Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 1 мая 2023 года. Версия патча 0.2.1194.0. Описание патча официально не переводилось.
Check out today’s update notes!
- Ogua: The Ogua now enters his shell from any point, not just after 50% health.
- Blue Devil: The Blue Devil now howls when at any health level, and that howl fears the player.
- Crafting: Crafted items that have random Legendary mods now state that when crafting.
- Mods: The Weightless Legendary mod now applies to the entire item weight. - Mods: The Sheepsquatch Burning mod now deals fire damage over time.
- Mods: The following items and mods now correctly deal fire damage instead of energy damage: Perfect Storm, Burning Love.
- Mods: Fixes to some mods not showing the “Automatic” description.
- Mods: Changed the formatting of some mod descriptions based off PTS player feedback.
- Mods: The Legendary mod Anti-Armor now works correctly. (This was observed in the PTS only.)
- Paints: The Tricentennial Paint for the Hatchet no longer increases the items weight.
- View: The capacity of a weapons magazine now shows on the Item stats.
- View: The firing mode of a weapon now shows in the Item stats when crafting/inspecting.
- View: We’ve removed the descriptions from throwing weapons that do not apply to them.
- View: The Garb of Mysteries and Blade of Bastet have updated descriptions when the Eye of Ra is worn.
Thank you very much for your participation in the PTS, we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!
Fallout 76 once in a Blue Moon PTS highlights and update log.