond: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from properly joining the event at the Wavy Willard’s location near Extractor Omega.
  • Invaders from Beyond: At the Monongah event location, Aliens now correctly navigate to Brainwave Siphons instead of congregating on a nearby roof.
  • Items: Fixed an issue affecting Thorn Armor that could result the wearer being forced into PVP when hit by another player’s melee attacks.

Thank you very much for your participation in the PTS, we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!


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