O corpo ghoulificado do general pode ser encontrado no segundo andar do escritório da base. Não existem registros da morte do general em seu escritório ou em qualquer outro lugar da The Divide, a natureza de sua morte é um mistério.
Outros itens
US Army General outfit
10mm round x11 Harmonica Pack of cigarettes Leather belt
O corpo de Martin Retslaf aparece apenas na DLC de Fallout: New Vegas, Lonesome Road.
The Reunion ·The Silo ·The Job ·The Launch ·The Tunnelers ·The Divide ·The Courier ·The End ·The Apocalypse
Condemned to Repeat It ·ED-Ecated ·Hometown Hero ·Rocket's Red Glare ·Warhead Hunter
Divide ·Dry Wells(Boat) ·Long 15(Gate) ·Ashton missile silo ·Ashton silo control station ·Boxwood Hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance ·Junction 7 rest stop ·The High Road ·Hopeville armory ·Hopeville men's barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance ·Hopeville silo bunker entrance ·Hopeville women's barracks ·Marked men camp ·Marked men base ·Marked men guard outpost ·Marked men supply outpost ·Pass to canyon wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined highway interchange ·Sunstone Tower roof ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·Waste disposal station ·Wastewater treatment plant
Red Glare ·Old Glory ·Blade of the West ·Bowie knife (Blood-Nap) ·Arc welder ·Great Bear grenade rifle ·Red Victory grenade rifle ·Shoulder mounted machine gun ·Laser detonator ·Flare gun ·Flash bang ·Fist of Rawr (Fist of the North Rawr) ·H&H Tools nail gun ·Satchel charge ·Industrial hand
Advanced riot gear ·Armor of the 87th Tribe ·Breathing mask ·Courier duster ·Elite riot gear ·Marked beast eyes helmet ·Marked beast face helmet ·Marked beast helmet ·Marked beast tribal helmet ·Marked patrol armor ·Marked scout armor ·Marked tribal armor ·Marked trooper armor ·Riot gear ·Scorched Sierra power armor ·Ulysses' duster ·Ulysses' mask ·US Army combat armor ·US Army General outfit
Auto-inject super stimpak ·Auto-inject stimpak ·Debug rad food ·Fiery purgative ·MRE ·Rushing water ·Snakebite tourniquet
Ain't Like That Now ·Alertness ·Broad Daylight ·Certified Tech ·Marked ·Tunnel Runner ·Thought You Died ·Just Lucky I'm Alive ·Burden to Bear ·Voracious Reader ·Lessons Learned ·Walker Instinct ·Roughin' It ·Irradiated Beauty ·The Bear-Slayer ·Dead Man's Burden ·Divide Survivor ·Lonesome Road ·Scourge of the East