Há 150 rocket souvenirs na máquina de venda automática Nuka-Cola no 2º andar.
Itens especiais[]
Tanto Mick quanto Ralph vendem itens especiais para as pessoas em Freeside; se o Courier tiver um nível de Fala suficientemente alto, o Courier poderá convencer tanto Mick (30) quanto Ralph (50) de que seus itens especiais são um segredo entre eles e o Courier.
Os itens especiais de Mick são armas, principalmente armas balísticas. Ele também vende a roupa Naughty Nightwear , que dá +10 de Fala e +1 de Sorte em seus produtos especiais. Ele é um dos quatro negociantes de armas de New Vegas que vendem armas e munições do Gun Runner's Arsenal , itens de nota incluem Lil 'Devil e o Nuka Breaker .
Ralph venderá passaportes falsos ao Courier após uma verificação de fala; custa 500 caps , 375 com um cheque Barter , ou pode ser grátis se você descontar a seu favor com The King. Isso permite que o Courier entre no Strip por um preço mais barato (normalmente, o Courier deve ter 2.000 tampas em seu inventário, que não serão removidas, ou se o Courier tiver um nível de Ciência suficientemente alto, usando um comando de voz no robô). Ralph também vende um contêiner de cloro para o Ultra-Luxe , que é necessário em uma missão posterior.
April Martimer ·Arcade Gannon ·Atomic Wrangler crier ·Beatrix Russell ·Big Beard ·Bill Ronte ·Caleb McCaffery ·Dixon ·Elizabeth Kieran ·Farris ·Fisto ·Francine Garret ·Genaro ·Gloria Van Graff ·Grecks ·Hadrian ·Henry Jamison ·Irate Ida ·Jacob Hoff ·James Garret ·Jane ·Jean-Baptiste Cutting ·Julie Farkas ·The King ·Lady Jane ·Little Beard ·Little Buster ·Malefic Maud ·Max ·Mick ·Mick & Ralph's crier ·Mr. Soren ·Old Ben ·Orris ·Pacer ·Ralph ·Rancorous Ruth ·Rex ·Rotface ·Roy ·Santiago ·Sergio ·Silver Rush crier ·Simon ·Stacey ·Tapper ·Vagrant ·Wayne
Atomic Wrangler casino ·Cerulean Robotics ·Freeside's East Gate ·Freeside's North Gate ·King's School of Impersonation ·Mick & Ralph's ·Old Mormon Fort ·Ruined store ·Silver Rush
Side Quests
Birds of a Feather ·Bye Bye Love ·ED-E My Love ·Debt Collector ·G.I. Blues ·Heartache by the Number ·High Times ·I Could Make You Care ·Kings' Gambit ·Nothin' But a Hound Dog ·Talent Pool ·Tend to Your Business ·Wang Dang Atomic Tango ·You Can Depend on Me ·
Não marcadas
Big Winner, Atomic Wrangler ·Flogging a Dead Corpse ·Friend of the Followers ·Long-Term Care ·Reach for the Sky, Mister! ·Short-Term Treatment
188 trading post ·Aerotech Office Park (Aerotech suite 200 ·Aerotech suite 300 ·Aerotech tent) ·Bitter Springs ·Boulder City (Boulder City ruins ·Boulder City train station ·Big Horn Saloon ·Great Khan hideout) ·Camp Forlorn Hope (Barracks ·Command center ·Jail ·Medical center ·Mess hall ·Shack ·Storage shed) ·Camp Golf (Camp Golf mess tent ·Camp Golf tent ·Misfits' tent ·House Resort) ·Camp Guardian (Guardian Peak ·Camp Guardian caves) ·Camp McCarran (Camp McCarran terminal building ·Camp McCarran concourse ·Camp McCarran supply shack) ·Camp Searchlight (Searchlight east church ·Searchlight west church ·Searchlight church basement ·Searchlight Elementary School ·Searchlight fire station ·Searchlight home ·Searchlight police station ·Searchlight NCR storage) ·HELIOS One ·Hoover Dam (Hoover Dam checkpoint ·Hoover Dam intake towers ·Hoover Dam offices ·Hoover Dam lower level ·Hoover Dam power plant 01 ·Hoover Dam power plant 02 ·Hoover Dam power plant 03 ·Hoover Dam power plant 04 ·Hoover Dam tower ·Hoover Dam visitor center ·Oliver's compound) ·Mojave Outpost (Mojave Outpost barracks) ·NCR Ranger safehouse ·NCR sharecropper farms · (Greenhouse ·Sharecropper barracks) ·Ranger station Alpha ·Ranger station Bravo ·Ranger station Charlie ·Ranger station Delta ·Ranger station Echo ·Ranger station Foxtrot ·Sloan (Mess hall ·Machine shop ·Mining office ·Worker barracks) ·
Atomic Wrangler casino ·Atomic Wrangler corner room ·Cerulean Robotics ·Freeside's East Gate ·Freeside's North Gate ·King's School of Impersonation ·Mick & Ralph's ·Old Mormon Fort ·Ruined store ·Silver Rush
New Vegas sewers
North sewers ·Central sewers ·East central sewers ·Sealed sewers
Medical District (Villa Clinic) ·Puesta del Sol (Puesta del Sol switching station ·Ruined building ·Ruined cafe ·Ruined store ·Service route) ·Residential District ·Salida del Sol (Campanas del Sol ·Salida del Sol courtyard) ·Sierra Madre Casino (Cantina Madrid ·Executive suites ·Sierra Madre Casino ·Sierra Madre lobby ·Sierra Madre vault ·Tampico) ·Villa (Villa Police Station)
Big MT ·Big MT east tunnel ·Big MT north tunnel ·Big MT west tunnel ·Construction site ·Elijah's Watch ·Forbidden Zone dome entrance ·Hazmat testing ground ·Higgs Village ·Little Yangtze ·Loading station ·Magnetohydraulics complex ·Mojave Drive-in ·Mysterious cave ·Saturnite alloy research facility ·Securitron de-construction plant ·Signal Hills Transmitter ·The Cuckoo's Nest ·The Sink ·The Think Tank ·Waste disintegration platform ·X-2 transmitter antenna array ·X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch ·X-7b "Boom Town" target zone ·X-8 research center ·X-12 research center ·X-13 research facility ·X-17 meteorological station ·X-22 botanical garden ·X-66 Hexcrete archipelago ·Y-0 research center ·Y-17 medical facility ·Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab ·Z-14 Pepsinae DNA splicing lab ·Z-38 lightwave dynamics research ·Z-43 innovative toxins plant ·Ulysses' Point
Dry Wells ·Long 15 ·Ashton silo control station ·Boxwood Hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance ·Junction 7 rest stop ·The High Road ·Hopeville armory ·Hopeville men's barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance ·Hopeville silo bunker entrance ·Hopeville women's barracks ·Marked men camp ·Marked men base ·Marked men guard outpost ·Marked men supply outpost ·Pass to canyon wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined highway interchange ·Sunstone Tower roof ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·Waste disposal station ·Wastewater treatment plant
Parenteses () denotam sub-localidades, itálico denota localidades não marcadas.