FO76 LHERO Fallout Patch56

Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 11 октября 2024 года.

Версия патча 0.2.1615.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось. Подробности приведены ниже.

PTS Update — 10/11[]

Patch Notes[]

The Gleaming Depths[]

  • Fixed a bug where EN06 Guardian (first encounter) and Ultracite Terror (final encounter) could take more damage to individual body parts than intended.
  • Fixed an instance where players would crash while in Spectator mode when the encounter completes.
  • Added Cooking and Chemistry stations to breakrooms.
  • Dev Note: You can bake a pie in the Raid now!
  • 4-Star Legendary Weapons and Armor now appear on the new Rewards Screen.
  • Higher Value rewards are filtered to the top.
  • Fixed an issue that kept players stuck in Spectator Mode.
  • Reward Screen now shows item previews.
  • Known Issue: 4-Star Legendary reward descriptions have small text.
  • Increased the amount of contextual ammo and other rewards that are granted on encounter completion.
  • Spectator Cam message has been added explaining that the player is currently dead and must wait for the encounter to end.
  • Known Issue: The «You Are Dead» message may remain when players respawn.
  • Spectator Cam button bar now reads «Leave Raid» instead of «Respawn».
  • Gleaming Depths Map Marker now reads «Fast Travel» instead of «Join Raid».
  • The Stalker no longer breaks your armor when their attacks land.
  • Known Issue: The Stalker is missing the Drill Fist.
  • The Drill can no longer be healed with the Medics legendary mod.
  • Condition checks have been improved to prevent players from skipping encounters.
  • Encounter timer stops when the encounter is completed instead of when the reward screen appears.
  • The Gleaming Depths quest can be untracked in the Pip-Boy.
  • Fixed a soft lock on party wipe during Ultracite Terror final attack.


  • Lifegiver
  • Fixed an issue where having this Perk could regenerate HP.
  • Action Boy/Girl
  • Fixed a display issue for the AP Regen under Effects.
  • Born Survivor
  • Fixed an issue where all ranks used the 20 % threshold.


  • Speed Demon
  • Fixed reload speed not being displayed.
  • Bird Bones
  • Fixed fall speed not being displayed.
  • Marsupial
  • Fixed jump height not being displayed.
  • Herd Mentality
  • Active effect is now displayed rather than the Serum description.
  • Empath
  • Fixed display issue where the positive effect would be lowered instead of the negative, and the positive effect was not reflecting the Stranger in Numbers bonus.
  • Herbivore & Carnivore
  • Adjusted description to be more readable.
  • Unstable Isotope
  • Added more information about the effects.
  • Electrically Charged
  • Added more information about the effects.
  • Changed damage type to Energy.

C.A.M.P. Pets[]

  • Fixed a bug that caused cats to not animate properly after interacting with it.


  • Players are now able to trade with Ineke and Theo to receive their tier rewards.
  • Player is now able to buy and build floor variant of Persian Rug from Ineke.

Known Issues:

  • Ogua and Mothman bait names are swapped in Windy’s bait selection. Opposite cryptid will spawn.
  • Player is not given cryptid bait after selecting the Charisma option during Windy’s quiz.

Combat Balancing[]

Updated loot for Weapon-Using Creatures (Raiders, Blood Eagles, Cultists, Mole Miners, Super Mutants, Scorched, and Lost):

  • 20 % chance to drop the player version of whichever weapon the enemy had equipped.
  • When not dropping a weapon, Junk items will be dropped instead.
  • This scales with level up to level 50.
  • Dev Note: Level scaling on dropped Junk was also in the prior PTS update, but we wanted to mention it here for clarity.
  • Increased amount of Steel that can be dropped.
  • Added Ballistic Fiber (rare) and Rubber to the Junk list.
  • The current list of possible scrap items that these Junk items can yield is as follows: Adhesive, Aluminum, Antiseptic, Asbestos, Ballistic Fiber, Bone, Cloth, Coppper, Cork, Crystal, Fiber Optics, Fiberglass, Gear, Glass, Gold, Lead, Leather, Oil, Plastic, Rubber, Screw, Silver, Spring, Steel, Wood.
  • Made some adjustments to the counts for non-steel Junk items.
  • Different kinds of Junk items will lean towards dropping from certain creature types (Raider, Cultist, Blood Eagle, Super Mutant, etc.)
  • Dev Note: This is WIP and will probably be further adjusted later.
  • When not dropping a weapon, Caps are also dropped. This scales up with level up to level 50.
  • Enemies will also drop the player version of whichever grenade they had equipped.
  • Dev Note: This occurs independently of whether the enemy drops a weapon or Junk.
  • Addressed an issue where Raiders wouldn’t drop Stimpaks and Pre-War Money.
  • Addressed an issue where some enemies (particularly Scorched and Raiders) were restricted to dropping a lower count of items than expected.
  • Dev Note: This change was in the prior PTS update.
  • Adjusted the scrap yield for the following items: Adjustable Wrench, Alarm Clock, Ball-Peen Hammer, Baseball Glove, Bone Cutter, Bonesaw, Broken Light Bulb, Broom, Cafeteria Tray, Cake Pan, Colander, Combination Wrench, Cooking Pot, Dinner Plate, Empty Blood Pack, Empty Coolant, Enamel Bucket, Femur, Fishing Rod, Gear, Giddyup Buttercup Back Leg, Ladle, Left Foot Bones, Left Hand Bones, Microscope, Military Ammo Bag, Plunger, Restored Desk Fan, Right Foot Bones, Right Hand Bones, Rusty Canister, Skull, Surgical Tray, Test Tube Rack, Used Oil Can, Wrench.
  • Dev Note: This also affects these loot items in all other cases where they can be found.


Inside the Vault — Gleaming Depths Public Test Server.
