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Artigo em tradução
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Esta página apresenta a lista de junk item do Fallout 4.
  • O conteúdo não é apresentado em todos os seus detalhes nesta página. Veja os respectivos artigos.
  • Para junk item em outros jogos da série Fallout, veja "Junk item".
  • Para uma visão geral do conteúdo do Fallout 4, veja "Portal:Fallout 4."

Artigo em tradução
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Informação geral[]


Junk items refer to the miscellaneous clutter found scattered all over the Commonwealth, such as toys, housewares, garbage, and tools that the Sole Survivor can collect. Junk items are found in their own inventory section in the Pip-Boy. They cannot be equipped, consumed or interacted with by themselves like weapons or food, although they can be dropped or sold to vendors. Their primary use is in crafting, either as ingredients for more useful items (weapons, armor, chems, mods, settlement buildings, etc.) or for breaking down into their raw components. After accessing the inventory on a workbench or crafting station at an allied settlement, all junk items can automatically be transferred into the workbench and are available for crafting at the settlement, as well as all settlements connected to it via a supply line. Junk items can also be automatically transferred into non-player character owned crafting stations, but they will not be shared between the crafting stations in the area.

Crafting components[]

All junk items consist of one or more "components,” a general term for the materials that make up each junk item. When crafting anything out of junk, the most readily available junk is broken down to its base components, and whatever ingredients needed for the recipe are consumed to make the crafted item. Any components not used are stored in either the player character’s inventory or the settlement workbench, depending on where the player character is crafting and where they are storing their junk. There are 31 base components total, that cannot be broken down further into anything else.


Although some instances of the following items exist in the game world, they are more commonly obtained by scrapping other items. Additionally, shipments providing larger quantities can be bought from several vendors and are weightless.

When scrapping other junk items, one will always receive the components specified. However, when scrapping other items such as:

  • Weapon mods, but only when attached to weapons
  • Armor mods, but only when attached to armor
  • Static objects created in the workshop

The player character will only receive a fraction of the components which were originally used to craft the item. The types and amounts of components received in these cases are determined by two factors: rarity and scrap scalar.

Rarity has four possible values:

  • Common: These components are always received.
  • Uncommon: Scrapper rank 1 is required to receive these components.
  • Rare: Scrapper rank 2 is required to receive these components.
  • Zero yield: These components are never received (only applies to adhesive and oil).

Additionally, the original amount of components used to craft the item is multiplied by the scrap scalar, rounding down, when determining the number of components received.

General information[]

Name Value Weight Rarity Scrap scalar Craftable Source Base ID Shipment of ... - 25 Shipment of ... - 50 Shipment of ... - 100
Value Base ID Value Base ID Value Base ID
Acid 2 0.1 Rare 0.25 001bf72d 250 001ec133
Adhesive 8 0.1 Zero yield 0 Vegetable starch 001bf72e 1000 001ec135 2000 001ec134
Aluminum 3 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 0006907a 375 001ec137 750 001ec136
Antiseptic 3 0.1 Rare 0.25 001bf72f 375 001ec139
Asbestos 6 0.1 Rare 0.25 000aec5c 750 001ec13a
Ballistic fiber 5 0.1 Rare 0.25 000aec5b 625 001ec138
Bone 1 1 Common 0.5 000aec5d
Ceramic 1 0.1 Common 0.25 000aec5e 175 001ec13b
Circuitry 5 0.3 Rare 0.25 0006907b 625 001ec13c 1250 001ec13d
Cloth 1 0.1 Common 0.5 000aec5f 100 001ec13e
Concrete 1 3 Common 0.25 00106d99 150 001ec13f xx000e7f*
Wasteland Workshop
Copper 4 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 0006907c 500 001ec140 1000 0024a06c
Cork 1 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 000aec60 125 001ec141
Crystal 4 0.2 Rare 0.25 0006907d 575 001ec142
Fertilizer 1 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 001bf730 300 001ec143
Fiber optics 6 0.1 Rare 0.25 00069087 850 001ec145
Fiberglass 5 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 000aec61 700 001ec144
Gears 3 0.2 Uncommon 0.25 0006907e 450 001ec146
Glass 2 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 00069085 325 001ec147
Gold 9 0.1 Rare 0.25 000aec62 1125 001ec148
Lead 1 0.3 Uncommon 0.25 000aec63 200 001ec149
Leather 2 0.1 Common 0.25 000aec64 250 001ec14a
Nuclear material 10 0.1 Rare 0.25 00069086 1250 001ec14b
Oil 4 0.1 Zero yield 0 Cutting fluid 001bf732 500 001ec14c
Plastic 1 0.1 Common 0.25 0006907f 75 001ec14d
Rubber 2 0.1 Common 0.5 00106d98 250 001ec14e
Screw 2 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 00069081 400 001ec14f
Silver 6 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 000aec66 750 001ec150
Spring 3 0.1 Uncommon 0.25 00069082 375 001ec151
Steel 1 0.2 Common 0.5 000731a4 150 001ec132 300 001ec131
Wood 1 0.2 Common 0.5 000731a3 100 001ec152 200 001ec153
* Concrete shipment also has a shipment of 200 with ID xx000e80

The unit price of a component, when bought as a shipment, is several times its "base" unit price, sometimes even overpricing the value of a simple source item containing the component. Also, the game does not offer any rebate for large shipments (= no quantity rebate). Therefore, it is not necessary to spare money waiting for the opportunity for buying big shipments over small ones. For example, two shipments of 100 concrete yield the same overall price as a single shipment of 200. Buying small shipments also allows building defenses gradually for settlements that are not yet connected between each other and at a lower cost.

The concrete, steel and wood components constitute the three base building components for all the major craftable structures in the settlements (e.g. floors, walls, roofs, stairs). Their values, although claimed to all be 1, are respectively 1, 2, and 3 when considering their respective shipments. For this reason, the cost for building each craftable structure can vary largely and can affect or determine which structure is favored over the others, especially when the amount of caps is currently limited and there is a hurry for building up the defenses for a given settlement.

Component sources[]

Name Source items
Acid Abraxo cleaner, Abraxo cleaner industrial grade, anti freeze bottle, bag of fertilizer, bloodbug proboscis, bloatfly gland, coolant, ichor sac, makeshift battery, Suprathaw antifreeze, undamaged Abraxo cleaner
Adhesive duct tape, economy wonderglue, military grade duct tape, pack of duct tape, sealed wonderglue, vegetable starch, wonderglue
Aluminum alarm clock, aluminum can, aluminum canister, applicator, cake pan, Carlisle typewriter, cauterizer, coffee tin, coolant cap, distress pulser, ear examiner, hubcap, inactive distress pulser, industrial oil canister, injector, recorder, sensor, spanner, surgical tray, sweeper, toy rocketship, tray, tri tool, TV dinner tray, tweezers, Wakemaster alarm clock
Antiseptic Abraxo cleaner, Abraxo cleaner industrial grade, blood sac, empty blood sac, industrial solvent, toothpaste, turpentine, undamaged Abraxo cleaner
Asbestos biometric scanner, chalk, cigarette carton, coffee pot, extinguisher, Luxobrew coffee pot, oven mitt, pack of cigarettes, rat poison, teapot
Ballistic fiber military ammo bag, military grade duct tape
Bone brahmin skull, capless skull, cat remains, deathclaw hand, femur, human jaw, jawless brahmin skull, left arm bones, left foot bones, left hand bones, left leg bones, mole rat teeth, pelvis bones, rib cage and pelvis, rib cage and spine, right arm bones, right hand bones, right leg bones, skull cap bone, skull faceplate, skull fragment, skull, tibia, upper skull
Ceramic ashtray, bowl, cat remains, ceramic bowl, clean red plate, clean white plate, coffee cup, cracked bowl, cracked deathclaw egg, dirty ashtray, empty floral barrel vase, empty floral flared vase, empty teal bud vase, empty teal flared vase, empty teal rounded vase, empty teal vaulted vase, empty willow flared vase, empty willow rounded vase, empty willow vaulted vase, floral rounded vase, garden gnome, high-powered magnet, red plate, teal barrel vase, teapot, umbrella stand, vase, willow barrel vase, yellow plate, yellow-trimmed plate
Circuitry assaultron circuit board, distress pulser, enhanced targeting card, hot plate, inactive distress pulser, military-grade circuit board, recorder, sweeper, telephone
Cloth baseball base, Boston Bugle, cigar box, cigar, cigarette, cigarette carton, comfy pillow, cotton yarn, dishrag, duct tape, feather duster, Jangles the Moon Monkey, late edition newspaper, lit cigarette, mop, oven mitt, pack of cigarettes, pack of duct tape, paintbrush, pre-War money, rolled Boston Bugle, straw pillow, teddy bear, trifold American flag
Concrete bag of cement, cinder block
Copper beaker stand, blue table lamp, broken lamp, broken light bulb, bunsen burner, cooking pot, copper bar, fuse, high-powered magnet, hot plate, light bulb, magnifying glass, power relay coil, shadeless lamp, shadeless table lamp, telephone, vacuum tube, yellow table lamp
Cork antique globe, baseball, crystal liquor decanter
Crystal camera, crystal liquor decanter, laser trip wire, magnifying glass, microscope, ProSnap camera
Fertilizer bag of fertilizer
Fiber optics applicator, biometric scanner, ear examiner, microscope
Fiberglass Abraxo cleaner, Abraxo cleaner industrial grade, aluminum canister, blood sac, cigar box, Jangles the Moon Monkey, rat poison, swan boat fragments, telephone
Gears adjustable wrench, camera, desk fan, fishing rod, Giddyup Buttercup, Giddyup Buttercup front leg, gold watch, microscope, office desk fan, restored desk fan, silver pocket watch, typewriter
Glass alarm clock, baby bottle, beer bottle, blue table lamp, broken lamp, brown bottle, burgundy bottle, chemistry jar, cracked glass bowl, desk lamp, drinking glass, ear examiner, empty milk bottle, flask, fuse, glass pitcher, graduated cylinder, Gwinnett ale bottle, Gwinnett brew bottle, Gwinnett lager bottle, Gwinnett pale ale bottle, Gwinnett pilsner bottle, Gwinnett stout bottle, lab bottle, lantern, large baby bottle, large beaker, light bulb, liquor bottle, magnifying glass, microscope, Nuka-Cola bottle, pint glass, recorder, research test tube, rum bottle, shadeless lamp, shadeless table lamp, shot glass, small baby bottle, thin beaker, vacuum tube, Wakemaster alarm clock, white bottle, yellow table lamp
Gold gold bar, gold plated flip lighter, gold watch
Lead 5lb weight, 10lb weight, 25lb weight, 40lb barbell, 80lb barbell, 80lb curlbar, 160lb dumbbell, makeshift battery, pencil
Leather baseball, baseball glove, brahmin hide, deathclaw hand, deathclaw hide, hide bundle, mole rat hide, radstag hide, teddy bear, yao guai hide
Nuclear material alarm clock, biometric scanner, Blast Radius board game, cauterizer, distress pulser, high-powered magnet, inactive distress pulser, recorder, sweeper, Wakemaster alarm clock
Oil aluminum canister, blowtorch, blue paint, condensed fog, cooking oil, cutting fluid, flip lighter, gas canister, gold plated flip lighter, industrial oil canister, industrial size shortening, lantern, Mr. Handy fuel, paint can, soap, tri tool, unused flip lighter, used oil can, yellow paint
Plastic anti freeze bottle, antique globe, baby rattle, baseball base, bowling ball, bowling pin, bread box, broom, cafeteria tray, cigarette carton, clean broom, clothing iron, coffee pot, cooking oil, coolant, cue ball, dog bowl, eight ball, eleven ball, empty coolant, enhanced targeting card, fancy hairbrush, feather duster, fifteen ball, fourteen ball, hairbrush, Jangles the Moon Monkey, league bowling pin, life preserver, Luxobrew coffee pot, pack of cigarettes, pen, pepper mill, plastic bowl, plastic knife, plastic plate, plastic pumpkin, plastic spoon, salt shaker, scissors, shopping basket, six ball, Suprathaw antifreeze, synth component, ten ball, toothbrush, toothpaste, toy alien, toy rocketship, twelve ball, two ball, umbrella
Rubber basketball, bonesaw, extinguisher, kickball, large baby bottle, plunger, small baby bottle, spatula, toy alien, unfilled kickball
Screws antique globe, Carlisle typewriter desk fan, Giddyup Buttercup, globe, handcuffs, hot plate, hubcap, office desk fan, pepper mill, restored desk fan, tongs, toy car, toy truck, typewriter
Silver assaultron circuit board, enhanced targeting card, fancy hairbrush, silver bar, silver fork, silver locket, silver pocket watch, silver table knife, silver table spoon
Spring alarm clock, battered clipboard, camera, cauterizer, fishing rod, flip lighter, Giddyup Buttercup, Giddyup Buttercup front leg, handcuffs, kitchen scale, life preserver, silver pocket watch, typewriter, umbrella, unused flip lighter, Wakemaster alarm clock
Steel adjustable wrench, antique table knife, ball-peen hammer, bandage scissors, blowtorch, blue paint, bonesaw, Brotherhood of Steel holotag, bunsen burner, can, clothes hanger, clothing iron, coffee pot, collander, combination wrench, condensed fog, connecting rod, cooking pan, cooking pot, covered sauce pan, cutting fluid, desk fan, dinner fork, dinner plate, dog tags, empty paint can, enamel bucket, extinguisher, flip lighter, frying pan, gas canister, gear, Giddyup Buttercup, Giddyup Buttercup front leg, gold plated flip lighter, handcuffs, industrial solvent, jug, kitchen scale, ladle, lantern, lumberjack saw, Luxobrew coffee pot, medical liquid nitrogen dispenser, metal bucket, Mr. Handy fuel, office desk fan, paint can, power relay coil, rat poison, restored desk fan, sauce pan lid, sauce pan, scalpel, scissors, screwdriver, shopping basket, shovel, small covered sauce pan, small sauce pan, spatula, surgical scalpel, table knife, table spoon, tea kettle, tin can, toaster, tongs, torque rod end, toy truck, tube flange, untarnished metal bucket, unused flip lighter, used oil can, wrench, yellow paint
Wood ball-peen hammer, battered clipboard, bowling pin, broom, chessboard, cigar box, clean broom, cutting board, desktop picture frame, fishing rod, league bowling pin, lumberjack saw, mop, paintbrush, pencil, plunger, rack, screwdriver, shovel, small picture frame, tabletop picture frame, test tube rack, toy car, trifold American flag, wooden block - B & Y, wooden block - I & D, wooden block - N & S, wooden block - V & F, yardstick

Other junk items[]

Base game[]
