
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 24 июля 2024 года.

Версия патча 0.2.1548.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось. Подробности приведены ниже.

PTS Update Notes - 7/24[]

Legendary Crafting[]

  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect amount of Scrip was being deducted during crafting


The following weapons and a few mods have received buffs as a result of fixing an issue that led to them doing less damage than intended:* Acidic Gulper Smacker

  • Chainsaw Flamer
  • Crossbow Flaming Frame
  • Plasma Cutter Flaming Blade
  • Burning Mods for the Sheepsquatch Staff
  • Warglaive Flaming Blade
  • Sledgehammer Heavy Searing Sharp Rocket
  • Auto Axe Burning and Poisoned Mods
  • Flaming Mods for Pitchfork
  • Alien Disintegrator Poison Receiver
  • Baseball Bat Heated Mods
  • Electro Enforcer Poisoned Mod

The following weapons have had their damage values adjusted:

  • Poisoned Sheepsquatch Club
  • Crusader Pistol Pyro Receiver
  • Heating Coil mod for the Power Fist
  • Perfect Storm 10mm SMG
  • Burning Love Compound Bow
  • Adjustments to Beta/Gamma mods for Laser weapons - these now are tuned similarly to other mods with Fire damage and include a DoT (Damage over Time) effect
  • Adjustments to Beta/Gamma mods for Gatling Laser weapons - these now are tuned similarly to other mods with Fire damage and include a DoT effect
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Poison aura on the Strangler Heart Power Armor from affecting nearby enemies
  • Adjusted the Poison damage dealt by the Strangler Heart Power Armor
  • Adjusted the damage dealt by the Thorn armor
  • Adjustments to how damage increases from Perks are applied - this will generally result in an increase in damage dealt to targets with higher resistances, especially for DoT effects
  • Melee weapon Dot damage now scales with strength
  • Fixed an issue with Grenadier perk that resulted in explosions scaling up to twice as large as intended
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some explosions to be scaled smaller or larger than intended
  • Newly Added 7/26: Effects which increase explosion damage (Demolition Expert, etc.) should now increase the damage dealt by DoT effects from explosions


  • Adjusted the Legendary Creature spawn rate for the Eviction Notice public event
  • Dev Note: Our goal with this change is to make the rewards gained from completing Eviction Notice more consistent with other Public Events


  • Items will indicate if they count as a costume when inspected
  • Weapons will indicate classification information when inspected

Known Issues[]


  • If the server already has four caravans running, no error will display alerting the player that road is full. Marley will still take the 1000 caps
  • Marley does not indicate the difference between a large and small caravan shipment price
  • Ineke may spawn inconsistently, either needing players to exit and re-enter the HQ or hire another vendor to appear
  • When playing with saved character files, players may not be able to start a 4th caravan on the map, despite the road being available. This happens less frequently with new characters
  • Buying cryptid bait from Windy may not have an effect on a caravan run
  • Player may not be able to interact with junk scattered throughout the HQ
  • Theodore sells individual rounds of ammo instead of bulk packs
  • Axel’s scavenger functionality does not trigger

Mischief Night[]

  • Firework boxes do not respawn when the next iteration of the event starts.
  • Fireworks may deal a significant amount of damage, instantly killing the player.
  • Event themed Protectrons and Assaultrons do not drop loot.
  • Destroy the Rapidan Robots will get very little bar progress if you don't get the costume bonus.


  • Flairs may not appear on Deathclaw backpack


Inside the Vault - Milepost Zero Public Test Server.
