
Описание патча для Fallout 76 Public Test Server от 28 октября 2022 года. Версия патча 0.2.1054.0. Размер обновления ? Гб.


Today’s PTS update brings hundreds of bug fixes big and small! Read on for a summary of the major highlights below.


- Instances: Players will now be kicked out of an instance when the Team Leader leaves.

- Expeditions: Fixed a potential control lock issue when joining a player’s Expedition from the paper map.

- Expeditions: From Ashes to Fire: Optional objective to rescue the helpless survivors will no longer re-appear on re-entering the mission after it's failed once.


- Rewards : Addressed an issue causing Rewards to be delayed.

- Rewards : All Nuka-World on Tour event plans can now be dropped and traded amongst players.

- Rewards : Learning plans for certain weapons and armor now allows them to appear in loot.

- Rewards : The Thirst Zapper can now be repaired, loses durability when shooting, and now correctly fires from the muzzle. Additionally, now when scrapped the Thirst Zapper has a chance to teach its recipe.

- Rewards: Whacker Smacker Paint can now be reapplied to the weapon after it’s removed.

- Shelters: Repair All now repairs structures inside Shelters.

- Nuka-Cade: Fixed an issue causing Tier 5 of the Nuka-Cade prizes to disappear after learning one of the plans, and a separate issue causing a false error notification of not having enough points to claim a prize.

- Weapons: The Poisoned Alien Blaster now correctly does not poison Trogs, who are resistant to poison.

- Weapons: Weaponized Nuka-Cola Quantum and Nuka-Cherry Ammo can now be placed in the ammo Storage Locker.

- NPC's: Fixed an issue where some players may not be able to trade with Chloe the Clown.

Most Wanted[]

- Gameplay: Addressed an issue that could cause the event to not end after defeating the Sheriff.

- Gameplay: Gold Varmints now count towards the Liberator Challenges.

- Gameplay: Failing the event no longer grants rewards.

- Rewards: Players will now receive Nuka-Cade points upon event completion.

- Rewards: Gunther’s Big Iron now uses Ultracite .45 Ammunition when modded with the prime receiver.

Seismic Activity[]

- Gameplay: Players can now deal melee damage to the Ultracite Titan.

- Gameplay: Ultracite Crystals, Mounds, and other event specific decorations now get removed upon completion. Additionally, the rain now stops and natural weather patterns continue after event completion.

- Rewards : Event completion now grants NukaCade points.

Spin The Wheel[]

- Rewards : Players now receive the correct amount of XP upon completion, and players who did not participate in the event will no longer receive event completion rewards when on a team with an active team member participant.

Tunnel of Love[]

- Gameplay : Fixed respawn timers when dying during the Tunnel of Love event.

- Gameplay: Mr. Lovely no longer immediately disappears after event completion.

- Rewards: Scope mods can no longer be applied to Burning Love Bow.

- Rewards: Players now receive Legendary Cores for event completion.

What Slept Beneath[]

- Items: Fixed an issue where quest items would be removed from containers when another player enters the arena.

Thank you very much for your participation in the PTS, we’re looking forward to hearing what you think!


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