
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 4 мая 2024 года. Версия патча 0.2.1479.0. Описание было приведено в дискорд канале .Описание патча официально не переводилось.

Hello there.

Quick update for you all from the dev team:

> We have temporarily disabled the blast door at Hawksbill Weather Station, as it was blocking quest progress for Between the Lines. As a side effect, the quest marker may not appear during the "Go to the Vault 63 Meteorology Sector" stage, however, players can still progress by traveling to Hawksbill in the Northwest of Skyline Valley, and entering the white vault door to the right of the Power Armor Station.

We'll let you know of any further updates. Cheers for all your great feedback so far!
