FO76TYM Banner MoonshineJamboree Gulper

Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 15 апреля 2022 года. Версия патча 0.2.916.0. Размер обновления 2,58 Гб Мб.


  • Rewards: Players can now drop the Crowd Control legendary weapon.
  • Rewards: Made adjustments to the following Eviction Notice rewards based on community feedback:
    • Caps increased from 50 to 150.
    • Experience Points increased from 300 to 1,000.
    • Treasury Notes increased from 3, 4, or 5 to 4, 5, or 6.


  • Loot: Acidic Gulper Gland drop rate has been reduced, as players were receiving more than intended during the event.
  • Rewards: Adjusted the available levels for the Gulper Smacker melee weapon.
  • Rewards: Adjusted the crafting requirements for the Gulper Smacker’s Gulper Hand mod.


  • Corpse Highlighting: Fixed an issue in which only Meat Piles would display Corpse Highlights during certain events.
  • Corpse Highlighting: Fixed an issue that could prevent a corpse from displaying highlights.


  • Allies: Addressed an issue that could prevent Settler Forager from giving the player Daily Quests.
  • Mutations: Eagle Eyes now properly adds +50% critical hit damage, rather than +60%.
  • Perk Cards: Fixed an issue that could cause the fanfare and sound effects for the Super Duper Perk Card to play, even though the Perk hadn’t triggered.
  • Perk Cards: When the Stabilized and Awareness Perk Cards are equipped, reduction for all types of damage are now correctly displayed.


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