FO76TYM Banner EvictionNotice Crater 750x300

Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 1 апреля 2022 года. Версия патча 0.2.904.0. Размер обновления 590 Мб.


  • Firestarter Super Mutants: Reduced the number of Firestarter Super Mutants that spawn, added Experience when killed, and added Lead Scrap as enemy loot during the event.
  • Rad Scrubber: Enemies now walk toward the Rad Scrubber and begin attacking it as soon as it is activated.
  • Super Mutants:Fixed an issue that caused Super Mutants to auto-detect players in Eviction Notice.
  • Rewards: Increased Treasury Notes awarded to be between 3 and 5, Caps increased from 20 to 50, and Experience increased from 200 to 300.


  • Audio: Added “Intermission” music.
  • Enemies: Added Noxious Fog Crawlers into waves 3 and 4.
  • Enemies: Gulper Acid Gland item added to Acidic Gulpers.
  • Gulpershine: Rotated the bottle to display correctly.
  • Gulper Smacker: Minimum level changed to 15.
  • Mire Magic Moonshine: The Pip-Boy now correctly states the player receives a 50% damage bonus after drinking Mire Magic Moonshine.
  • Rewards: Added the Gulper Rug C.A.M.P. item to reward list. Increased Treasury Notes awarded to be between 3 and 5.
  • Vintage Mire Magic Moonshine: Effects reduced to 4 minutes, and now boosts Gulper Smacker damage by 100%.


  • Enemies: Fixed an issue causing enemies to instantly detect players using silenced weapons.
  • Items: Addressed an issue causing players to be unable to access the Terminal on most Collectron Stations.
  • Items: Purchasing the West Virginia Slot Machine with Gold Bullion now correctly states you are learning the West Virginia Slot Machine.
  • Items: «Calibrated Beta Wave Tuner» renamed to «Severe Beta Wave Tuner» for consistency. «Severe Beta Wave Tuner», «Refined Beta Wave Tuner», and «Tuned Beta Wave Tuner» adjusted to match mod effects on other weapons.


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