
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 11 июля 2024 года.

Версия патча 0.2.1538.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось.



Have you ever wondered what was the hottest item at your C.A.M.P. Vendor or what would be a good price for an item? Well, your problems are solved with a Vendor History log, which is accessible from the Paper Map or your vendor. This log will show you what items were sold, for what price, the time, and the gamertag from your customers.

The Vendor History log only stores transactions that happen during your current play session. After your session ends the log will be cleared so you receive a fresh log when you start playing again.


Right outside of Vault 76 you’ll find a fancy-looking locker with a chalkboard next to it. This is the Playtest Server Item Locker which will be used to deliver items to Vault Dwellers that we would like your feedback on. It may be empty for now, but it won’t be for long. Be on the lookout for more news in the future!


  • Fixed some descriptions having incorrect or duplicated information
  • Fixed some items showing the "Add Legendary Mods" slot when they cannot have Legendary Mods
  • Fixed Legendary crafted Power Armor remaining tradeable
  • Dev Note: Reminder! Legendary crafted items are untradeable and not droppable
  • Fixed weapons with Legendary STR not being scrapable
  • Fixed Tire Iron and Walking Cane not being able to be Legendary crafted
  • Fixed a case where some items would not be able to have a Legendary Mod crafted onto them when they should allow it
  • Added Lightweight 3-Star Legendary Mod for weapons
  • Dev Note: Weightless 1-star mod can no longer be used to make Lightweight weapons
  • SPECIAL 2-star armor mods now give +2
  • SPECIAL 3-star weapon mods now give +3
  • Fixed not being able to scrap The Fixer and Vault 94 armor sets
  • Fixed learn chance for Legendary Mods being lower than intended
  • Adjusted the chance to get loose Legendary Mods
  • Dev Note: You can still get multiple loose mods from scrapping a single item
  • Lowered the weight of Legendary Particles
  • Module cost to add Legendary Mods to items has been reduced to 5/10/15 from 10/20/30


  • Adjusted stat scaling of Vaccinated, Iron Stomach, Thirst Quencher, and Natural Resistance


  • Fixed a display issue in the Pip-Boy effects tab
  • Fixed an issue where some icons were incorrect in the Pip-Boy effects tab


  • Fixed a server crash
  • Fixed instances where some unique named items would lose Legendary Mods
  • Fixed an issue with food buffs


Inside the Vault - Milepost Zero Public Test Server.
