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Esta é a transcrição de um arquivo de diálogo, o qual, contêm mensagens in-game relacionadas a scripts e itens ou a diálogos de personagens não jogáveis durante o gameplay. |
Esta é a transcrição do diálogo de Harold, ghoul na ponte de Los. |
Hello there! Haven't seen a human around here in a good long while - not alive, anyway. The name's Harold. What can I help you with today?
You seem awful cheerful for someone who's rotting away.
I'm a Brotherhood of Steel soldier, looking for other soldiers like me.
Have you seen any mutants around here?
Do you know anything about the vault under the city?
Harold, do you remember a hooker named Ruby?
Missing some parts there, aren't you, old timer?
Nice talking to you, pops.
Well, hello there, junior! You look like a ghoul who's going places. The name is Harold. What can I do for you today?
What are you so damn happy about, old timer?
I'm a Brotherhood of Steel soldier, looking for other soldiers like me.
Have you seen any mutants around here?
Do you know anything about the vault under the city?
Harold, do you remember a hooker named Ruby?
Pops, you look like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone.
Nice talking to you, pops.
More questions, huh? Well, I'd be glad to help you! Ask away!
Wow, you seem awfully cheerful for an old fart.
I'm a Brotherhood of Steel soldier, looking for other soldiers like me.
Have you seen any mutants around here?
Do you know anything about the vault under the city?
Harold, do you remember a hooker named Ruby?
Missing some parts there, aren't you, old timer?
Nope. See you later, old timer.
Why shouldn't I be happy? I've traveled a lot, but this place ain't half bad. Lots of honest ghouls up here on the bridge... not like the fanatics that rule the city, or those crazies on the docks. I'd stay clear of all them if I was you.
This is all very... interesting, but I need to ask you a few more questions.
I'm going to get going before I catch whatever you've got. Later, old timer.
Mutants here, you say? That's a good one! Not many mutants around after their army went boom... and the ones that are still alive can't reproduce.
They can't reproduce?
Yeah, I'm just joking with you, old-timer. Let me ask you something else.
I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. Goodbye.
Didn't you know? Mutants are all sterile. Good thing, too, otherwise they'd take over. Since they can't make little mutant babies, the surviving mutants are probably quietly dying off somewhere in the desert.
Giant killing machines quietly dying off. Right. I had some other questions...
If that were the case, my job would be a lot easier. Later.
Come to think of it... there were some fellas claiming to be Brotherhood here, what, weeks ago? Haven't seen them since.
I have some more questions.
I better go look for them. Talk to you later, old timer.
Well, don't that beat all! The Brotherhood skinners letting ghouls into their little army! We may be butt-ugly on the outside, but some of us still got a pair!
I haven't got all day, pops. You seen another Brotherhood soldier or not?
Yeah, I'm proud to represent ghouls everywhere and shit. I had some questions.
Whoa, look at the time. Gotta run, pops.
What was that? A vault right underneath us? Well, damn my rotten ears! First I heard about it. I used to live in a vault, a long time ago...
So you know something about vaults then?
I wanted to ask you about something else.
I guess I'll ask around. Bye.
They made the vaults before the Great War. Supposed to keep people safe, but a lot of 'em just plain didn't work. Doors opened too early, or there wasn't enough food, or their water chips broke.
Nice history lesson. Can we get back to the important stuff?
See you later, old timer.
Oh, I remember Ruby! Put quite a scare into that little girl... not on purpose, mind you. Sometimes the meat slides right off the bone, if you know what I mean. Heh heh. Whoo. That was a wild time.
Gross. I had some other questions.
I'm going to go kill some people and try to forget about that image.
Find Missing Pieces[]
Yeah. Lost my arm a few days ago. The damn thing keeps coming off. Same with my eyeball and my big toe. If you find any of my runaway parts, could you do an old ghoul a favor and bring 'em home?
Sure, I'll look around. Could you answer something for me, first?
I found this rotten old arm. Does it belong to you?
I found this putrid, watery eyeball. Wanna see if it fits you?
If you're missing a toe, then this is your lucky day. I've got one right here!
Wouldn't be the most disgusting thing I've done, so why not? I'll be back.
Yeah, I'm still missin' a few parts. Did you happen to find any of 'em?
Um, no. I had some questions for you, though.
I found this rotten old arm. Does it belong to you?
I found this putrid, watery eyeball. Wanna see if it fits you?
If you're missing a toe, then this is your lucky day. I've got one right here!
I'll go and check out the local dumpsters. See you.
You found my arm! Let me try and shimmy it back on. There may be some squirting, so you might want to cover your eyes... There we go! Now I can play the piano again! Thanks!
I found this putrid, watery eyeball. Wanna see if it fits you?
If you're missing a toe, then this is your lucky day. I've got one right here!
Wow, that was incredibly disgusting. I have a few more questions for you...
Gotta run. Don't lose anything else while I'm gone.
Is that my eye? Well, give it here and I'll try to pop it back in... Oh, that's much better! Huh, I thought you were taller! Here's a few caps.
I found this rotten old arm. Does it belong to you?
If you're missing a toe, then this is your lucky day. I've got one right here!
Wow, that was incredibly disgusting. I have a few more questions for you...
Gotta run. Don't lose anything else while I'm gone.
I wondered where that went! One day I was digging around an in-grown toenail, and "pop"! The damn thing was just gone! There we go! Here's a few caps on behalf of me and my toe!
I found this rotten old arm. Does it belong to you?
I found this putrid, watery eyeball. Wanna see if it fits you?
Wow, that was incredibly disgusting. I have a few more questions for you...
Gotta run. Don't lose anything else while I'm gone.
Another part? That's the last one! Thanks for getting all my parts back, young'n. I feel like a whole person again! I'm ready to take on the world! Here, take these caps.
Thanks, pops. I do have some more questions, though.
Gotta run. Don't lose anything else while I'm gone.
Well, young'n, it looks like it's time for me to move on! This place is dead... most of the other ghouls have already left. Anything I can do for you?
Do you know anything about the vault under the city?
Harold, do you remember a hooker named Ruby?
Missing some parts there, aren't you, old timer?
Nope. See you later, old timer.