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Esta página é sobre holodiscos e anotações em papel que contém textos confiáveis ou gravações em voz. Para outros holodiscos e anotações, veja Itens diversos do Fallout: New Vegas. |
Esta página apresenta a lista de holodiscos e anotações do Fallout: New Vegas. |
Informação geral[]
Em Fallout: New Vegas, pegar holodiscos e anotações em papel os adicionará a categoria "Misc" em seu Pip-Boy 3000, na área de "Data".
Cortado da versão final do jogo ou DLC. | |
Nome escrito como está no jogo, mesmo com seu nome em jogo escrito da forma errada ou gramaticalmente incorreta. | |
Holodisco/anotação contêm uma imagem. | |
Holodisco/anotação contêm som. | |
Holodisco/anotação contêm texto escrito. |
Para localizações e transcrições do conteúdo, acesse o artigo do holodisco/anotação.
Jogo base[]
Nome | Quest relacionada | G.E.C.K. ID | Base ID |
A Tragedy Has Befallen All Mankind | The House Has Gone Bust! | vObituaryMrHouse | 00166660 |
About that bunker at Fortification Hill... | vYesManBunkerNote | 00177875 | |
Activation code | I Put a Spell on You | VMS08BombPassword | 000f627c |
Alpha Station password | RSAlphaPassword | 001167e1 | |
Ambassador Crocker's note | VMS23CrockerNote | 0011909a | |
Ambassador Phillip Granger's final report | VNCREmbassyDispatch1 | 0012b5af | |
Ambassador Susanna Edith's final report | VNCREmbassyDispatch2 | 0012b5b0 | |
Anderson's confession | The White Wash | VMS11AndersonNote | 001618e4 |
Automated solution response | Democracy Inaction | VVault11SolutionResponse | 000e8b22 |
Bravo Station password | RSBravoPassword | 001167e2 | |
Big Sal's password | VMS21BigSalsPassword | 00119488 | |
Bill of sale | One for My Baby | VFreeformNovacBillOfSale | 000b83cc |
Black Mountain investigation note | BMNCRTrooperNote | 000e9c26 | |
Black Mountain prison password | BMPrisonPasswordNote | 000e60f2 | |
Cachino's journal | How Little We Know | VMS21CachinoJournal | 000fa299 |
Camp McCarran weapons manifest | ContrerasComputerNote | 000fd305 | |
Cassidy Caravans buyout offer | You Can Depend on Me | VMS05CassidyBuyoutNote | 0015ca93 |
Cerulean Robotics terminal access card | Wang Dang Atomic Tango | VFSFistoTerminalCardNote | 001344a3 |
Chairmen job offer | VMQ01JessupNote | 00116ff9 | |
Charlie Station password | RSCharliePassword | 001167e3 | |
Charlie Station requsition list | VMSRSCharlieLogNote | 00123e28 | |
Check on Ranger Station Charlie | Andy and Charlie | VFreeformNovacRangerStationNote | 000ccfc9 |
Chief Hanlon's confession | Return to Sender | VHanlonsConfession | 0015867b |
Comm station password | I Could Make You Care | VMS49CommPassword | 0014b049 |
Corporal White's journal | VMS11Note | 000fc21c | |
Corpse Retrieved | A Final Plan for Esteban | McCarranProperBurialNote | 00162018 |
Crimson Caravan - Van Graff agreement | Heartache by the Number | CassNoteCrimsonCaravan | 0015d90a |
Crimson Caravan invoice | You Can Depend on Me | CrimsonCaravanHolotapeNV | 000f2742 |
Declaration of Vital Essence | vNiptonParanoidNote | 0013a6a0 | |
Delta Station password | RSDeltaPassword | 001167e4 | |
Dermot's ledger | The Coyotes | VMS13Note | 000f95c6 |
Deputy Beagle's journal | VMQ01BeagleJournalNote | 001618bf | |
Dr. Richards medical report | VMS30RichardsMedicalReport | 00127930 | |
Eastern reflector control terminal password | That Lucky Old Sun | VMS03HeliosTerminalEastPassword | 000e361b |
Echo Station password | RSEchoPassword | 001167e5 | |
Elaine's letter | VNoteElaine | 00162b5a | |
Entry one in the Die-ary of Trash | SLTrashJournal01 | 00161f8c | |
Entry two in the Die-ary of Trash | SLTrashJournal02 | 00161f8a | |
Entry three in the Die-ary of Trash | SLTrashJournal03 | 00161f8b | |
Erasmus' logbook | VMSRSEchoClipboard | 001210fd | |
Ericsen's log | VMSRSBravoClipboard | 001210fa | |
Fine dining | VStripEpicureNote | 00162b5b | |
First Sergeant Astor's log | CampSearchlightAstorLog | 00166d9b | |
Food processor parts list | Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans | VFreeformMcCarranMessHallPartsListNote | 000f5758 |
For Carla | VBooneLastLetterNote | 0015fbaf | |
Forged Jet theft note | VFSForgedJetNote | 001227af | |
Forlorn Hope letter 1 | VCFHTrooperNote01 | 001629c4 | |
Forlorn Hope letter 2 | VCFHTrooperNote02 | 001629c5 | |
Forlorn Hope letter 3 | VCFHTrooperNote03 | 001629c6 | |
Forlorn Hope letter 4 | VCFHTrooperNote04 | 001629c7 | |
Forlorn Hope letter 5 | VCFHTrooperNote05 | 001629c8 | |
Forlorn Hope letter 6 | VCFHTrooperNote06 | 001629c9 | |
Forlorn Hope letter 7 | VCFHTrooperNote07 | 001629ca | |
Forlorn Hope letter 8 | VCFHTrooperNote08 | 001629cb | |
Forlorn Hope letter 9 | VCFHTrooperNote09 | 00162abc | |
Forlorn Hope mandate | VCFHMandateNote | 0016400a | |
Foxtrot Station password | RSFoxtrotPassword | 001167e6 | |
Frank Weathers' family | Left My Heart | NVCCFrankWeathersNote | 000f839d |
Freeside squatter camp note | VFSOffDutyNCRBarkerPasswordNote | 0015c4af | |
Getting Janet into Nellis | Young Hearts | vNellisJanetNote | 001618e2 |
Go with Captain Parker to arrest Keith | Keith's Caravan Charade | VDialogueVegasEastArrestNote | 0014d9aa |
Halford's note | Help for Halford | DogTagFistNote | 00148432 |
Help me! | SLBasincreek | 0015cc27 | |
Henchman message to Andy Scabb | Someone to Watch Over Me | VOVNVAndyScabbNote01 | 0013e541 |
Holotape | SSHQAllenMarksHolo | 0010291e | |
Holotape | PowderGanger01Note | 0010771c | |
How to play Caravan | CaravanRulesNote | 00162c93 | |
Inventory transfer order | VMS49GunNote | 0014c122 | |
Investigate Keith's gambling and drug operations | Keith's Caravan Charade | VDialogueVegasEastKeithNote | 000fb0ea |
Jean-Baptiste's Jet theft note | VFSRealJetNote | 001227ae | |
Justice Bloc HQ security tapes | VVault11JusticeBlocRecording | 000e88a1 | |
Karl's journal | Oh My Papa | VRRCKarlsJournalNOTE | 00144eb9 |
Keely's password | There Stands the Grass | V22KeelyPassword | 000fe953 |
Kudlow's report log | VMSRSFoxtrotClipboard | 001210fe | |
Legion orders | CampSearchlightLegionNote | 0014e32e | |
Legion patrol notes | NVCCLegionNotesNote | 001349c2 | |
Legion raid plans | Eye for an Eye | NVCCLegionPlansNote | 001343e8 |
Legion slave ledger | Oh My Papa | VRRCLegionSlaveLedgerNOTE | 00144675 |
Letter of introduction (female) | VNCRCFHolotapeFemale | 000e294a | |
Letter of introduction (male) | VNCRCFHolotapeMale | 000e2949 | |
Letter to Gloria | CassNoteVanGraff | 0015d9e0 | |
Lineholm's log | VMSRSAlphaClipboard | 001210f9 | |
Log page 3 | NVCGLog3Note | 0014b29e | |
Log page 5 | NVCGLog5Note | 0014c0fe | |
Log page 7 | NVCGLog7Note | 0014b29d | |
Log page 8 | NVCGLog8Note | 0014c102 | |
Log page 12 | NVCGLog12Note | 0014b299 | |
Log page 13 | NVCGLog13Note | 0014b29b | |
Log page 14 | NVCGLog14Note | 0014c0ff | |
Log page 15 | NVCGLog15Note | 0014c101 | |
Log page 18 | NVCGLog18Note | 0014b29a | |
Log page 19 | NVCGLog19Note | 0014c100 | |
Log page 20 | NVCGLog20Note | 0014b29c | |
Matchbook | Beyond the Beef | VMS18Matchbook | 00112015 |
Matter modulator project | REPCONHQQ35 | 000e9440 | |
Mayes request | Tags of Our Fallen | CFHNCRDogtagNote1 | 00125844 |
Mayor Steyn's journal 1/2 | vNiptonMayorJournal | 0013722c | |
Mayor Steyn's journal 2/2 | vNiptonMayorJournal2 | 0013722b | |
McCarran arms request | Dealing with Contreras | VFreeformMcCarranContreras1GunRunners | 000f07ca |
Meat vendor list | Poor Meat Never Makes Good Soup | VFreeformMcCarranMessHallMeatVendorList | 000fd2ca |
Medical supplies | Dealing with Contreras | VFreeformMcCarranContreras2CrimsonCaravan | 000f2480 |
Meeting notes | BMMarcusNote | 000e9499 | |
Mercenary note | Unfriendly Persuasion | VMS50Note | 0014be10 |
Message: Khan hospitality | VNovacGreatKhansNote | 000ccfcb | |
Midnight ranch attacks | The Screams of Brahmin | VFreeformNovacChupacabraNote | 000ccfcc |
Military orders | VMS02MilitaryOrders | 000cdb54 | |
Milling specifications | GunRunnerHolotapeNV | 000edb30 | |
Mission statement CB-03 | HVPatrolNote03 | 0015a7b9 | |
Mission statement KH-792 | HVPatrolNote02 | 0015a7bc | |
Mission statement XV-56 | HVPatrolNote01 | 0015a7ba | |
Missing laser pistol | Pistol Packing | HVTorresNote | 0016774e |
Mojave Express delivery order (4 of 6) | PrimmCourierNote | 0015bc9b | |
Mojave Express delivery order (6 of 6) | They Went That-a-Way | VMQ01CourierNote | 00105bcd |
Monorail sabotage plans | I Put a Spell on You | VMS08Plans | 000fc964 |
Motor-Runner Bounty | Bounty Killer | VMS07BountyNote | 000f0a2e |
Mr. RADical's journal | ClarkFieldRadiationGuyJournal | 000cee6f | |
Nellis artillery timing details | Highway to the Danger Zone | NellisGeorgeArtilleryNote | 0015a37b |
Nellis Missile Metal | Missing a Few Missiles | NellisMissileNote | 00107dba |
Nellis Scrap Metal | NellisScrapNote | 00107dbb | |
Nellis Solar Array | Sunshine Boogie | NellisArrayNote | 0010a1c3 |
Nighttime sniper | VFreeformNovacNighttimeSniperNote | 000ce88e | |
Note | HVRangerNoteItem | 000e44aa | |
Note from Corporal White | The White Wash | VMS11TrentBascomNote | 001429e8 |
Note to self | VES02GeckomanNote | 0016768f | |
Note from White to Dazzle | VMS11DazzleNote | 001618e3 | |
Note to Tyrone | VMS04ChompsLewisNote | 001429f5 | |
Offer to permit annexation | vConcessionMrHouse | 00166661 | |
Old Legion paperwork | Eye for an Eye | NVCCLegionPapersNote | 0013512a |
Omertas stopped buying from Mick | How Little We Know | VFreesideMickOmertaNote1 | 00113214 |
Order of Withdrawal | All or Nothing | VHDTermsOfSurrender | 0015ecab |
Overseer's journal fragment 1 | V34OverseerJournal01Note | 00135f1f | |
Overseer's journal fragment 2 | V34OverseerJournal02Note | 0013ef5d | |
Overseer's journal fragment 3 | V34OverseerJournal03Note | 0013ef5e | |
Overseer's journal fragment 4 | V34OverseerJournal04Note | 0013ef5c | |
Overseer's password | V34OverseerPassword | 0013a727 | |
Pacer's patient record | VFSPacerPatientRecord | 001205bb | |
Patient 1648654 | V19MedNote01 | 001669ac | |
Patient 1687865 | V19MedNote03 | 001669ae | |
Patient 3905698 | V19MedNote05 | 001669b0 | |
Patient 5498465 | V19MedNote02 | 001669ad | |
Patient 6585645 | V19MedNote04 | 001669af | |
Philippe's recipes | Beyond the Beef | VMS18RecipeNote | 00117e37 |
Post-War audio log | JacobstownAudioLog01 | 0013dbeb | |
Powder Ganger notes | 0010a13d (note 1) 0010a143 (note 2) 0010a149 (note 3) | ||
Prepared speech of Gus Olson, ombudsman, for the annual overseer election | VVault11Speech | 000e88a0 | |
President Kimball's itinerary | You'll Know It When It Happens | VMQ03KimballItinerary | 00132f2d |
Primm residential petition (unsigned) | PrimmSheriffPetition0 | 000e3e97 | |
Primm residential petition (1 signature) | PrimmSheriffPetition1 | 000e3e98 | |
Primm residential petition (2 signatures) | PrimmSheriffPetition2 | 000e3e99 | |
Primm residential petition (3 signatures) | PrimmSheriffPetition3 | 000e3e94 | |
Primm residential petition (4 signatures) | PrimmSheriffPetition4 | 000e3e95 | |
Primm residential petition - complete | PrimmSheriffPetition5 | 000e3e96 | |
Primm Slim corrupted memory block | A Pair of Dead Desperados, I | VanceGunNote1 | 000e2c95 |
Ranger Kudlow report | Return to Sender | VMS52KudlowReport | 00152c03 |
Ranger Lineholm report | Return to Sender | VMS52LineholmReport | 00152a49 |
Ranger Pason report | Return to Sender | VMS52PasonReport | 00152a48 |
Ranger Station Charlie audio log 1 | Andy and Charlie | RSCharlieAudioLog01 | 000842e0 |
Ranger Station Charlie audio log 2 | Andy and Charlie | RSCharlieAudioLog02 | 000842e2 |
Ranger station radio security codes | Return to Sender | RadioCodesNote | 0014f3b0 |
Ransom note | PrimmBisonSteveRansom | 000e393f | |
Recipes - Cass' moonshine | RecipesCassMoonshineNote | 0016163e | |
Recipes - Rose's wasteland omelet | You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs | RecipesRosesWastelandOmeletNote | 0013d52c |
Repair note #3 | BMRepairNote3 | 000e64e7 | |
Report back to Captain Parker | Keith's Caravan Charade | VDialogueVegasEastDiceNote VDialogueVegasEastDrugsNote |
000fb0eb 000fb0ec |
Reprimand recommendation | VMS11RomanowskiNote | 001429e9 | |
Revenge note | Birds of a Feather | VFSSilverRushBomberNote | 0015a7bb |
Roy Gottlieb's terminal password | VVault11GottliebPassword | 000ea7ff | |
Sammy's safe combination | SammySafeComb | 000e32f5 | |
Sgt. Reyes list | VMSRSGlobalCommBreakdownList | 00127b22 | |
Sgt. Reyes list | VMSRSGlobalCommBreakdownListNoCharlie | 00127b23 | |
Sniper nest location | VCFHSniperNote | 00164009 | |
Snuff tapes | VMS21MurderTapes | 0011d9cc | |
Storage room safe | REPCONNotePassword | 000ccef1 | |
Strip letter 1 | VStripGamblerNote01 | 00162abd | |
Strip letter 2 | VStripGamblerNote02 | 00162abe | |
Strip letter 3 | VStripGamblerNote03 | 00162abf | |
Strip letter 4 | VStripGamblerNote04 | 00162ac0 | |
Strip letter 5 | VStripGamblerNote05 | 00162ac1 | |
Strip letter 6 | VStripGamblerNote06 | 00162ac2 | |
Strip letter 7 | VStripGamblerNote07 | 00162b5c | |
Strip letter 8 | VStripTrooperNote01 | 00162ac3 | |
Strip letter 9 | VStripTrooperNote02 | 00162ac4 | |
Strip letter 10 | VStripTrooperNote03 | 00162ac5 | |
Strip letter 11 | VStripTrooperNote04 | 00162ac6 | |
System recording: Vault 11 front entrance | VVault11SurvivorRecording | 000e9ac1 | |
System recording: Vault 11 solution | Democracy Inaction | VVault11Solution | 000e8b21 |
Thanks, baby | vBennyLoveNote | 0016665f | |
The Screams of Brahmin | The Screams of Brahmin | VFreeformNovacChupacabraInventoryNote | 000ce88d |
Tomas's journal | SSHQTomasNote | 00140ca8 | |
Torn diary page 1 | SLFarmDiary01 | 001544bd | |
Torn diary page 2 | SLFarmDiary02 | 001544ba | |
Torn diary page 3 | SLFarmDiary03 | 001544bb | |
Torn diary page 4 | SLFarmDiary04 | 001544bc | |
Treasure hunt | BMHiddenTreasureNote | 000e7595 | |
Troike blackmail note | VMS21TroikeBlackMail | 0011945d | |
Recipes - Turbo | Aba Daba Honeymoon | RecipesTurboNote | 00146d1a |
Sexton's note | An Ear to the Ground | CFHNCRSextonNote1 | 00126d48 |
Silent treatment | Silus Treatment | VFreeformMcCarran2POWNote | 000ef965 |
Stealthboy shipment update | REPCONBasementTerminalNote6 | 000cd21d | |
They didn't shoot the deputy | VFreeformPrimmSheriff | 000e3755 | |
Vance gun brochure | PrimmVanceGunNote | 000e3756 | |
Vault 11 (anotação) | Democracy Inaction | VVault11QuestNote | 000e9ac3' |
Vault 11 overseer's terminal password | VVault11OverseerPassword | 000e88a2 | |
Vault 3 overseer password | I Love Bananas | VMS07OverseerPassword | 000fd78b |
Vault 34 security terminal password | V34F3Keycard | 00133107 | |
Vault 34 utility terminal password | V34F2Keycard | 00133108 | |
Vault 74 holotape overseer's log | VT74aHoloNote | 00154133 | |
Vault 74a overseer's log | VT74aQuestNote | 00154134 | |
Wanted: Deathclaw egg | VFreeformQJJasNote | 000e5b97 | |
Western reflector control terminal password | That Lucky Old Sun | VMS03HeliosTerminalWestPassword | 000e361c |
Dead Money[]
Nome | Quests relacionadas | G.E.C.K. ID | Base ID |
Casino security passcode | NVDLC01CasinoPasscode01 | xx00a5a2 | |
Dean Domino's "Saw Her Yesterday" song | NVDLC01TheaterDeanHolotapeNote | xx00e9f6 | |
Dean Domino's blackmail evidence | NVDLC01DeanBlackmailTapeNote | xx0132d9 | |
Dog command tape | NVDLC01DogCommandNote | xx00dfcf | |
Elijah's holomessage | NVDLC01ElijahHolomessage | xx0119dc | |
Ennis's note | NVDLC01Gala02EnnisLockerNote | xx00ec9f | |
Extracted holotape | NVDLC01VaultVera01Note | xx013897 | |
Journal | NVDLC01wtJournalNote | xx012280 | |
Journal | NVDLC01ETJournalNote | xx0136f4 | |
Message from Elijah: Gala event | NVDLC01ElijahNote02 | xx00bcda | |
Prisoner commands | NVDLC01ElijahNote01 | xx00bcd9 | |
Recipe: Super-Heated Knife! | NVDLC01RecipeSuperHeatedKnifeNote | xx0138e8 | |
Remote maintenance terminal password | NVDLC01Gala02EnnisTerminalFromNote | xx00ec9e | |
See you in hell asshole | NVDLC01Gala02MercNote | xx013b19 | |
Shipment invoice | NVDLC01wtShipmentInvoiceNote | xx01227f | |
Sierra Madre entertainer pass | Curtain Call at the Tampico | NVDLC01PassMaintenanceNote | xx009238 |
Sierra Madre maintenance pass | Put the Beast Down | NVDLC01PassEntertainerNote | xx009237 |
Spliced holotape | NVDLC01StarletVoiceFragment04 | xx00ed51 | |
Stained note | NVDLC01wtStainedNote | xx01227e | |
Stained page | NVDLC01ETStainedPageNote | xx0136f5 | |
Suites security password note | NVDLC01SuitesSecurityPassword | xx00a846 | |
Tampico's front desk terminal password | NVDLC01TheaterFrontDeskTerminalPassword | xx010977 | |
Tampico's stage manager passcode | NVDLC01TheaterEntertainerPasscodeNote | xx0109ef | |
Torn journal | NVDLC01ETTornJournalNote | xx0136f6 | |
Toxic samples | NVDLC01Gala02SampleNote | xx01336e | |
Vault security protocols | Heist of the Centuries | NVDLC01VaultSecurityProtocolNote | xx00bfbd |
Vault turret terminal password | NVDLC01VaultTurretPasswordNote | xx0132d7 | |
Vending machine code - ".308 rifle rounds" | NVDLC01VendingAutoRifleAmmo | xx011b2d | |
Vending machine code - ".357 magnum rounds" | NVDLC01VendingPolicePistolAmmo | xx011b2c | |
Vending machine code - "Automatic rifle - upgraded internals" | NVDLC01VendingModAutoRifle | xx013329 | |
Vending machine code - "Bear trap fist - heavy duty springs" | NVDLC01VendingModBearTrapFist | xx01332b | |
Vending machine code - "Buffout" | NVDLC01VendingBuffout | xx011b33 | |
Vending machine code - "Demolition charge" | NVDLC01VendingDemoCharge | xx011b2b | |
Vending machine code - "Hologram rifle - advanced calibration" | NVDLC01VendingModHoloRifle03 | xx013b21 | |
Vending machine code - "Hologram rifle - focusing lense" | NVDLC01VendingModHoloRifle02 | xx013b1b | |
Vending machine code - "Hologram rifle - reinforced components" | NVDLC01VendingModHoloRifle | xx01332a | |
Vending machine code - "Med-X" | NVDLC01VendingMedX | xx011dff | |
Vending machine code - "Mentats" | NVDLC01VendingMentats | xx011b34 | |
Vending machine code - "Police Pistol" | NVDLC01VendingPolicePistol | xx011b2a | |
Vending machine code - "Rad-X" | NVDLC01VendingRadX | xx011b2f | |
Vending machine code - "RadAway" | NVDLC01VendingRadAway | xx011b2e | |
Vending machine code - "Rebound" | NVDLC01VendingRebound | xx011b32 | |
Vending machine code - "Return outfit item" | NVDLC01VendReturnOutfitItem | xx012f56 | |
Vending machine code - "Return SA armor" | NVDLC01VendReturnSAArmor | xx012f53 | |
Vending machine code - "Scotch" | NVDLC01VendingScotch | xx011b36 | |
Vending machine code - "Steady" | NVDLC01VendingSteady | xx011b31 | |
Vending machine code - "Stimpak" | NVDLC01VendingStimpak | xx012f55 | |
Vending machine code - "Super stimpak" | NVDLC01VendingSuperStims | xx011b29 | |
Vending machine code - "Vodka" | NVDLC01VendingVodka | xx011b37 | |
Vending machine code - "Weapon repair kit" | NVDLC01VendingWeapRepairKit | xx011b30 | |
Vending machine code - "Wine" | NVDLC01VendingWine | xx011b35 | |
Vera Keyes' "Begin Again" song | NVDLC01StarletVoiceFragment03 | xx00e7ca | |
Vera Keyes' "Go to the Faraway" song | NVDLC01StarletVoiceFragment02 | xx00e7c9 | |
Vera Keyes' "Let the Bright Tomorrow in" song | NVDLC01StarletVoiceFragment01 | xx00e7c8 | |
Vera Keyes' "Let the Bright Tomorrow in" song (I) | NVDLC01StarletMusicFragment01 | xx012e4a | |
Vera Keyes' "Let the Bright Tomorrow in" song (II) | NVDLC01StarletMusicFragment02 | xx012e48 | |
Vera Keyes' "Let the Bright Tomorrow in" song (III) | NVDLC01StarletMusicFragment03 | xx012e49 | |
Vera Keyes' audition | NVDLC01StarletAudition01Note | xx0132d8 | |
Vera Keyes' medical report | NVDLC01SuitesVeraMedNote | xx013410 | |
Vera Keyes' partitures | NVDLC01StarletPartitures | xx0108ea | |
Worker's note | NVDLC01VaultWorkerNote | xx013894 |
Honest Hearts[]
Nome | Quest relacionada | G.E.C.K. ID | Base ID |
Grand Staircase map holotape | The Grand Staircase | NVDLC02GrandStaircaseMap (item) | xx00d696 (item) |
Sorrows healing powder supply | NVDLC02HealingPowderNote | xx00a672 | |
Year: 2077 | NVDLC02Survivalist2077Note01 | xx00d925 | |
Year: 2078 | NVDLC02Survivalist2078Note01 | xx00d926 | |
Year: 2083 | NVDLC02Survivalist2083Note01 | xx00d927 | |
Year: 2084 | NVDLC02Survivalist2084Note01 | xx00d928 | |
Year: 2095 | NVDLC02Survivalist2095Note01 | xx00d929 | |
Year: 2096 | NVDLC02Survivalist2096Note01 | xx00d92a | |
Year: 2096 (II) | NVDLC02Survivalist2096Note02 | xx00d92b | |
Year: 2097 | NVDLC02Survivalist2097Note01 | xx00d92c | |
Year: 2100 | NVDLC02Survivalist2100Note01 | xx00d92d | |
Year: 2101 | NVDLC02Survivalist2101Note01 | xx00d92e | |
Year: 2108 | NVDLC02Survivalist2108Note01 | xx00d92f | |
Year: 2113 | NVDLC02Survivalist2113Note01 | xx00d930 | |
Year: 2123 | NVDLC02Survivalist2123Note01 | xx00d931 | |
Year: 2124 | NVDLC02Survivalist2124Note01 | xx00d932 |
Old World Blues[]
Nome | Quest relacionada | G.E.C.K. ID | Base ID |
"Muggy" Upgrade: Parts Production | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeMuggyPartsProductionNOTE | xx011fb1 |
Audio Sample - Gabriel's Bark | Field Research | NVDLC03SonicGunGabrielsBarkNOTE | xx011f92 |
Audio Sample - Giant Tarantula | Field Research | NVDLC03SonicGunTarantulaNOTE | xx011f95 |
Audio Sample - Mobius' Robo-scorpion | Field Research | NVDLC03SonicGunRoboScorpionNOTE | xx011f94 |
Audio Sample - Opera Singer | Field Research | NVDLC03SonicGunOperaSingerNOTE | xx011f93 |
Auto-Doc Upgrade: Cosmetic Enhancements | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeAutoDocCosmeticNOTE | xx013d7e |
Auto-Doc Upgrade: Hair Styling Enhancements | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeAutoDocBarberNOTE | xx011fa1 |
Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant C-13 | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeAutoDocC13NOTE | xx011fa2 |
Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant M-5 | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeAutoDocM5NOTE | xx011fa3 |
Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant Y-3 | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeAutoDocY3NOTE | xx011fa4 |
Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant Y-7 | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeAutoDocY7NOTE | xx011fa5 |
Betsy Bright's Disciplinary Record | Sonic Emitter Upgrade | NVDLC03X8SchoolRecord | xx00dd48 |
Book Chute Upgrade: Mulching | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeBookChuteMulchingNOTE | xx011fa9 |
Cherie O' Bannon's After-School Schedule | Sonic Emitter Upgrade | NVDLC03X8SchoolSchedule | xx00dd4a |
Dog and lobotomite splicing experiment holotape | NVDLC03X8Experiment02Note | xx012a0b | |
Dog and robot splicing experiment holotape | NVDLC03X8Experiment01Note | xx012a0d | |
Elijah's Watch journal | NVDLC03ElijahWatchJournal | xx0155c7 | |
Emergency shutdown terminal password | NVDLC03X42ShutdownTerminalPassword | xx00f996 | |
Hazmat pod security code | NVDLC03HazmatNote | xx01418d | |
Light Switch 01 Upgrade: "Smart Lights" | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeLight01SmartNOTE | xx011faf |
Light Switch 02 Upgrade: "Mood Lights" | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeLight02MoodNOTE | xx0122e7 |
Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Mentat Chow" | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeMainComputerK9ModMentatChowNOTE | xx015617 |
Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Resla Roil" | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeMainComputerK9ModReslaRoilNOTE | xx015614 |
Main Computer Upgrade: LAER Mod "Auxiliary Recharger Chip" | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeMainComputerLAERModAuxClipNOTE | xx015615 |
Main Computer Upgrade: LAER Mod "Prismatic Lens" | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeMainComputerLAERModPrismNOTE | xx015616 |
Midterm Grade Report: Richie Marcus | Sonic Emitter Upgrade | NVDLC03X8SchoolGrades | xx00dd49 |
Patient log: Y-17.0 | NVDLC03ChristineMedicalCenterHolotapeNote | xx014747 | |
Patient log: Y-17.5 | NVDLC03ChristineUlysses01HolotapeNote | xx014748 | |
Patient log: Y-17.9 | NVDLC03ChristineUlysses02HolotapeNote | xx014749 | |
Recipes - Barter skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookBarterITEM (item) | xx0169e5 (item) | |
Recipes - Energy Weapons skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookEnergyWeapITEM (item) | xx0169e6 (item) | |
Recipes - Explosives skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookExplosivesITEM (item) | xx0169e7 (item) | |
Recipes - Guns skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookGunsITEM (item) | xx0169e8 (item) | |
Recipes - Lockpick skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookLockpickingITEM (item) | xx0169e9 (item) | |
Recipes - Medicine skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookMedicineITEM (item) | xx0169ea (item) | |
Recipes - Melee Weapons skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookMeleeWeapITEM (item) | xx0169f4 (item) | |
Recipes - Repair skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookRepairITEM (item) | xx0169ec (item) | |
Recipes - Science skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookScienceITEM (item) | xx0169ed (item) | |
Recipes - Sneak skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookSneakITEM (item) | xx0169ee (item) | |
Recipes - Speech skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookSpeechITEM (item) | xx0169ef (item) | |
Recipes - Survival skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookSurvivalITEM (item) | xx0169f0 (item) | |
Recipes - Unarmed skill book | NVDLC03RecipeSkillBookUnarmedITEM (item) | xx0169f1 (item) | |
Robot and nightstalker splicing experiment holotape | NVDLC03X8Experiment03Note | xx012a0c (item) | |
Schematics - K9000 FIDO | NVDLC03SchematicsFIDONote | xx0142ca | |
Sink Project: Auto-Doc | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyAutoDocNOTE | xx011f97 |
Sink Project: Biological Research Station | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyBiologyNOTE | xx011f96 |
Sink Project: Book Chute | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyBookChuteNOTE | xx011f99 |
Sink Project: Central Intelligence Unit | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyCentralIntelligenceNOTE | xx01634b |
Sink Project: Jukebox | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyJukeboxNOTE | xx011f98 |
Sink Project: Light Switch 01 | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyLightSwitch01NOTE | xx011f9e |
Sink Project: Light Switch 02 | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyLightSwitch02NOTE | xx011f9f |
Sink Project: Muggy | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyMuggyNOTE | xx011fa0 |
Sink Project: Sink | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddySinkNOTE | xx011f9d |
Sink Project: Toaster | All My Friends Have Off Switches | NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE | xx011f9c |
Sink Upgrade: Water Production | Influencing People | NVDLC03HQUpgradeSinkWaterNOTE | xx011faa |
Sonic emitter notice | NVDLC03X13FieldGunNote | xx00dba4 | |
Torn journal page | NVDLC03ElijahSignalHillsPage | xx0155c8 | |
VR simulation note | NVDLC03X13VRNote | xx01634d |
Lonesome Road[]
Nome | Quest relacionada | G.E.C.K. ID | Base ID |
Bitter drink recipe | NVDLC04BitterDrinkRecipeNOTE | xx00cf39 | |
Bravo Team mission orders | NVDLC04FlashBangNOTE | xx00d96f | |
Flash bang information | NVDLC04FlashbangAbilitiesNote | xx0df4fa | |
For whoever finds this.... | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04SLWasteDisposalNote | xx00a19c |
Hopeville Base - Armory access codes | NVDLC04Road01ArmoryAccessNote | xx00c620 | |
Hopeville Silo - 1st level security code | NVDLC04Silo01SecurityCodeLvl01 | xx0092f0 | |
Hopeville Silo - 2nd level security code | NVDLC04Silo01SecurityCodeLvl02 | xx0092ef | |
"Missing" shipment | NVDLC04ChineseGrenadeLauncherNote | xx00caa0 | |
Mission report | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04DivideJournal02 | xx00910d |
NCR Ranger action reports | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogTrooperNote01 | xx00bd38 |
NCR Ranger action reports- addendum | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogTrooperNote02 | xx00bd39 |
NCR Radio distress beacon | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogTrooperNote03 | xx00bd3a |
Pvt. Foster's personal journal | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04DivideJournal01 | xx007e48 |
Sunflower Summers' diary | Nostalgia challenge | NVDLC04DivideJournal03 | xx00a5f8 |
Ulysses log Y-17.15 | Ulysses' Odyssey challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssesBigMT1 | xx00cd6f |
Ulysses log Y-17.16 | Ulysses' Odyssey challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssesBigMT2 | xx00cd70 |
Ulysses log Y-17.17 | Ulysses' Odyssey challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssesBigMT3 | xx00cd71 |
Ulysses log Y-17.21 | Ulysses' Odyssey challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssesWhiteLegs1 | xx00cd72 |
Ulysses log Y-17.22 | Ulysses' Odyssey challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssesWhiteLegs2 | xx00cd73 |
Ulysses log Y-17.23 | Ulysses' Odyssey challenge | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssesWhiteLegs3 | xx00cd93 |
Ulysses' final message | NVDLC04AudioLogUlyssessFinalMsg | xx00cd90 |