Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 3 ноября 2023 года. Версия патча 0.2.1343.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось.
- Rebalanced the number, and difficulty, of enemy encounters in both «Tax Evasion» and «The Most Sensational Game»
- Fixed a bug that would see «The Twins» revived when backtracking through the Boardwalk after «The Most Sensational Game»
- Revised placement for Sal during his involvement in «Tax Evasion», and adjusted some of his dialogue
- Balanced and verified rewards for both missions
- Additional refinement to streamline mission objectives on «Tax Evasion»
- Added proper quest fanfare art for «Tax Evasion» and «The Most Sensational Game»
- Resolved some issue around Billy Beltbuckles getting into combat with the Showmen during «Tax Evasion»
- Changed the hold button for tracking new quests- It is now Dpad Down on controller and G on keyboard. This allows players to freely open the map, but will block emoting while the quest tracker is on-screen
- Miscellaneous quests will no longer trigger the Quest Available Fanfare
- Main Quests can now trigger the Quest Available fanfare if they are not set to auto track
- Resolved some areas where the player could become stuck in the Casino
- Adjusted the placement of some objects and furniture in the Casino, for better player interaction
- Adjusted the activation zone on the «Inconspicuous Assets»
- Fixed a number of visual issues in the Casino Quarter area
- Fixed bugs with «unresponsive» furniture inside the Casino
- Fixed some stair navigation issues for actors inside the Casino
- Tato Grenades should have improved visuals and no longer bounce
- Adjusted recipes and build limits for building Casino games in Workshop
- Fixed an issue with Overgrown missile explosions not playing
- Fixed numerous Workshop placement issues around new items
- Fixed several minor cosmetic issues with Overgrown style weapon skins
- Fixed a bug around placing a Care Package at Settler’s Ridge
- The Plan for the Vault Tec survival backpack should now be tradeable
- Players no longer get a free Small Vault-Tech Survival backpack when crafting a Small Backpack
- The Small Vault-tec survival backpack now properly changes names when a different skin is applied
- Vault Tec Survival Backpack now correctly displays if its Small
- Moved Recipe: Small Backpack from the Overseer’s Cache in Morgantown to the cache at the Overseer’s Camp near the Wayward.