Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 9 мая 2023 года. Версия патча 0.2.1203.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось.
Here is a high-level list of today’s build updates.
- The format of some mod properties, like Recoil, has been changed based on feedback.
- The Cryo mods on the Bow and Crossbow now add Cryo Damage
- Added missing mods properties to the “Gyro Compensating Mod” on the Ultracite Laser Pistol
- The Endangerol mod for the Syringer now works correctly.
- Weapons now display their damage per projectile damage times the number of projectiles.
- Show differences for Values being removed from armor while modding.
- Blue Moon Unique Weapons now allow for modding and Re-Rolling legendaries. They cannot have their paint changed. (Note The Branding Iron and Cultist Piercer have not received this change yet but will in a later update.)
Thank you very much for your participation in the PTS, we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!
Fallout 76 once in a Blue Moon PTS highlights and update log.