
MIS Z27 Speech.txt — диалоговый файл локации Fallout Tactics.


// Speech File for Unique Mission 27 - Evereddy Bunny
// Version 1.0
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
// This is a somewhat eerie setting, with one bunny, then another, and finally
// as many bunnies as we can get on screen without slow-down. Then, they turn
// nasty. Each bunny has a microfusion cell in its inventory.

// Name: Evereddy Bunny
// Role: It keeps going and going.

name_CORE_evereddy = { Кролик Энерджайзер}
desc_CORE_evereddy = { Всё идёт … и идёт}

// Situation A00: Floating text for Evereddy
MZ27_Evereddy_A00 = { Все идёт…}
MZ27_Evereddy_A01 = { …и идёт.}

За кулисами[]

Данный текстовый файл был написан Дэниэлом Левином[1].


  1. Интервью с Aisur'ом: My main job is to write all the dialogue for the game but I also do mission design, storyline and movie/cut scenes with the other designers (Ed Olson of Micro Forte and Fallout Guru Chris Taylor