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Esta é a transcrição de um arquivo de diálogo, o qual, contêm mensagens in-game relacionadas a scripts e itens ou a diálogos de personagens não jogáveis durante o gameplay.

Diálogo de Harry, um super mutante em Watershed.


{100}{}{You see Harry the super mutant.}
{101}{Harry_0}{Hey! You not look like ghoul. How come?}
{102}{}{That's because I dressed up really snazzy today.}
{103}{}{But I am a ghoul!}
{104}{}{Let me guess . . . because I'm not a ghoul?}
{110}{Harry_01}{Oooo...That was snazzy like, huh?}
{111}{}{Nah, I was just fooling you, I'm not a ghoul}
{112}{}{What do you do here?}
{113}{Harry_02}{You not ghoul! I knew, I knew! Not fool Harry!}
{114}{}{Yeahhh, that's pretty obvious.}
{115}{}{You're right. And now that you know, I'll have to kill you.}
{116}{Harry_03}{You not ghoul. Orders say not-ghoul, not be here.}
{117}{}{Who's giving you orders?}
{118}{}{Ok, thanks. I'll be leaving now.}
{119}{Harry_04}{Lou tell me watch place. Not let no one in. Not normals most. Take normals to the Lou. Hey...}
{120}{}{But I'm not a normal!}
{121}{}{OK, let's go see Lou.}
{122}{}{Frag it. How about, 'Not let you live.'}
{123}{Harry_05}{Oh ho-ho, you find out soooon.}
{124}{Harry_06}{Oh, uh, OK. Have nice...day.}
{125}{Harry_07}{Harry think he beat your head now.}
{126}{Harry_08}{Ooo...Harry confused. You not ghoul. You not normal. Hmm, what you? [Mumbling]}
{127}{}{I'm a new race of super mutant.}
{128}{}{I'm a highly advanced robot.}
{129}{}{Alright, I am a normal.}
{130}{Harry_09}{No! Harry know you not. Not like you!}
{131}{Harry_10}{Oh, ok. Harry think what to do.}
{132}{Harry_11}{Not like you. Hurt you now. Bad.}
{133}{Harry_12}{Uh, hello, pretty lady. You look real nice.}
{134}{}{Are you busy? I could use a big, strong man.}
{135}{}{Move a little closer. I've got something for you.}
{136}{Harry_13}{Harry gotta guard this place. Gotta stay right here.}
{137}{}{Ahh, I understand. You have a good day, then.}
{138}{}{That makes me sad.}
{139}{Harry_14}{Hey, you a normal! Gotta take you to Lou. Now!}
{140}{}{Please, don't do it. Let me go.}
{141}{}{Ah, heck with it! Watch these feminine wiles, mutie! . . .}
{142}{Harry_15}{Ohhh...Go away quick or Harry be in trouble.}
{143}{Harry_16}{OK. Go now. Gotta keep eyes out for humans. Not have time for you.}
{144}{Harry_17}{What do you have for me?}
{145}{}{A whittle smack just for you...}
{146}{}{A whittle kiss just for you.}
{147}{Harry_18}{You hurt Harry's friends! I...hurt...you!}
{148}{Harry_19}{Ohhh...You again? What want now?}
{149}{}{I want you to take me to your superiors.}
{150}{}{Nothing, just passing through.}
{151}{}{I came back to kick your ass.}
{152}{Harry_20}{Um..OK. Move along then.}
{153}{Harry_21}{Hey, you a normal! You come with Harry!}
{154}{Harry_22}{Hmm...OK. Take ya to Lou.}
{155}{Harry_23}{Ummm...yes. You prime normal. The Lou will be happy. Take away, take away.}
{156}{}{Wait, wait! You don't understand.}
{157}{}{I'll kill you with my bare hands.}
{158}{Harry_24}{Not have to. Harry follow orders. Take to the Lou.}
{159}{Harry_25}{Harry not think so, but you can try. Let go, guys.}
{160}{Harry_26}{Hey, Harry hear about you. You break the Vats!}
{161}{}{Yep, I did. And now I'm going to take you out.}
{162}{}{Yes, I'm the one. What are you going to do about it?}
{164}{Harry_27}{Uhh, me let you go. OK? You not show face here again? Please?}
{165}{}{Not good enough.}
{166}{}{Goodbye. I don't expect to see you again.}
{168}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
{169}{Harry201}{You kill Larry!}
{170}{Harry202}{You kill Gary!}
{171}{Harry203}{You kill my brother, Barry!}
{172}{Harry204}{You kill Terry!}
{173}{Harry205}{You kill Sally! He did have lousy name. But not reason to kill him!}
{174}{Harry26}{Not bother me. Leave alone!}
{175}{Harry207}{Uhhh...Not know.}
{176}{Harry300}{I dunno, but think he like a boss people.}
{177}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}
{178}{Harry302}{Set a wuss. He think he run place, but we run.}
{179}{Harry303}{The what?}
{180}{Harry304}{Hmph! Punies.}
{181}{Harry305}{Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck!}
{182}{Harry306}{Here, dummy. [Sigh] You stupid?}
{183}{Harry307}{The U' U' U' Un, I don't know.}
{184}{Harry308}{Nice for little guys. Harry hurt once and they make better. Make perfect again!}
{191}{}{You're not taking me anywhere!}
{192}{}{Ok, take me to your boss.}
{193}{}{The mutant ignores you.}

# Harry Tell-Me-Abouts
{982}{Harry207}{Uhhh...Not know.}
{983}{Harry303}{The what?}
{984}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
{1016}{}{Children of the Cathedral}
{1017}{}{Water Shed}
{1021}{}{Lou Tenant}
{1100}{Harry300}{I don't know, but think he like a boss people.}
{1101}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}
{1102}{Harry302}{Set a wuss. He think he run place, but we run.}
{1103}{Harry306}{Here, dummy. Hmpf. You stupid?}
{1104}{Harry304}{Hmpf! Punies.}
{1105}{Harry305}{Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck!}
{1106}{Harry306}{Here, dummy. Hmpf. You stupid?}
{1107}{Harry307}{The U-U-U-Un, I don't know.}
{1108}{Harry308}{Nice for little guys. Harry hurt once and they make better. Make perfect again!}
{1109}{Harry303}{The what?}
{1110}{Harry207}{Uhhh...Not know.}
{1111}{Harry207}{Uhhh...Not know.}
{1112}{Harry305}{Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck!}
{1113}{Harry305}{Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck!}
{1114}{Harry305}{Weak. Not know why the Lou want normals. They suck!}
{1115}{Harry308}{Nice for little guys. Harry hurt once and they make better. Make perfect again!}
{1116}{Harry308}{Nice for little guys. Harry hurt once and they make better. Make perfect again!}
{1117}{Harry306}{Here, dummy. Hmpf. You stupid?}
{1118}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}
{1119}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}
{1120}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}
{1121}{Harry301}{He Lou Tenant. He my boss. Not tell him, but Harry could take on good day.}
{1122}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
{1123}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
{1124}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
{1125}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
{1126}{Harry200}{Not have to tell you anything!}
