MS02QuestScript — технический файл, который относится к квесту «Нечеловеческий гамбит» и который можно посмотреть в G.E.C.K..
scn MS02QuestScript
- related scripts
- MS02IdQuestScript -- holds variables for which persona the Mechanist and AntAgonist are currently wearing
- The MS02Id stages get set whenever I want to make the Mechanist/AnAgonizer switch into their Super or Secret Identities
short init ;a "do once" to intialize variables in the GameMode block
- variables to hold AI data that I change during battle scene to keep them from fighting, and change back once they are in their lairs
short AntAgonizerAggresion
short AntAgonizerConfidence
short AntAgonizerAssistance
short MechanistAggresion
short MechanistConfidence
short MechanistAssistance
short AntAgonizerDamageResist
short MechanistDamageResist
short battleStage ;used to control say "conversation" during the initial battle scene -- set and checked by infos in MS02Confrontation topic
short battleStages ;how many lines are there in the batttle say "conversation" -- used to end the battle scene after they are done
short talking ;means someone is talking and is unset in SayToDone block or in the Result Script End of an info -- used to control the timing of say and sayTo functions
short battle ;0 = battle is cued to happen, 1= battle should play out, 2 = battle should end -- used on packages and set in this script
ref battleRef ;reference to the xMarker that is the center of the battle field
short distanceToBattle ;how close does the player need to be battleRef to start the battle rolling?
short RoeInfo ;1 = told about Mechanist or AntAgonizer, 2 = told about both (options up option to ask for more which gets player directed to Derek)
short DominicInfo
short MacheteInfo
short PorterInfo
short derekKnowledge ;1 = someone told player that Derek knows alot about the supers (used as condition in dialog)
short DerekSecret ;1 = derek told the player about the supers being his idea
short bailedOut ;0 = unset, 1 = one or both of the supers got into combat and so the battle scene ended prematurely
short battleDone ;1 = battle is done, and supers should escape
short mechanistEscaped ;1 = the mechanist has left the battle scene (used as condition on package and set by MS02MechanistEscape pack)
short antAgonizerEscaped ;1 = the AntAgonizer has left the battle scene (used as condition on package and set by MS02AntAgonizerEscape pack)
short mechanistRetired ;1 = he is retired, 2 = removed suit and is now wandering the wasteland until disabling
short antAgonizerRetired ;1 = he is retired, 2 = removed suit and is now wandering the wasteland until disabling
short AntAgonizerLeave ;set after she gets the Mechanist's suit, she walks out to the wasteland then disables so she's available for random encounter
short MechanistLeave ;set after he gets the AndAgonizer's suit, he walks out to the wasteland then disables so he's available for random encounter
short mechanistWantsSuit ;mechanist is going to go get the AntAgonizer suit, or demands it from the player if he has it
short antAgonizerWantsSuit ;AntAgonizer is going to go get the Mechanist suit, or demands it from the player if he has it
- Fred's variables for revisions
short DoublePay ;1 = the player convinced Roe to pay double.
short AntAgonizerName ;1 = the player knows the Ant Agonizer's name (which makes it possible to speech challenge her)
short AALair ;1 = the player has been told about the AntAgonizer's lair
short MLair ;1 = the player has been told about the Mechanist's lair
short MechanistWeakness ;1 = the player knows the Mechanist's "weakness" according to Derek, and can play off of it
short BattleOver ;1 = the battle has ended, all the creatures are dead.
short MechanistRaiding ;1 = the Mechanist is raiding the AntAtagonizer's lair, and attacking the player.
short AntAgonizerRaiding ;1 = the AntAtagonizer is raiding the Mechanist's lair, and attacking the player.
short AntOrigin ;1 = the player has read the MS02HubrisComicsNOTE letter to the editor and learned the original story of the Ant Agonizer
short SuitRetire ;0 or 1, for tracking which speech challenge the player is attempting during the "suit" conversation
short MechRetireTried ;0 = player has not tried to get the Mechanist to retire, 1 = player has tried and failed.
short KilledBefore ;Set if the player kills the supers before getting a chance to accept the quest. If so, then Roe will reward the player when he speaks with them.
short MDoOnce ;Set to disable the Mechanist when he flees
short AADoOnce ;Set to disable the AntAgonizer when she flees
- Super resolutions
short AADead ;Is AntAgonizer dead?
short AARetired ;Is AntAgonizer retired?
short AALeft ;Did AntAgonizer leave?
short MDead
short MRetired
short MLeft
- short mechanistSuspected ;1 = Derek told the player, 2 = player saw him actually put on/take off the suit
- short antAgonizerSuspected ;1 = Derek told the player, 2 = player saw him actually put on/take off the suit
- short mechanistExposed ;1 = player knows he's the super, and the super will talk to him as if he was wearing his suit (he'll ask the player for help defeating his nemesis, etc.)
- short antAgonizerExposed ;1 = player knows he's the super, and the super will talk to him as if he was wearing his suit (he'll ask the player for help defeating his nemesis, etc.)
- short mechanistWontTalk ;1 = won't talk to the player any more (player tried forcing him to give up the suit and has bad karma)
- short antAgonistWontTalk ;1 = won't talk to the player any more (player tried forcing him to give up the suit and has bad karma)
- short townTalkedAboutBattle ;1 = someone in town talked about the super battle... this is so that the first person the player talked to will talk about it, but not all the towns people greetings will rehash it
- -------------------------------------------------
Begin GameMode
if init == 0
set battleRef to xMS02BattleCenter
set distanceToBattle to 3500
set battleStages to 9
;store starting AI data and set them up for non-combat for the battle scene:
set AntAgonizerAggresion to AntAgonizerRef.getAV Aggression
set AntAgonizerConfidence to AntAgonizerRef.getAV Confidence
set AntAgonizerAssistance to AntAgonizerRef.getAV Assistance
set MechanistAggresion to MechanistRef.getAV Aggression
set MechanistConfidence to MechanistRef.getAV Confidence
set MechanistAssistance to MechanistRef.getAV Assistance
;set AntAgonizerDamageResist to AntAgonizer.getAV DamageResist
;set MechanistDamageResist to Mechanist.getAV DamageResist
AntAgonizerRef.setAV Aggression 0
AntAgonizerRef.setAV Confidence 0
AntAgonizerRef.setAV Assistance 0
MechanistRef.setAV Aggression 0
MechanistRef.setAV Confidence 0
MechanistRef.setAV Assistance 0
AntAgonizerRef.modAV Health 500
MechanistRef.modAV Health 500
;showWarning "Init set"
set init to 1
;Control the Battle Scene:
if battle == 0
if player.getDistance battleRef < distanceToBattle ;battleref is reference variable set in "init block" above
;start the battle scene - begin with taunting
;just in case:
;showWarning "Trigger"
set battle to 1
;The AI data is set back to normal in the MS02XXXEscape On End result script
elseif battle == 1
;end the scene if the supers are done taunting each other, or if they get into combat (ie does the player start shooting at them)
if MechanistRef.IsInCombat == 1
За кулисами[]
И хотя я не уверен, какая часть Хьюбрис Комикс была удалена (поскольку каждый квест и подземелье претерпели множество изменений), я в то время также работал над „Нечеловеческим гамбитом“ и писал различные письма на терминалах — те, что открывают возможность секретного диалога с НеМирмикой. Так что я подозреваю, что написал несколько вещей для этой локации и хотел связать их с несколькими моими квестами.Фред Зелени[1]