Super mutantes foram criados através do Forced Evolutionary Virus, começado pela West Tek, mutados à partir de humanos.[2] Em 7 de janeiro de 2077, a pesquisa sobre FEV foi transferida para Mariposa Military Base,[2] para continuar sob a liderança de Leon Von Felden e Robert Anderson. Tanques do vírus foram preparados como uma base para desenvolvimento futuro e experimentação em humanos, com uma taxa de sucesso de aproximadamente 100% em animais de laboratório, garantindo um aumento de aproximadamente 60% em tamanho, e um aumento potencial de inteligência de 200%.[3][4]
O Master[]
Os tanques foram redescobertos por uma expedição liderada por Richard Grey.[5] Acompanhado por Harold, eles conseguiram atravessar pela segurança robótica da base e, eventualmente, chegar ao seu centro, que continha os tanques.[6] No entanto, dentro dos tanques, um guindaste automatizado colidiu com os dois, derrubando Harold e jogando Gray no tanque com FEV.[6] Harold acordou no deserto fora da base e escapou.[7]
Grey, por outro lado, sofreu mutações extremas devido a exposição prolongada ao vírus no tanque.[8] Seu intelecto aumento exponencialmente, permitindo a ele compreender até os problemas mais complexos com facilidade.[8] Grey metodicamente pesquisou sobre o FEV, experimentando com animas e então com indivíduos que entraram no complexo.[8] Não foi até a falha em algumas mutações que ele descobriu que radiação podia ser um fator decisivo no sucesso com a mudança, mas, mais tarde aprendeu sobre a esterilidade causada pela mutação.[8][9]
Lieutenant, também conhecido como Lou ou Lou Tenant
Marcus em 2241
Arte conceitual para Rake
↑Vault Dweller: "{120}{}{How does the Virus work?}" ZAX 1.2: "{157}{}{My research into the Forced Evolution Virus, or FEV, indicates that it is a shifting-absorptive virus. It copies DNA patterns much like RNA, storing these patterns in exons.}" "{158}{}{These exons, combined with the FEV, are re-injected into the host cells in typical viral infectious fashion. This causes the host cells to 'regenerate' their DNA.}" The Vault Dweller: "{159}{}{How do you catch FEV?}" ZAX 1.2: "{162}{}{FEV is not 'caught', per se. It is not air-transmittable. Typically, infection is through injection, or direct physical contact with an FEV sample.}" The Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Why isn't FEV affected by radiation?}" ZAX 1.2: "{166}{}{The FEV is a megavirus, with a protein sheath reinforced by ionized hydrogen. It is therefore capable of absorbing neutrons without becoming radioactive.}" The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{If the FEV re-infects the host with its assimilated viral patterns, how does it make a 'better specimen'?}" ZAX 1.2: "{169}{}{The FEV is pre-programmed with introns of corrected DNA appropriate to the proper type of species. It therefore attempts to correct the DNA of the individual.}" "{170}{}{However, as the FEV is partially reliant upon the DNA of the individual, and also includes portions of its own recursive code, the effects can be unpredictable.}" "{171}{}{When inoculated into an individual with significant genetic damage, such as through radiation, it will cause the body's systems to suffer massive overhauling, leading to organ failure and death.}" "{172}{}{In a genetically viable individual, it re-writes portions of DNA, causing accelerated mutation, usually leading to recursive growth due to the FEV's own patterns.}" "{173}{}{This recursive growth leads to an increase in muscle and brain mass, but is often accompanied by disfigurement and damage to existing neural patterns, causing loss of memory.}" The Vault Dweller: "{174}{}{What potential long-term side effects exist?}" ZAX 1.2: "{178}{}{As the FEV causes constant regenerative update to DNA, it would effectively render the subject largely immortal, as cell death would be offset by augmented growth.}" "{179}{}{Additionally, as the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they could be perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which would 'repair' them, rendering the subject sterile.}" "{180}{}{However, as my laboratory facilities are damaged beyond repair, this is conjectural. I cannot offer physical proof. You will have to, in human terms, 'take my word for it.'}" The Vault Dweller: "{181}{}{Could FEV mutation be corrected with a counter-virus?}" ZAX 1.2: "{184}{}{No. FEV does not retain unaltered original copies of the subject's DNA. Only a virus which re-infected the subject with original DNA could reverse the effects. Additionally, there is no known way to remove the FEV itself.}" (ZAX.MSG)
↑Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{Richard}{1008}{}{Grey}" Harold: "{1100}{hrold300}{Brilliant guy. A doctor and philosopher. Long ago he lead the expedition where I got changed into a mutant.}" (Tell-Me-Abouts de Harold)
↑ 6,06,1Vault Dweller: "{162}{}{What were you running up against?}" Harold: "{163}{HROLD19}{Robots and such. Lot of'em. Damn surprised they was still running after all this time, what with the war and all. Whooa boy they tore us a good one.}" Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{What did you do once you got past the robots?}" Harold: "{167}{HROLD21}{We got pretty far inside. Wasn't a lot of us left by then. Grey, me and couple of others.}" The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{And then?}" Harold: "{169}{HROLD22}{One of them robots got Francine. Mark was wounded, sent him back to the surface. Then it was just me and Grey.}" Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{What happened then?}" Harold: "{174}{HROLD24}{We made it to some sort of central core, like a plant of some sort. That's when it happened.}" The Vault Dweller: "{175}{}{What?}" Harold: "{176}{HROLD25}{A robot crane crashed into us. Last I saw of Grey, he was flying through the air in-into some sort of acid bath. I was in bad shape and...well I passed out.}" (Diálogo de Harold)
↑Vault Dweller: "{177}{}{How did you survive?}" Harold: "{179}{hrold25a}{Didn't. Got killed...[Laughs then coughs] God, I love that joke.}" Vault Dweller: "{180}{}{Yeah, I can tell.}" Harold: "{181}{HROLD26}{Well, I have no idea. Woke up in the wasteland, barely hanging on. Got lucky and some traders I knew found me days later. Good thing, since I was already changing. They brought me here, and here I've been since.}" (Diálogo de Harold)
↑Vault Dweller: "{133}{}{I happen to know that your mutants are sterile.}" The Master: "{135}{Mast11}{Preposterous! The FEV-2 virus doesn't destroy the reproductive organs of those it mutates.}" The Vault Dweller: "{136}{}{Perhaps the virus didn't sterilize people once, but it does now.}" The Master: "{149}{Mast17}{But it cannot be. This would mean that all my work has been for nothing. Everything that I have tried to . . . a failure! It can't be. Be. Be. Be.}" The Vault Dweller: "{150}{}{Sorry, this isn't an option for you. Your race will die out after this generation.}" The Master: "{153}{Mast19}{I . . . don't think that I can continue. Continue? To have done the things I have done in the name of progress and healing. It was madness. I can see that now. Madness. Madness? There is no hope. Leave now, leave while you still have hope . . .}" (Diálogo de Master)