
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 14 июля 2023 года. Версия патча 0.2.1260.0. Размер патча 791 Мб. Описание патча официально не переводилось и было описано неколькими сообщениями комьюнити-менеджера Деванн Маккарти на официальном дискорд канале Bethesda Game Studios.

Happy Friday!! A few things today, the PTS is being updated with a new build this afternoon! There's a pretty cool fix in there you've been asking about for a while...
--- LadyDevann
Happy Friday!! Y'all ready for a new version of the PTS today??
--- LadyDevann
We're bringing the PTS back online this afternoon! Shooting for around 12 pm ET..... and hooooo buddy do we have something in this for you. It rhymes with... smast smavel smix .... bast bavel bix... dast davel???
--- LadyDevann
Did I say 12 pm ET?? What I really meant to say was a vague "sometime this afternoon" 😅 We've hit a few snags uploading the new build, but don't worry! We've got about 15 mole rats in the generator room powering the wifi and I'm gonna head out into the wasteland for a few more.... maybe a brood mother? Or who knows! Maybe I'll catch me a Deathclaw!
I'll update everyone here as soon as the PTS is ready to go!
--- LadyDevann


We’re releasing a new version of our PTS today with numerous bug fixes and improvements. Notably, you will now have a copy of your character from the live game to play with, and for now, we have disabled loadout selection while we continue to evaluate feedback from you.

  • Building: The Blue Ridge Truck Trailer is now in the correct location with other trailers in the build menu.
  • Crafting: Fixed an issue with the girded mod disappearing from the craftable mods list.
  • Crafting: Fixed an issue with loose mods not applying in the default modification view
  • Crafting: Fixed and issue where crafting quantities were listed twice
  • Fast Travel: Addressed an issue where players would fail to Fast Travel to a location after selecting it on the map.
  • Fast Travel: Addressed multiple instances where the player would be shown incorrect Fast Travel information when attempting to Fast Travel to a new location.
  • Perk Cards: Players can now open multiple Perk Card Packs, and we’ve added a slider to choose how many Packs to open at once.
  • Perks: Taking One for the Team now applies correctly in the edge case players in a party get hit at the same time.
  • Perks: The Ninja Perk Card now accurately describes its behavior.
  • Quests: Invisible Ties now points to Momma Dolce’s instead of Vault 76 to find Liberators.
  • Quests: Robots in the Most Wanted event no longer spawn at a single point and become locked inside the outhouse.
  • Vault 76: Fixed an issue causing multiple loading screens while leaving Vault 76.
  • Vault 76: fixed an issue where players would lose items they picked up inside Vault 76 after leaving.
  • Vault 76: Fixed an issue where leaving the server while in Vault 76 would lock the camera POV
  • Weapons: The Auto-Axe can now be repaired at Weapons Workbenches.

Thanks for your participation in the PTS! We look forward to bringing you these changes and many more to the live game this summer.
