Tell-me-about de Aradesh
Tell me about é um recurso no Fallout, algo que foi originalmente planejado para Fallout 2 , mas cortado antes do lançamento do jogo. É uma opção de diálogo para NPCs (personagens não-jogáveis), onde ao se clicar no botão Tell me about' e digitar uma palavra, o NPC irá dar uma resposta baseada na palavra digitada.
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NPCs com Tell me about[]
Tell me abouts de Alya | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | |
Diana | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | |
Junktown | "They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." | |
Khans | "That's us, you lackey." | |
Petrox | "He collects our supplies." | |
Raider | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Tandi | "I don't know anyone by that name." | |
Tolya | "He is the cook." |
Tell me abouts de Aradesh | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Aradesh | "I am he. I lead this humble town of Shady Sands." | |
Claw | "Yes, yes, yes. It is a rumor of a monster created during the War." | |
Dharma | "Dharma was a great, religious man. You would do well to listen closely to his sayings." | |
Garl | "He leads the Khans. He is one of the most dangerous men that has ever set eyes on Shady Sands. He leads the raider clans with a heavy fist." (In Shady Sands) | |
Junktown | "Junktown lies south of here. Their merchants occasionally come to trade, but not often." | |
Khans | "Umm, yes, yes. The Khans are nastier then the Vipers, let me tell you. These barbarians attack from the southeast." | |
Lair | "No one knows for certain, but the packs seem to be coming from the northeast." | |
Raiders | "Ummm, um, um. Very bad. There are two bands of raiders that we know of. They call themselves the Vipers and the Khans." | |
Razlo | "Hmm, yes, yes. Razlo is our doctor. If it ails you, he can heal it. I would wager he is just a little north of here at this moment." | |
Scorpion, Scorpions | "Mean creatures, they are. Be careful of their tail. Their poison can be lethal if not looked after." | |
Seth | "A fine young man, Seth. Captain of our guards. He is likely to be at the Guard House." | |
Spear | "The Vipers and Khans both use spears. We know this from their attacks." | |
Station, Tower | "You will find it at the front of town. Seth will likely be there." | |
Tandi | "She is my daughter. It is she that makes this hard life worth living." | |
Vipers | "Be very careful with such as these. Raiders who are fanatically religious can be quite dangerous. No one here knows of their base." | |
Anything else | I don't know. | |
I can't really say I have heard of that. | ||
Hm, no. No, I have not heard of that. |
Butch Harris[]
Tell me abouts de Butch Harris | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Adytum | "Why? What've you heard? I heard it'd been ransacked, but no one knows who did it. But uh, I'm not worried. No one can take the Hub." "Well, it's the place where everyone goes to trade in the Boneyard. It's the only place civilized enough to do it." |
All, All-In-One | "Well, you . . . uh . . . you don't want to go there. The prices are really high and the quality's bad." | |
Angel's, Angels, Boneyard | "Well, it's a big ruined city to the south. The Children, the Followers and Adytum are there, along with all the gangs and stuff." | |
Apocalypse, Followers | "What do you want with them wackos? Jeez, all that peace preaching and tree hugging. Makes me sick." | |
Beth | "Uh, Beth's the manager of the Weapon Store. She hears lots of rumors, if you're into that kind of stuff." | |
Bob's, Bobs, Iguana | "Now there's some good eating. Bob's has got the best charred iguana this side of the desert." | |
Brotherhood, Steel | "I heard he's dead. What more do you need to know?" "Oh, they're a bunch of gun freaks up to the northwest. Really weird. They do make a damn fine weapon, though." |
Butch, Harris | "That's me. You blind or something?" | |
Caravans, Missing | "Three of my caravans have disappeared in the past month. At first I thought it was either the Water Merchants or the Crimson Caravan, but they've had disappearances too." | |
Cathedral | "Well, they run a big, ol' hospital on the southwest side of Downtown. Bunch of religious nuts, if you ask me." | |
Claw, Death, Deathclaw | "Uh, no I-I don't . . . Go talk to Beth, she knows more about that crap." | |
Caravans, Crimson | "You can find them over on the northwest edge of Downtown. They controlled the hospital before the Children moved in. Talk about trading the strange for the weird." | |
Daren, Hightower | "He heads the Water Merchants. Nasty, greedy bastard is what he is." | |
Darkwater, Killian | "Junktown? It's up north. Heard they're having some trouble, what with their mayor Killian getting killed and all." "He's the mayor of Junktown, that's all I know." |
Decker | "He's the owner of the Maltese Falcon over on the west side. I'd stay clear of him; he's not honest, like me." | |
Demetre, Romara | "He's the boss of the Crimson Caravan. If you ask me he's nuts." | |
Elder, Maxson | "He leads the Brotherhood. It's about all I know." | |
Falcon, Maltese, Nightclub | "The Maltese Falcon is a nightclub on the west side. Hope sings there. What a doll." | |
Glow, Hot | "The Glow is a radioactive pit way, way down south. Too much radiation for anyone to live there." | |
Greene, Justin | "Oh, he's the sheriff. But if you see a crime, report to me. Justin doesn't rule the roost around here." | |
Guns, Store, Weapon, Weapons | "Best prices on the best guns in town. Everyone says so, it's not just that I own it! Just trot out this door and make a right. You can't miss it." | |
Harold | "Old Harold? What do you want with that old mutant? He's in Old Town. Just ask there." | |
Heights | "It's over on the west side." | |
Jain | "Jain's the High Priestess of the Children of the Cathedral and sets up the hospital here in the Hub." | |
Jon, Zimmerman | "Last I heard, he's the mayor of Adytum." | |
Junk, Junktown | "Junktown? Yeah, I've been up north to that place a few times. Got some great booze." | |
Market | "It's where everybody trades. Smack dab middle of town." | |
Master | "I uh . . . heard stories, that's all. No truth to them." | |
Merchants, Merchant | "Those bastards. Daren Hightower thinks he owns the damn Hub, just because of the Water Tower." | |
Morpheus | "He heads up the Children of the Cathedral down in the Boneyard." | |
Old, Oldtown, Town | "Old Town's over on the east side. The skags hang out there." | |
Rutger | "Rutger's my assistant." | |
Thieves | "What a pain they are. We think their hideout's in Old Town, but we can't prove it." | |
Tower, Water | "It's south of the Merchant Market. The only source of water here and for a lot of the surrounding area. The Water Merchants own the damn thing." | |
Trader, Traders | "Don't you know where your own feet are?" | |
Underground | "Uh, no. Uh no, we don't talk about that." |
Tell me abouts de Cabbot | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Ancient, Order | "Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened." | |
Army, Master | "Hmm . . . I don't know. You might want to ask someone more important than me." | |
Brotherhood, War | "Whoa, that's a long story. Go to the library and talk to Vree. She'll be able to show you where the history CDs are." | |
Cabbot, Initiate | "Well, that's me." | |
Caravans, Merchants | "They trade with us for food and stuff. We give them weapons. They don't come around too often anymore, but uh, I don't know why." | |
Cathedral | "Uhh . . . I don't know anything about that." | |
Chip, Disks | "You should talk to Vree, I think. She'll tell ya' about 'em." | |
Elder | "General Maxson used to be Master Knight. I don't think he likes being High Elder much." | |
Elders | "They make all the decisions around here, from what we eat to what our duties are. And uh, they argue a lot, too. The High Elder seems to have to step in a lot." | |
Exodus | "The ancient Brotherhood came from some place far up north a long, long time ago. We call this the great Exodus. You can read about it more if you ask Vree in the library." | |
The Hub | "That's the town to the south, right? We get the merchants here all the time, but I've never been there myself. Gee, I wouldn't know what to do in a big city like that." | |
Knights | "Well, you see, they're the ones who want to become protectors of the Brotherhood. There's not many of them, but they train their whole lives to become Paladins." | |
Paladins | "You're making fun of me, aren't you? Good-bye!" | |
Rhombus | "The knights say he can be a tough taskmaster, but I don't personally, because uh, I'm studying under Vree to become a Scribe." | |
Scribes | "OK, well, scribes are the keepers of all the histories and the blueprints for the weapons we make. I just love books; that's why I want to be one . . . a Scribe, that is." | |
Vree | "She's the head of the Scribes. She's usually in the library. Go down into the basement and uh, it's on your right hand side." |
Tell me abouts de Curtis | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Aradesh | "He is the leader of our community, and a true hero. You can always find him at work in the communal hall." | |
Junktown | "It's 4-6 days to the southwest. Good trading occasionally, but more often than not, they try to stiff us." | |
Khans | "They are a lawless group who pretend to be some people from the far past." | |
Curtis | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Razlo | "Our Doctor. See him if you are hurt." | |
Seth | "He works with Aradesh to make sure we are safe." | |
Tandi | "She is the daughter of Aradesh. Some day she could lead us, but she must learn to temper her ways." |
Tell me abouts de Decker | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
All | "Just out the door and to the north. You can't miss it." | |
Beth | "She's in charge of the Weapons Store." | |
Butch | "Amusing. He considers himself the leader of the Far Go Traders. More of a figurehead, actually. He knows better than to interfere with my business." | |
Caravans, Missing | "Something is making the Far Go Traders' caravans disappear. I'd like to know the cause, since it does disrupt a piece of my business." | |
Cathedral | "An annoying organization. Soon they may need a demonstration in the management of power." | |
Crimson | "They used to control the hospital until the Children took over. Now they sit and brood in their warehouse - very strange. You will find them at the northwest end of the Merchant Market." | |
Daren | "He's the head of the Water Merchants." | |
Deathclaw | "Myths and legends. The Death Claw is supposedly a ghost or something." | |
Decker | "You have no need to know anything else about me." | |
Demetre | "He's the head of the Crimson Caravan." | |
Harold | "Harold's been around for some time. He's over in Old Town. A good source for certain types of information." | |
Heights | "Most merchants live there. Simply go west from here." | |
Jain | "She's presently the head of the Children of the Cathedral in the Hub. I've reason to believe that may change soon." | |
Justin | "He's the head of the police. Nice guy, if you like the straight arrow, honest type. Not like his father; now there was a loyal man." | |
Maltese | "My mother, finest woman I've ever known, gave me the idea for this, the finest entertainment establishment in all the Hub." | |
Market | "It's in the center of town." | |
Master | "One of the fabrications of the Children. He's supposedly some minor deity, or something." | |
Merchants | "They control the water. Go to the south end of the Merchant Market, you'll find them there." | |
Morpheus | "Morpheus is the head of the Children of the Cathedral. He resides down in the Boneyard." | |
Old | "Old Town takes up the entire east side. The skags live there." | |
Thieves' Guild | "They steal from the merchants and give to the poor, or some such nonsense. They are inconsequential to me. That old mutant, Harold would know more." |
Tell me abouts de Diana | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | |
Diana | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | |
Junktown | "They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." | |
Khans | "That's us, you lackey." | |
Petrox | "He collects our supplies." | |
Raider | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Tandi | "I don't know anyone by that name." | |
Tolya | "He is the cook." |
Garl Death-Hand[]
Tell me abouts de Garl Death-Hand | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Khans | That's us, you lackey. | |
Garl | I am the leader of the Khans. I am the most feared man in the wasteland. | |
Gwen | She is second in command. | |
Alya | She is an advisor. She plans the raids. | |
Diana | She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment. | |
Petrox | He collects our supplies. | |
Tolya | He is the cook. | |
Junktown | They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging. | |
Shady, Sands | Miserable little piss ant community. I could crush them. | |
Hub | They are to the south. We trade with them. Mostly for water and ammunition, but sometimes for weapons. | |
Water | Why should I care? | |
Tandi | I don't know anyone by that name. | |
Chip | A what? |
Tell me abouts de Gwen | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | |
Diana | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | |
Junktown | "They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." | |
Khans | "That's us, you lackey." | |
Petrox | "He collects our supplies." | |
Raider | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Tandi | "I don't know anyone by that name." | |
Tolya | "He is the cook." |
Tell me abouts de Gizmo | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Casino, Gizmo's, Gizmos, Junktown | "Well, most people gamble here. You ask stupid questions." | |
Darkwater, Killian | "[Gizmo grunts.] Killian's the mayor of this town. Thinks he knows everything... well, [Gizmo laughs] we'll just see how much he knows, won't we?" | |
Darkwaters | "That's Killian's place the north end of town. He sells crap." | |
Gizmo | "[Gizmo coughs.] That's me, stupid. I run the . . . gambling establishment here." |
Tell me abouts de Harold | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Richard, Grey | Brilliant guy. A doctor and philosopher. Long ago he lead the expedition where I got changed into a mutant. | |
Master | Who? Is he some sort of sex therapist? I could use one, you know. | |
Ghouls | Mutants. Doesn't matter what they call themselves. | |
Loxley | Him. He leads the Thieves Circle. Thinks he's Robin Hood. [cough] He's alright, I guess. | |
Cathedral | I've seen religions come and religions go, and I hope this one goes. Soon. | |
Vault | Yeah, I came from a Vault. Too many people, not enough food and water. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? | |
War | Horrible. The world just went insane. Long ago, but I'll never forget it. Never. | |
Decker | [Cough] Trouble. Nothing but trouble. |
Tell me abouts de Harry | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Master | "I don't know, but think he like a boss people." | |
Lieutenant, Loo, Lou, Lou Tenant, Lutenant | "He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day." | |
Set | "Set a wuss. He think he run place, but we run." | |
Necropolis, Shed, Water Shed | "Here, dummy. Hmpf. You stupid?" | |
Ghouls | "Hmpf! Punies." | |
Human, Normals, Normies, Norms | "Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck!" | |
Unity | "The U-U-U-Un, I don't know." | |
Cathedral, Children, Children of the Cathedral | "Nice for little guys. Harry hurt once and they make better. Make perfect again!" | |
Chip | "The what?" | |
Hall, Water | "Uhhh...Not know." | |
Barry, Gary, Larry, Sally, Terry | "Not have to tell you anything!" |
Tell me abouts de Jacoren | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Chip, Water, Waterchip | "It is a critical part that allows us to purify the water. Without it, we'll run out of drinking water." | |
Healing, Library, Medic, Overseer | "We don't have time for this!" | |
Outside | "How would I know? I can barely keep up with what goes on in here! I suspect you're going to find out." | |
Vault, Vault13, Vault-13 | "This is our home. We'd all be dead without it. If we care for it properly, it should last us for a long time." | |
War, Great War | "It was terrible. I hope we learned our lesson and we never do it again." | |
Anything else. | I don't know anything about that. |
Tell me abouts de Jain | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Brotherhood, Steel | "They claim a religious foundation, but lack that which would make them truly righteous. Their zeal is refreshing, however." | |
Cathedral, Children | "The will of the Holy One brings a rebirth to the planet. We are His Children and carry out His plan." | |
Flame, Holy | "The Holiest of Holies. He is the guiding light we follow. He shall cleanse those unfaithful when the Nexus of Rebirth is reached." | |
The Hub | "Like many other cities, they will embrace the moral leadership of the Cathedral." | |
Master | "There is no Master but the Holy Flame. He is our master, He is the Master of all." | |
Mutants | "They are holy for they bear marks of past sins for present witnesses." | |
Unity | "It is the uniting, by the Holy Flame, of all people, of all races and the cleansing of the heathens from this world." | |
Vats | "I have never heard of such things." | |
War | "It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice." |
John Maxson[]
Tell me abouts de John Maxson | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Adytum | "That's a settlement down in the Boneyard. I went there...oh...a long time ago. I was on a scouting mission for the Elders." | |
Angel's, Angels, Boneyard | "Well I don't know a lot. There's a bunch of gangs around there, as well as Adytum and the Children of the Cathedral. Not much else. It's pretty damn desolate." | |
Army | "Well I believe there's an army massing to the north and in the mountains to the east, but I don't have any way to prove it. The Elders, they won't even listen." | |
Brotherhood | "That's where you are. You want the long version, go talk to Vree." | |
Butch, Caravans, Harris | "Butch is the head of the Far Go Traders. He's a little slimy, but he's not a total waste. Unlike those Water Merchants. Bunch of damn vultures, all of 'em." | |
Cabbot | "Oh, he's a good kid, even if he does want to be a Scribe." | |
Cathedral | "A bunch of religious whackos, if you ask me. I think their main church is in the Boneyard." | |
Chip | "Hell if I know." | |
Claw | "Oh. Just another stupid rumor. Some people say it's a huge fanged monster and others say it's a vampire." | |
Disks | "Holo discs? Hmm? I haven't seen those in a while." | |
Elder | "Hehehe. A fine, handsome, upstanding man. The High Elder position is to mediate the meetings between the Elders. You see, two years ago I got talked into it. If I'd of known then..." | |
Elders | "Well you see there's four of them and that's about all they can ever agree on. They can't even agree if they want to piss, much less pick a pot to piss in." | |
Exodus, War | "Well that was when my granddad, Roger Maxson, led his soldiers here and started the Brotherhood. He never mentioned where they came from, but it doesn't really matter, 'cause...well, this is our home now." | |
Gangs | "Well, there's not much to tell. I never ran into any of them. I've heard they're a problem for the people of Adytum, though." | |
The Hub | "The Hub's down to the southeast. They trade us food and things for the weapons we make here. Now if you're ever down there, you talk to Butch Harris." | |
Initiates | "Well that's what you are. Initiates train and learn to become knights or scribes." | |
Knights | "The Knights make the weapons. And when he's good enough, a Knight can advance to become a Paladin and then an Elder and so forth. Right now Rhombus is the head of the Knights." | |
Library | "We keep weapon specs and history there." | |
Master | "What was that? No. I don't believe I've ever heard of it." | |
Mathia | "Mathia's my assistant." | |
Maxson, Roger | "Roger Maxson huh? Well he led our people here in the great Exodus, started the Brotherhood from scratch. Quite a leader." | |
Merchants | "You want to hear about the Water Merchants. Hehehe, well you can't trust them. A few years ago, they offered us Water for a huge stockpile of weapons. We told them no, and you know what they did? Sent in thieves to steal the weapons! We caught 'em, but the Elders voted down going to the Hub to teach the merchants a lesson." | |
Paladins | "Paladins are in charge of all security and outside activities. I remember tradin' with the Hub, goin' on scouting missions for the Elders. Ah man, those ware a good times." | |
Player | "Vree has it someplace in the Library." | |
Rhombus | "Rhombo's been here a long time. A bit stiff, but a helluva soldier." | |
Scribes | "Well, Scribes copy down the weapon specs. We've got information all the way back to my granddad. Sometimes a scribe comes up with a new idea for a weapon. Hehehe. Doesn't happen too often. They all answer to Vree." | |
Traders | "They're the main ones we trade with. Not totally trustworthy, but not as bad as the others." | |
Vree | "Vree's the head Scribe. She's usually in the Library, she always likes to talk." |
Khan raider[]
Tell me abouts de Khan raider | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | |
Diana | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | |
Junktown | "They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." | |
Khans | "That's us, you lackey." | |
Petrox | "He collects our supplies." | |
Raider | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Tandi | "I don't know anyone by that name." | |
Tolya | "He is the cook." |
Killian Darkwater[]
Tell me abouts de Killian Darkwater | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Cathedral | "Not much to say. Doc Morbid's pretty pissed 'cause their prices are lower for medical stuff. They're on the west side." | |
Claw | "The Death Claw? Oh, that's a bedtime story. Drinks blood and howls at the full moon. Yeah, right." | |
Crash | "Great place to get a cheap room. Not too dirty, either. But don't mess with the owner, Marcelles, she'll pull your arms out if you smart off to her." | |
Darkwater, Killian | "Well, that's me. Where have you been?" | |
Darkwater's, Darkwaters | "That's my store. You need it, I got it." | |
Doc, Morbid | "Well, Doc owns a little place in the middle of the town. Does a nice patch job if you need it. Fairly reasonable prices." | |
Gizmo | "Gizmo owns the casino over on the east side. Named it after himself. Be very careful around him." | |
Gizmo's, Gizmos | "Ah, Gizmo's is the casino by the entrance. I'm surprised you didn't notice it on your way in. You can usually smell the place for miles. But hey, it brings in the tourists." | |
The Hub | "Well, the Hub's the main place for trade. Anything you don't find here you'll probably find in the Hub. Not sure how safe it is nowadays, with all those strange things going on." | |
Khans | "Well, the Khans are a bunch of bullies who live outside to the east. They've been trying to take over Junktown for as long as I can remember, but they never make it past the gates." | |
Lars | "Oh, Lars heads up the guards here. He's a good guy. Pretty trustworthy." | |
Necropolis | "That city's death. I sent two patrols down there and neither one of them returned." | |
Pit, Pitt, Skum | "That's our resident bar. The food's okay, but the beer's great. The owner, Neal, takes no lip, not even from some of the Raiders that come in." | |
Raiders | "Well, there are two kinds, the Khans and the Vipers. We usually don't get trouble from the Vipers, and a few of them actually pass through town. The Khans, though, they're a mean bunch. They think they can conquer the world, or some such crap." | |
Sands, Shady | "Shady Sands? That's a little place up to the north. I'd like to do more trading with them." | |
Skulz | "The Skulz are a bunch of punks who work for Gizmo. They don't cause that much trouble, but me and Lars keep an eye on them." | |
Strange | "Well, there're some rumors coming up from the Hub. Caravans disappearing, people being butchered, even some talk of big green monsters who eat human flesh. All sorts of weird stuff." | |
Vinnie | "Well Vinnie, he's one of the problem children. He leads a group of punks called the Skulz. Still, they pay the rent, and they haven't bothered anyone too much." | |
Vipers | "The Vipers are a crazy bunch from up north. They worship snakes, or something." | |
War | "Where've you been for the last 100 years? In a closet? My father used to tell me stories about the War. His father was a soldier before starting Junktown." |
Tell me abouts de Larry | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Chip | I dunno. | |
Necropolis | Yer standin in it. | |
Set | He's a wus. We should just wipe out him and his ghouls. | |
Watershed | That's here. | |
Hall | I dunno. | |
Lou | He Harry's boss. | |
Ghouls | Wimpy things. | |
Normals | Wimpier than ghouls.. |
Tell me abouts de Laura | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Followers of the Apocalypse | Oh, those are dreadful people. I'm not going to talk about them at all! | |
Nicole | Well, I don't know who you're talking about. | |
Cathedral | The others are all so nice! It's wonderful here. We belong, we do good work . . . | |
Morpheus | Oh, he's wonderful. He leads us. You should talk to him! | |
Master | Oh, I can't begin to describe him. Morpheus leads us. He can do justice to your question. | |
Nightkin, Mutants | Nightkin? I don't know what you're talking about | |
Dark, God | The what? | |
Auditorium | It's the big place at the north end of the church, where Morpheus does all his ceremonies. I've been there, it's wonderful! | |
Sanctum | Oh, you cannot go there. That's where Morpheus contemplates. | |
Servitors | They have proven themselves to the Church. The rest of us aspire to that. | |
Order | They are the high priests. |
Tell me abouts de Lieutenant | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Unity | The Unity is the goal of all Super Mutants. Through the FEV virus, we will bring all of humanity together in peace. | |
FEV, Virus | The FEV virus was discovered by the Master many years ago. It is what makes us the Chosen Ones. But you will soon learn that, I assure you. | |
Master | The Master is father to us all. | |
Cathedral | Nothing but a device to further our plans. No matter, all humans will be Chosen...or dead. | |
Vats | The Vats are where the FEV is stored, and where you normals become one of us. Of course, some die horrible, excruciatingly painful deaths, but well, those are the breaks. | |
Normals | They are humans who have not been exposed to radiation. They tend to fare better in the Vats than others. You are a perfect example of this. | |
Vaults | They were constructed before the war. They are also our main source of Prime Normals. | |
Morpheus | Morpheus. It's quite amusing. He thinks he's so much more than just a slug the Master recruited to head his Children of the Cathedral nonsense. Ah, well. He, too, will be dipped in the Vats and he'll probably die a horrible death...I hope. | |
Otherwise... | That question is irrelevant to the Unity. | |
That's not important right now. | ||
I won't even dignify that with an answer. |
Tell me abouts de Loxley | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Angel's, Angels, Boneyard | "Need to be a bit careful there. The Rippers and the Blades like to carve you up just for fun. While the town there, Adytum, just tries to stay alive. If you find yourself traipsing around there and happen on the Blades, make sure to say cheers to Razor for me. Thinking of her brings back memories, it does." | |
Bits, Bob's, Bobs, Iguana | "You can always find Bob in the direct center of the Merchant's Market. He'll probably be selling those Iguana Bits of his till he keels over dead." | |
Blades | "They're the scrapheads down in the Boneyard. They've been fighting for years, and they don't even know what for anymore. Bloody stupid it is." | |
Brotherhood, Steel | "Oh, another bunch of wackos. They sit up in their big black fortress to the north, just waiting for another war." | |
Caravan, Caravans | "Criminals. Absolute criminals. They're squeezing the life out of the town. The Far Go Traders, the Crimson Caravan, and the worst of the bunch, the Water Merchants. You can have the lot." | |
Cathedral | "Now there's a scary bunch. They strut around all day talking about their Night God, as if he's the next best thing since merchant pockets with holes. They can heal you up pretty cheap. I'll give'em that. You can find'em in that hospital of theirs downtown." | |
Deathclaw, Death, Claw | "Not much to tell, really. Nighttime, scare your children stories about a beastie living up north and feeding on the flesh of bad little children everywhere." | |
Crimson | "They have a little general shop downtown. Can't trust'em, though. Hiding in their bloody warehouse most of the time. They do sell some mean chems and medkits, though. A lot cheaper than the stupid Children of the Cathedral, I can tell you that." | |
Decker | "No. Decker's a slick one. He's got the whole town in his pocket, he does. He gives his 'protection' to the merchants, all the while pitting them against each other. Not someone you want to mess with, but he can usually be found in the Maltese Falcon." | |
Glow, Hot, Spot | "About three years ago, one of the merchants went way down south looking for other towns. He came back all hair and teeth falling out, babbling about some huge span of radiation. Who knows, maybe something special down there before the war." | |
Harold | "Harold? He's a good enough sort, for being a ghoul an all. Lives on the south side." | |
Heights | "Fancy buildings. Bought with the blood of the poor." | |
Jacob | "He's a gun dealer up in the north part of Old Town. Damn dangerous bloke, some of his hardware's a bit too lethal." | |
Kane | "Decker's right hand man, definitely not one to mess with. You can usually find him at the Maltese Falcon." | |
Market | "It's down in the middle of town." | |
Merchants | "Them. Sitting high and mighty in their Water Tower south of downtown, charging all us decent folks for any drop of water that springs from the ground. They should all be bloody shot, they should." | |
Missing | "Seems like every day another one turns up missing. People are afraid to leave town without protection. Some even blame it on the Death Claw." | |
Old, Oldtown, Town | "Most of the poor who work for the merchants live here, in buildings so thin they don't block the sun. Meanwhile, those rich bastards are comfortable in their nice homes over in the Heights. Makes me ill." | |
Police | "Not too fond of us actually." | |
Razor | "Oh, what a woman! She used to be a thief here, until she decided to move down south to the Boneyard. Last I heard she joined up with the Blades. Ah, well, brains weren't her strongest part." | |
Traders | "The closest thing to decent of all the three caravans. Only missed it by a few miles." |
Tell me abouts do Master | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Master | I am not here to answer your questions. You are here to answer mine. | |
Anything else | I am the Master. I don't have to answer to you. |
Tell me abouts de Morpheus | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Adytum | "Adytum is the city to the northeast of us." | |
Apocalypse, Followers | "My heart bleeds for them. Led down a false path. They don't know their efforts will bring only pain and suffering to their fellow beings." | |
Auditorium | "My child, you should know the Auditorium. I give my sermons there." | |
Base, Children, Chip, Holy Flame | "Nothing to be concerned with." | |
Caravans | "I've no idea what you're talking about." | |
Hospitals | "The Children of the Cathedral hospitals provide the best care in all of this blasted, torn land. This care is vital to the Unity." | |
Lasher | "He is another High Priest. He spends much of his time in the studies." | |
Master | "It is he who brought me the vision of the Unity and it is he who will bring peace to this troubled land." | |
Morpheus | "I am but a humble servant of the Unity." | |
Mutants, nightkin | "The nightkin came to us a while ago. They might be hideous mutants but they are extremely loyal to the Children. As we all are." | |
Nicole | "Nicole is the unfortunate, confused leader of the Followers of the Apocalypse." | |
Order | "We are the high priests of the great Dark God. Thirteen of us are so blessed to pass his mighty words to the rest of the Children." | |
Sanctum | "Don't concern yourself with that. Only the High Priests may enter." | |
Unity | "The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man." |
Tell me abouts de Nicole | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Morpheus | Morpheus is the leader of the Children of the Cathedral. He is evil, and that fact must be exposed. | |
Nicole | There's not much to tell. | |
Laura | Laura is one of our insiders within the Cathedral. She's extremely loyal to our cause. | |
Jake | Jake is second in command. | |
Library | In here, you'll find historical texts and philosophical texts...almost anything. Feel free to look around. | |
God | The Children of the Cathedral worship him. They say he only wants to heal humanity, but that's a lie. | |
Master | I've heard very little about him. | |
Nightkin | They're the personal servants of Morpheus. They're huge, hulking creatures. Ugh! | |
Cathedral | You've probably seen their hospitals around. They preach peace, but there is something wrong with them. We need to find out what. | |
Adytum | It's a small settlement. You'll find it to the west in the Boneyard. | |
Angel's, Angels, Boneyard | Before the Great War, this was a huge, thriving city. My mother told stories, but there's hardly anything left now. Just ruins and death. | |
Followers | Our history is in the last case, top shelf. | |
War | Everything was burned, everything destroyed. We try to teach people peace, so that it will never happen again. | |
Hub | That's the trading city to the north. We're trying to set up a table there. | |
Brotherhood, Steel | We're not sure about them. They sell guns, we sell peace. But their motives... |
Tell me abouts de Petrox | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | |
Diana | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | |
Junktown | "They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." | |
Khans | "That's us, you lackey." | |
Raider | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Tandi | "I don't know anyone by that name." | |
Tolya | "He is the cook." |
Tell me abouts de Razlo | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Aradesh | "He is the leader of our community, and a true hero. You can always find him at work in the communal hall." | |
Garl | "He leads the Khans. He is one of the most dangerous men that has ever set eyes on Shady Sands. He leads the raider clans with a heavy fist." | |
The Hub | "Much farther to the south than Junktown. The Hub is the largest city I've heard about. Must be a thousand people there, at least." | |
Junktown | "It's 4-6 days to the southwest. Good trading occasionally, but more often than not, they try to stiff us." | |
Khans | "They are a lawless group who pretend to be some people from the far past." | |
Razlo | "That is me. I am the doctor for Shady Sands." | |
Sands, Shady | "You're standing in it." | |
Seth | "He works with Aradesh to make sure we are safe." | |
Tandi | "She is the daughter of Aradesh. Some day she could lead us, but she must learn to temper her ways." | |
Water | "Sorry, I can't help you." |
Tell me abouts de Rhombus | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Army | "I am not authorized to discuss that. Talk to the High Elder." | |
Boneyard | "The Boneyard is far south. You will find only violence there." | |
Children of the Cathedral, Chip | "I have no knowledge of such a thing." | |
Disks, Master | "Ask Vree. She would know." | |
Elder, Maxson | "Ah, General Maxson was the finest Head Paladin ever. When he took over as High Elder, I became Head Paladin." | |
The Hub | "The Hub and the Boneyard are south, mountains are east, and desolate wasteland north. Whoever goes there never returns." | |
Exodus, Initiates, Merchants, War | "Talk to Vree in the main library." | |
Knights | "They are the makers of the weapons." | |
Missing Caravans | "I do not know of that." | |
Paladins | "You do not understand what it is to be a Paladin. Too bad." | |
Rhombus | "That is me." | |
Scribes | "They copy the weapon documents down and come up with new ideas. What they research, the Knights make." | |
Strange Army | "There are rumors of a strange army gathering. I will not say more." | |
Talus | "Talus is my second-in-command." | |
Vree | "She is the Head Scribe. You can find her in the library." |
Tell me abouts de Set | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Brotherhood, Brotherhood of Steel | "Relics. We surpass, they don't know. Their sight is narrow, only what they believe." | |
Cathedral, Children, Children of the Cathedral | "Beneath my thoughts." | |
Water chip | "Not in my thoughts." | |
Garret, Hall | "Is your head empty?" | |
Ghouls | "The future. Survival anywhere. We surpass the norms." | |
The Hub | "Many of yours. Some useful, but too many twists." | |
Master | "His meaning has no place here. None." | |
Super mutants, Muties | "An error to the world. A blot on my sight. I hate every facet." | |
Necropolis | "Where your shadow lies. My home. My rule. A place where strength grows." | |
Set | "Simple time. I'm Set. I'm in charge. Get it?" | |
Shed, water, watershed, water shed | "Provides what is needed." | |
Unity | "Misguided ideals. Nothing to my sight, nothing at all." | |
War | "The beginning. World to ashes, ashes to growth. Our life." |
Tell me abouts de Sinthia | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Casino | Gizmo runs it. Watch out for the slot machines, you can lost a lot of money if you play them. | |
Gizmo | Gizmo is a big man in Junktown. He runs the casino, and the boxing ring. He makes a lot of money, and buys a lot of stuff from the Hub. | |
Junktown | This is Junktown. | |
Killian | Killian is the mayor. He took over when his dad died. | |
Sinthia | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Store | Darkwaters? It's in the center of town. You can barter with him, or pay cash. |
Shady Sands[]
Tell me abouts de Tandi | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Aradesh | Aradesh is my father. He's okay, as far as dads go. | Aradesh é o meu pai. Ele é bom. Para um pai. |
Tandi | That's me. Who else did you think it was? | Sou eu. Quem mais você pensou que era? |
Razlo | Razlo's the old guy on the east side of town. He's a pretty good doctor, though, even if he is a fossil. | Razlo é o velho no lado leste da cidade. Ele é um bom doutor, apesar de ser um fóssil. |
Seth | Seth's the captain of the guards. My father tried to set us up once, but he is not my type. | Seth é o capitão dos guardas. Meu pai tentou nos juntar, mas ele não é meut tipo. |
Raiders, Khans | Pretty bad bunch or so I've heard. My father knows more about them. He never tells me much about the outside world. | Um bando bem ruim, pelo que eu ouvi falar. Meu pai sabe mais sobre eles. Ele nunca me diz muito sobre o mundo lá fora. |
Well | That's where we get all our water. It's been here since before I was born. | É onde conseguimos toda a nossa água. Está lá desde antes de eu nascer. |
Scorpions, Scorpion | I've actually seen one, even if it was from far away. They're nasty creatures, with claws and a big stinger. And their poison can be deadly if it isn't treated. You should talk to my dad, Aradesh, he knows more about them. | Eu já vi um, apesar de ter sido de longe. São criaturas perigosas, com garras e um ferrão grande. E o veneno pode ser fatal se não for tratado. Você devia falar com meu pai, Aradesh. Ele sabe mais sobre eles. |
Claw | I heard a tale from a traveler up from the south. He said the Death Claw was a creature that killed people at night. He said no one can catch it, because it can disappear like smoke. Not that I believe it, of course. | Eu ouvi uma história de um viajante do sul. Ele disse que o Death Claw era uma criatura que matava pessoas à noite. Ele disse que ninguém pode pegá-lo, porque pode desaparecer como fumaça. Não que eu acredite, é claro. |
Junktown | Junktown's a small city to the southwest. It's supposed to have pretty good trading, but my father won't even look into it. He says we need to stay 'protected'. Yeah, right. Caged is more like it. | Junktown é uma pequena cidade a sudeste daqui. Supostamente tem bom comércio, mas meu pai nem vai considerar. Ele diz que precisamos ficar "protegidos". É, tá bom. Tá mais pra enjaulados. |
Hub | The Hub is supposed to be a great city to the south. I've always wanted to see it, but I've never got the chance. | Supostamente é uma grande cidade aos sul. Sempre quis ver, mas nunca tive a chance. |
City | I don't know, but the guy who told me about it was really scared of it. He said that the undead walked the streets! | Não sei, mas o cara que me contou tinha muito medo dela. Ele disse que os mortos-vivos caminham pelas ruas! |
Garl | He leads the Khans. He is one of the most dangerous men that has ever set eyes on Shady Sands. He leads the raider clans with a heavy fist. | |
Anything else | I don't know. You might want to ask Seth or my father about it, though. | Não sei. Você pode querer perguntar ao Seth ou ao meu pai sobre isso. |
Hmm...Doesn't ring a bell. | Hmm...Não tenho ideia. | |
Hm...nope. I never heard of it. | Hm...não. Nunca ouvi falar. |
Khan Base[]
Tandi's tell-me-abouts regarding Khan members will be same as that of a Khan raider.
Tell me about dos Khan raiders | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | "Ela é uma conselheira. Ela planeja os ataques." |
Dianapol | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | "Ela é a armeira. Ela conserta nosso equipamento." |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | "Ele é o líder dos Khans. Ele é o homem mais temido dos ermos." |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | "Ela é a segunda em comando." |
Petrox | "He collects our supplies." | "Ele coleta nossos suprimentos." |
Tolya | "He is the cook." | "Ele é o cozinheiro." |
Tell me about de Tolya | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Alya | "She is an advisor. She plans the raids." | |
Diana | "She is the armorer. She repairs our equipment." | |
Garl | "He's the leader of the Khans. He is the most feared man in the wasteland." | |
Gwen | "She is second in command." | |
Junktown | "They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging." | |
Khans | "That's us, you lackey." | |
Petrox | "He collects our supplies." | |
Raider | "You are talking to me." "That is my name." "Why do you ask silly questions. I am that person." |
Tandi | "I don't know anyone by that name." | |
Tolya | "He is the cook." |
Tell me about de Vree | ||
Pergunta | Resposta original | Resposta traduzida |
Brotherhood | "The only salvation this tortured planet and its people have. Without us, humanity is sure to perish." | |
Children of the Cathedral, the Hub, Exodus, Initiates, Knights, merchants, Paladins, Scribes | "Please talk to one of the other scribes. I'm trying to finish up reports for the other Elders." | |
Chip | "I don't know. Ask Manufacturing about it." | |
Discs, Holo | "They are high-density, laser-readable, manufactured-crystal storage devices. Each one holds over 4,000 gigabytes of information." | |
Elder | "He makes sure the Brotherhood stays on the path of righteousness." | |
Master | "Who? Wait, that name sounds a familiar. Perhaps he is a leader of some of the mutants." | |
Rhombus | "He enforces the High Elder's wishes. With force, if necessary." | |
War | "I assume you're refering to the last nuclear war. The Brotherhood is doing
everything it can to restore that which was lost." |
- Se Hakunin ou Mynoc tivessem sido perguntados sobre a Elder em Fallout 2, a resposta seria "The Elder is your mother and our leader." Isso não está presente na versão final do jogo, mas pode ser encontrado ao examinar os arquivos do jogo.
- O recurso é baseado no jogo da Interplay Wasteland, que foi sucedido espiritualmente por Fallout. Em Wasteland, a única maneira de falar com NPCs é digitando palavras específicas.