Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 2 мая 2024 года. Версия патча 0.2.1478.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось.
Join the Public Test Server for the Skyline Valley Update! Explore the newly expanded map that takes you deep into the wooded heartland of Skyline Valley.
Reward Functionality
- New C.A.M.P. rewards may display issues with destructibility in C.A.M.P.s, tradability with vendors, destructibility on drop, stashing in non-stash containers, and/or being unlocked prematurely in workshops.
Reward Preview in Workshop Menu
- Thumbnails of new rewards may appear over zoomed in when viewing them in workshop menu.
Event: Neurological Warfare
- Collision on Balcony – When waiting for Neurological Warfare to start in the “Robot Testing Waiting Area”, players can jump through part of ceiling asset on the balcony.
- Lighting on Balcony – While waiting for Neurological Warfare to start in the “Robot Testing Waiting Area”, lighting may flicker along the west of the balcony.
- Event Image – Placeholder loading screen is present when players join event from map.
- When waiting for Neurological Warfare to start in the “Robot Testing Waiting Area”, players can jump through part of ceiling asset on the balcony.
- While waiting for Neurological Warefare to start in the “Robot Testing Waiting Area”, lighting may flicker along the west of the balcony.
- Placeholder loading screen is present when players join the event.
Event: Dangerous Pastimes
- Dangerous Pastimes event has no potential rewards listed in the event information pop-up.
- Rewards Information: Dangerous Pastimes event has no potential rewards listed in the event information tooltip.
Camp Liberty
- Graphical Issues – Players may be able to see enemies and environmental assets appearing in and out inconsistently when looking inside the main camp building. This has been reported when viewing from the north or eastern sides.
Quest: Powerhouse of the Cell
- When playing on a team, teammates are not able to progress through a laser grid door leading to Hilda’s office.
Quest: Double Crossed Wires
- Player can collect Unusual Fungi item before prompted to do so, leading to a progression blocker.
Quest: Oldest Trick in the Book
- When playing on a team, teammates are not able to wear the cultist garments outfit with team leader.
- If you choose to give the book to Alex, the explosion animation may not appear.
Quest: Eye of the Storm
- When playing on a team, teammates are not able to progress through a laser grid door to leading to the final fight area.
- Moe the Mole Posters will appear as learned despite not earning the recipe.
- Deathclaw backpack will appear as learned despite not earning the recipe.
- Vault 63 Entrance: Players may see the cave entrance appearing and disappearing when walking towards it.
Camp Liberty
- Players may be able to see enemies and environmental assets appearing in and out inconsistently when looking inside the main camp building. This has been reported when viewing from the north or eastern sides.
Inside the Vault - Skyline Valley PTS.