
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 6 августа 2021 года

The Fallout Worlds Update, which we announced earlier today, is now available in the Public Test Server! We hope you will join us for some playtesting, and then share your feedback and bug reports with us in the Bethesda Game Studios Discord Server.

Read on to catch descriptions of the features and improvements we’d like you to try out, as well as a running list of patch notes for PTS Updates that we release during this round of playtesting.

PTS Update Log[]

We plan to keep this article updated with the highlights from each new PTS patch as we release them. Check below for the latest changes, or scroll further below to check the initial feature, questline, and improvement descriptions when we first kicked off this round of PTS playtesting.

--- PTS Update – August 6, 2021

Fallout Worlds[]
  • Budget: Fixed an issue where players would see debug text in the Workshop menu while on a Custom World with Zero CA.M.P. Budget enabled.
  • Custom Worlds: Custom Worlds deleted by hosting players no longer are linked to characters that previously visited them.
  • Custom Worlds: Images no longer look pixelated on Character and Image Select screens.
  • Custom Worlds: Percentages for Settings no longer have inconsistent placements.
  • Custom Worlds: Faction reputation is now visible on the Social Menu when in a Custom World.
  • Custom Worlds: Addressed an issue where owls and squirrels would freeze and become un-lootable when the Custom World setting was set to Nuclear Force.
  • Public Worlds: All Public Worlds descriptions now have uniform punctuation.
Daily Ops[]
  • Daily Ops: Added a new sound effect animation to Daily Ops double mutation reward.
  • Displays: Fixed an issue where players were unable to immediately assign another item to a weapon and/or armor rack after taking the item back.
  • Weapons: Enemies with Rocket Launchers will now use them.
Performance & Stability[]
  • Client Stability: Fixed an issue where the client may crash during heavy combat when switching between 1st and 3rd person viewing a container.
Quests & Events[]
  • A Satisfied Conscience: Hostile enemies will no longer spawn inside Test Chamber 1 in Vault 96.
  • Project Paradise: Bodies of slain enemies no longer drop from midair in the lobby after completion of Project Paradise.
User Interface[]
  • Friends List: Fixed an issue where some players would appear offline to other players.
  • Markers: Custom map markers will no longer show while in an interior.
  • S.P.E.CI.A.L.: Fixed an issue where a Nuclear Winter S.P.E.C.I.A.L. error message would appear when the player relogs in Adventure Mode after changing S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


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