FO76 PTS Fallout Storm

Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 16 мая 2024 года.


Версия патча 0.2.1490.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось.


  • Removed a hidden -50% damage debuff from all two-handed automatic melee weapons
  • The following mods now add 60% elemental damage and reduces physical damage by 40%:


- Auto Axe

- Mr. Handy Buzz Blade

- Chinese Officer Sword

- Shepherds Crook

- Sheep Squatch Staff

- Sheep Squatch Club

- Hatchet

- Assaultron Blade

- Revolutionary Sword

- Baton

- Vault 63 Shock Baton


- Auto Axe

- Chainsaw


- Auto Axe

  • Chainsaw Dual Bar mod damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
  • Minigun Shredder mod damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
  • Increase the unmodded damage of the auto axe by 20%
  • Cattle Prod now does a split of physical and energy damage and does 20% more damage in total


  • Union Power Armor should now be craftable by players who have the recipe

Dev Note: PTS Players, we would like your assistance in testing our latest fix for the Union Power Armor crafting topic.

The armor should now be craftable for those who have bought and learned the recipe from Giuseppe. Please note that due to technical limitations, players who earned the armor plans from Season 10 will not be able to craft it on PTS.

When in the test server, you should see the recipes available from Giuseppe if you have not already learned them. After they are purchased, they will no longer be available. Additionally, the armor will no longer drop as loot, but they can be found via the random Power Armor Purchases from Murmrgh at The Rusty Pick. You should expect to only see Union Power Armor Pieces that you know how to craft drop from Purveyor’s Mystery Picks.

Union Power Armor pieces will still have the Atomic Symbol on them and cannot be traded or dropped by players once they have been obtained.

  • Powerhouse of the Cell: Players are now notified the serums cannot be injected while in Power Armor
  • Powerhouse of the Cell: Fixed an issue where the serums could not be injected in certain conditions
  • Powerhouse of the Cell: Hallucinations now vanish correctly when the effect ends
  • Oldest Trick in the Book: The "Kill Cultists Standing Guard" objective has been removed
  • An Unlikely Invitation: Minimum level requirement has been changed from 20 to 25, so newly emerging dwellers are not presented with the quest immediately
  • An Unlikely Invitation: Quest stages are no longer skipped if a player joins a team where the leader has made further progress
  • Seeking Shelter: Fixed timing issues with Audrey's dialogue
  • Double-Crossed Wires & Oldest Trick in the Book: Fixed an issue where Hugo could be hard to find if partial progress was made on both quests.
  • Dangerous Pastimes: [Start Event] has been added to the dialogue interaction
  • Eye of the Storm: Fixed an issue where the boss battle could become soft locked
  • Neurological Warfare: Storm Goliath no longer spawns parts on the ground
  • Neurological Warfare: Fixed an issue where the Storm Goliath attacks were not triggering certain perks correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Margaret's voice could be heard in various areas


Fallout 76: Skyline Valley PTS Update Notes - May 16, 2024.
