Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

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Lista de localizações[]

Número Nome Coordenadas horizontais Coordenadas verticais
A1 Raven Rock 1 1
A2 Oasis 10 1
A3 MDPL-05 Power Station 2 2
A4 SatCom Array NW-05a 3 2
A5 Fort Constantine 5 2
A6 SatCom Array NN-03d 6 2
A7 MDPL-21 Power Station 7 2
A8 Clifftop Shacks 11 2
A9 Vault 92 13 2
B1 Old Olney 14 2
B2 The Republic of Dave 17 2
B3 Montgomery County Reservoir 9 3
B4 Broadcast Tower LP8 9 3
B5 Chaste Acres Dairy Farm 16 3
B6 MDPL-16 Power Station 17 3
B7 SatCom Array NW-07c 1 4
B8 Broadcast Tower KB5 3 4
B9 Deathclaw Sanctuary 3 4
C1 Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel 4 4
C2 Mason Dixon Salvage 6 4
C3 Reclining Groves Resort Homes 10 4
C4 Greener Pastures Disposal Site 13 4
C5 Grisly Diner 15 4
C6 Relay Tower KX-B8-11 16 4
C7 Mount Mabel Camp Ground 4 5
C8 WKML Broadcast Station 5 5
C9 The Silver Lining Drive-In 6 5
D1 Drowned Devil's Crossing 6 5
D2 MDPL-13 Power Station 12 5
D3 Abandoned Car Fort 3 6
D4 Faded Pomp Estates 5 6
D5 Roosevelt Academy 5 6
D6 Paradise Falls 8 6
D7 Germantown Police HQ 10 6
D8 Minefield 12 6
D9 Temple of the Union 15 6
E1 Shalebridge 2 7
E2 Five Axles Rest Stop 4 7
E3 MDPL Mass Relay Station 5 7
E4 Regulator HQ 13 7
E5 AntAgonizer Lair 16 7
E6 Canterbury Commons 16 7
E7 Broadcast Tower KT8 2 8
E8 Rockbreaker's Last Gas 4 8
E9 Arefu 7 8
F1 Northwest Seneca Station 7 8
F2 Hamilton's Hideaway 8 8
F3 Hallowed Moors Cemetery 9 8
F4 Meresti Trainyard 10 8
F5 Agatha's House 11 8
F6 Scrapyard 12 8
F7 Wheaton Armory 14 8
F8 Robot Repair Center 16 8
F9 Vault 87 1 9
G1 Everglow National Campground 3 9
G2 Fordham Flash Memorial Field 8 9
G3 Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema 8 9
G4 Big Town 9 9
G5 Corvega Factory 16 9
G6 Vault 108 17 9
G7 Little Lamplight 2 10
G8 Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal 4 10
G9 VAPL-58 Power Station 6 10
H1 Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast 8 10
H2 Vault 106 8 10
H3 Bethesda Ruins 12 10
H4 Fort Bannister 5 11
H5 Springvale School 10 11
H6 Chryslus Building 13 11
H7 Rock Creek Caverns 16 11
H8 Yao Guai Tunnels 1 12
H9 Charnel House 4 12
I1 Jury Street Metro Station 7 12
I2 Vault 101 9 12
I3 Springvale 10 12
I4 Super-Duper Mart 12 12
I5 Farragut West Metro Station 13 12
I6 Dupont Northeast 15 12
I7 Chevy Chase North 15 12
I8 GNR Building Plaza 15 12
I9 Friendship Heights 15 12
J1 Chevy Chase East 15 12
J2 Vernon Square Station 16 12
J3 Vernon Square North 16 12
J4 Vernon Square East 16 12
J5 Vault-Tec Headquarters 16 13
J6 National Guard Depot 17 12
J7 Takoma Park 17 12
J8 Takoma Industrial 17 12
J9 Smith Casey's Garage 3 13
K1 Evergreen Mills 5 13
K2 Megaton 10 13
K3 Sewer Waystation 12 13
K4 Wilhelm's Wharf 13 13
K5 Arlington Cemetery North 13 13
K6 Arlington/Wasteland Metro 13 13
K7 Anchorage Memorial 14 13
K8 Dupont West 14 13
K9 Dupont Station 14 13
L1 Georgetown West 14 13
L2 Tepid Sewers 14 13
L3 Dupont East 15 13
L4 Georgetown North 15 13
L5 White House 15 13
L6 Georgetown East 15 13
L7 Penn. Ave Northwest 15 13
L8 Our Lady of Hope Hospital 16 13
L9 Penn. Ave North 16 13
M1 Penn. Ave South 16 13
M2 The Statesman Hotel 16 13
M3 Metro Central 16 13
M4 Penn. Ave East 16 13
M5 Girdershade 2 14
M6 Grayditch 12 14
M7 Marigold Station 12 14
M8 Arlington Cemetery South 13 14
M9 Mama Dolce's 13 14
N1 Dukov's Place 14 14
N2 Lincoln Memorial 15 14
N3 Georgetown South 15 14
N4 Mall Northwest 15 14
N5 Mall Southwest 15 14
N6 Museum of History 15 14
N7 The Washington Monument 15 14
N8 The Mall Northeast 16 14
N9 The National Archives 16 14
O1 Museum of Technology 16 14
O2 The Capitol Building 16 14
O3 Seward Sq. Northwest 17 14
O4 Seward Sq. North Metro 17 14
O5 Ranger Compound 17 14
O6 VAPL-66 Power Station 3 15
O7 Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop 3 15
O8 VAPL-84 Power Station 6 15
O9 Fort Independence 8 15
P1 Fairfax Ruins 9 15
P2 Falls Church Metro 12 15
P3 Falls Church North 13 15
P4 Falls Church East 13 15
P5 The Citadel 14 15
P6 L'Enfant Plaza 15 15
P7 Irradiated Metro 15 15
P8 L'Enfant South 16 15
P9 Seward Sq. Southeast 17 15
R1 F. Scott Key Trail & Compound 2 16
R2 Dunwich Building 2 16
R3 Warrington Trainyard 4 16
R4 Tenpenny Tower 5 16
R5 RobCo Facility 6 16
R6 Cliffside Cavern 7 16
R7 Andale 9 16
R8 Red Racer Factory 11 16
R9 Alexandria Arms 13 16
S1 Hubris Comics 13 16
S2 Mason District South 13 16
S3 Anacostia Crossing 17 16
S4 Rivet City 17 16
S5 Warrington Station 5 17
S6 The Overlook Drive-In 8 17
S7 Nuka-Cola Plant 10 17
S8 Flooded Metro 12 17
S9 Arlington Library 13 17
T1 Jefferson Memorial 15 17
U1 Alien Crash Site
Alien Homing Beacon (Mothership Zeta)
12 3
U2 Sniper Shack 3 8
U3 The Raid Shack 13 10
U4 Rockopolis 2 13
V1 Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage) 12 16
V2 Bailey's Crossroads (Operation: Anchorage) 12 16
V3 Train Tunnel (The Pitt) 4 1
V4 Radio Tower (The Pitt) 6 1
V5 Holy Light Monastery (Broken Steel) 10 12
V6 White House Plaza (Broken Steel) 15 13
V7 Museum Authority Building (Broken Steel) 15 14
V8 Rockland Car Tunnel (Broken Steel) 1 17
V9 Riverboat Landing (Point Lookout) 14 17

Veja também[]

Links externos[]


Imagem de satélite mostrando a Capital Wasteland no "mundo real".
