While Follows-Chalk is in your party, reaching any summit in Zion Valley (such as ranger stations) will reveal all nearby map markers and inspire a heightened state of awareness (+3 PER) for three minutes.
Quando Follows-Chalk se encontra na party do Courier, alcançando qualquer cume em Zion (como as ranger substations) irá revelar todos os marcadores de mapa próximos, e inspirar um senso elevado de consciência (Perception +3) por três minutos. A área de gatilho para este perk é geralmente perto do ponto de viagem rápida.
Some kind of view up here, neh? If you know how to look, you can spot all kinds of landmarks from up here. Look, I'll show you.
Black Widow/Lady Killer ·Cherchez La Femme/Confirmed Bachelor ·Friend of the Night ·Heave Ho! ·Hunter ·In Shining Armor ·Intense Training ·Junk Rounds ·Light Touch ·Old World Gourmet ·Rapid Reload ·Retention ·Swift Learner
Abominable ·Animal Control ·The Bear-Slayer ·Beautiful Beatdown ·Brainless/Big Brained ·Bug Stomper ·Camel of the Mojave ·Coin Operator ·Day Tripper ·Dead Man's Burden ·Dine and Dash ·Divide Survivor ·DNAgent ·DNAvenger ·Elijah's Ramblings ·Fast Times ·Free Radical ·Friendly Help ·Ghost Hunter ·Heartless/Cardiac Arrest ·Lonesome Road ·Lord Death ·Machine Head ·Marked ·Meat of Champions ·Melee Hacker ·Mutant Massacrer ·Power Armor Training ·Scourge of the East ·Set Lasers for Fun ·Sierra Madre Martini ·Spineless/Reinforced Spine ·Tough Guy