Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 18 октября 2024 года.
Версия патча 0.2.1621.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось. Подробности приведены ниже.
PTS Update — 10/18[]
Patch Notes[]
- Mothman and Ogua bait names now show correctly in the player’s inventory.
- Cryptid will no longer spawn during caravan if the bait in the players inventory is destroyed.
- Added dialog to indicate that the initial Sheepsquatch bait provided by Windy only works on Large caravans.
Collector Murmrgh
- Known Issue: We’ve identified an issue where Legendary Weapons and Armor are not being dropped from Collector Murmrgh’s crates.
Combat Balancing[]
- The cooldown of evade effects now scales based on how much damage was avoided.
- Added additional information about Damage Types and Damage over Time effects to the Help menu.
Tesla Cannon
- Base damage of Tesla Cannon increased by 30 damage.
- Ammo capacity increased from 50 to 60.
Tesla Cannon Mods
- Spark Gap Series Mods: No changes.
- Solid State Series Mods: Decrease AP cost for VATS and increases damage more than the Spark-Gap Series.
- Triple Resonant-Oscillator: Damage decreased by 10. Ammo cost increased from 5 to 6.
Creature Balancing[]
Balance adjustments for the Thrasher:
- Increased melee attack damage especially at higher levels.
- Decreased Sonic Gobble attack damage at lower levels.
- Now weakest to fire damage and resistant to radiation, energy, and poison damage.
The Thrasher has also received similar health and resistance changes that other creatures have obtained over the past few patches. We expect the Thrasher to be more dangerous up close but take less damage to kill.
- Updated the recipe for Dirt Pile to reflect the correct materials for crafting.
- Added a new category in Armor Workbenches for C.A.M.P. Pet Clothing.
- Updated the C.A.M.P. Pet Commands images to include a cat and dog.
- Dev Note: The middle wheel image is still Dogmeat. This will be addressed in a future update.
- Cat now meows correctly at the «speak» command.
The Gleaming Depths[]
- Spectator Mode will target a live player by default.
- New VFX added to the Ultracite Terror Tail Smash and death animations.
- Known Issue: The Ultracite Terror’s final attack causes the hood of the creature to become distorted.
- Left D-Pad has been set to the Ping Button. Pressing and Holding the Left D-Pad button will now quick swap weapons.
- Known Issue: The Quick Swap may not work for some players.
Inside the Vault — Gleaming Depths Public Test Server.