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Artigo em tradução
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Meu trabalho é principalmente de inteligência; portanto, quanto mais lugares eu vou, melhor eu o faço.

Deacon é um agente da Ferrovia vivendo na comunidade em 2287, e um possível acompanhante do Sole Survivor.


Deacon é um espião da organização de libertação de sintéticos, a Ferrivia. Pouco se sabe sobre seu passado antes de ingressar na Ferrovia, como ele prontamente admite ter mentindo sobre sua própria história. Entre outras coisas, ele afirma que estava entre os primeiros da 3ª Geração libertados, que ajudou a fundar a Ferrovia na década de 2210, e que ele é o verdadeiro líder da organização, com Desdemona servindo como figura representativa.[1] Até a própria Ferrovia está no escuro sobre grande parte de seu passado; Desdemona suspeita em particular que ele e o enigmático "John D." são o mesmo.[2]

Vida pregressa[]

O relato mais detalhado que ele fornece sustenta que quando jovem ele era membro da University Point Deathclaws, uma gangue que perseguia sintéticos acusados. Seu antagonismo aumentou para o linchamento de um homem suspeito de ser uma 3ª Geração. Abalado por sua parte no assassinato, Deacon deixou a quadrilha para se estabelecer como camponês. Algum tempo depois, ele se casou com uma mulher chamada Barbara. Eles pretendiam iniciar uma família, mas os Deathclaws da UP ressurgiram e atacaram a fazenda. A turma havia aprendido - para surpresa de Deacon e Barbara - que Barbara era uma sintética.

Enfurecido por sua execução, Deacon massacrou a gangue em uma névoa sanguinária. Após o massacre, ele foi contatado pela Ferrovia, que evidentemente desconhecia sua afiliação anterior à quadrilha. Apesar de acreditar que não merecia, Deacon jurou a si mesmo pela causa deles. Como na maioria de suas histórias, não há evidências para provar ou refutar essa afirmação.

Trabalhando para a Ferrovia[]

Em algum momento durante ou antes de dezembro de 2273, ele adotou o nome "Deacon" e sobreviveu a mais uma invasão do Instituto na Ferrovia, com Pinky Thompson atribuindo a sobrevivência da organização ao seu plano de fuga. Quando Pinky deixou o cargo em 2277, ele ajudou o Doutor Carrington e Desdemona a revisar as políticas da organização para focar na segurança operacional.

Em 2287, Deacon continua sendo um dos principais agentes de Desdemona, realizando missões importantes e acompanhando sintéticos de alto valor para a Ferrovia. A maior parte de seu trabalho secreto tem rastreado pessoas de interesse. Quando o Sole Survivor acorda do crióstato dentro do Refúgio 111 e começa a fazer ondas na área, Deacon se interessa pelo viajante. Ele os acompanha por toda a comunidade para reunir informações sobre suas atividades, com a esperança de recrutá-lo para a organização em um momento de crise.

Interações com o personagem do jogador[]

Visão geral das interações[]

Perk nociception regulator
Este personagem é essencial. Personagens essenciais não podem ser mortos.
Este personagem é um companheiro temporário.
Este personagem é um companheiro permanente. Ele garante o perk Cloak & Dagger.
Este personagem inicia missões.
Perk empathy synthesizer
Este personagem é envolvido em missões.


Efeitos das ações do jogador[]

  • Quando o Sole Survivor se aproxima do grupo, Deacon confirma o caráter do Sole Survivor para Desdemona, citando suas realizações e potencial. Se o Sole Survivor concordar em se juntar, Deacon oferecerá seus serviços como companheiro.
  • Com a máxima aprovação, Deacon concede o privilégio Cloak & Dagger, que oferece + 40% de duração para Stealth Boys e + 20% de dano por ataques furtivos.
  • Deacon se tornará instantaneamente hostil se o personagem do jogador matar um camponês ou qualquer pessoa envolvida na Ferrovia.
  • Ao lado da Irmandade do Aço ou do Instituto, na sequência do fim do jogo, o jogador será considerado inimigo da Ferrovia, resultando na perda de Deacon como companheiro e tornando-o hostil.
  • Depois de tomar o partido dos Minutemen e terminar a sequência final do jogo sem completar a missão opcional, a Ferrovia e Deacon se tornarão hostis quando o próximo personagem falar com Desdemona. Eles ainda podem falar com outros personagens da Ferrovia e completar missões para eles.

Artigo em tradução
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Series de interesses[]

Aprovações Reprovações
  • Lock-picking.
  • Hacking terminals.
  • Promising to help people.
  • Using a stimpak on Dogmeat.
  • Resolving conflicts peacefully.
  • Helping and speaking positively of synths.
  • Agreeing (or disagreeing) to take the shot from Tinker Tom.
  • Suggesting to Doctor Carrington that Old Man Stockton has a good reason to be paranoid or saying that this mission is important during Boston After Dark.
  • Asking Dr. Carrington if there is anyone he likes in Boston After Dark.
  • Telling Dr. Carrington that Deacon has already informed the player character about the countersign.
  • Speaking covertly to Old Man Stockton in Boston After Dark.
  • Using the Railroad code phrase when meeting High Rise in Boston After Dark.
  • Finishing getting H2-22 to Ticonderoga safely in Boston After Dark.
  • Telling Travis he did pretty good after rescuing Vadim in Confidence Man.
  • Telling Dr. Carrington he must be the head of the unwelcoming committee.
  • Humoring Tinker Tom's paranoia.
  • Destroying the Prydwen with the Minutemen's artillery in With Our Powers Combined.
  • Agreeing to go with Paul Pembroke in Diamond City Blues.
  • Telling Paul Pembroke to put the gun away in Diamond City Blues.
  • Dividing the spoils 50/50 with Paul Pembroke in Diamond City Blues.
  • Using the "Misunderstanding" option with the first mate or ask him to calm down in Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution on initial encounter
  • Siding with Ironsides in Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution.
  • Telling Joe at Bunker Hill that helping synths is a good thing.
  • Giving the serum to Brian Virgil.
  • Agreeing to help Bobby De Luca get off of chems in Dependency.
  • Teaming up with Glory by letting her decide what to do or asking her to do it during Memory Interrupted.
  • Defending the freedom of the press while speaking with Piper and Mayor McDonough.
  • Bribing Brother Thomas or saying that Sole Survivor is a friend of Emogene's family in Emogene Takes a Lover.
  • Killing Lorenzo Cabot in The Secret of Cabot House.
  • Saying sorry about Lorenzo to Jack in The Secret of Cabot House.
  • Killing Doctor Chambers during Human Error.
  • Telling Hancock that Pickman Gallery was "horrific."
  • Telling Kent Connolly to keep fighting after rescuing him.
  • Giving Danny Sullivan a stimpak in In Sheep's Clothing.
  • Siding with The Railroad when speaking with Desdemona in End of the Line.
  • Choosing any dialog option when speaking to Maria during Special Delivery after why she hasn't done anything.
  • Calling the Slog impressive when talking to Wiseman as well as calling it a great idea further into the conversation.
  • Telling Initiate Clarke that he should just run in Duty or Dishonor.
  • Telling X6-88 that you don't need his help during Synth Retention.
  • Telling Finn to back off.
  • Saying "I feel you" to Hancock after he stabs Finn when you enter Goodneighbor for the first time.
  • Telling Skinny Malone that Darla is the problem.
  • Encouraging violence against Darla.
  • Convincing Paladin Brandis to rejoin the Brotherhood during The Lost Patrol.
  • Telling Supervisor White that robots need humans in the Graygarden introduction dialogue.
  • Keeping Buddy in Trouble Brewin'.
  • Persuade Bobbi No-Nose to safely leave in The Big Dig.
  • Being sorry for Ada's loss in Mechanical Menace. Automatron (DLC)
  • Persuading Sister Gwyneth to leave the island. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Giving Sister Aubert her note back. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Responding sarcastically to Grand Zealot Richter during The Heretic. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying that what Brother Devin does is nuts when asked by Zealot Ware. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Agreeing to talk to Brother Devin when asked by Zealot Ware. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying that one does not want trouble when talking to the trapper during The Arrival. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying sorry and agreeing to keep Captain Avery's secret after giving her own locket and skull.Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying Howard Dunbar gave his life when talking to Captain Avery during Safe Passage. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying that the people of Far Harbor are good people when asked by Teddy Wright. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Helping Andre Michaud after talking to Teddy Wright. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Helping Small Bertha for free and saying that she is remarkable. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying anything for the family when talking to Mitch. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Telling Valery Barstow that Vault-Tec can burn. Vault-Tec Workshop
  • Offering Harvey a Stimpak (Fallout 4) during All Aboard. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Cracking a joke to Porter Gage after defeating Colter. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Telling Nisha that the Gauntlet should be shut down. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Convincing Oswald the Outrageous to stand down and leave Kiddie Kingdom. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Keeping the Hubologists alive at the end of Trip to the Stars.Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Giving Austin Engill the cure during Hole in the Wall.
  • When Kent Connolly is rescued during The Silver Shroud. He also likes if one tries to frighten (Speech check) the men of Sinjin during this quest.
  • Threatening as the Shroud when talking to Sinjin (no speech check).
  • Choosing the sympathetic response when Blake Abernathy mentions the death of his daughter Mary in Returning the Favor.
  • Telling Danse no, when asked to join at the end of Call to Arms.
  • Telling Elder Maxson that Paladin Danse needs a chance to explain himself during Blind Betrayal.
  • Sparing Danse in Blind Betrayal.
  • Agreeing to attempt to communicate with Patriot during The Molecular Level.
  • Joining The Railroad after completing Tradecraft.
  • Calling yourself "Whisper" when Desdemona asks for your nickname at the end of the quest Tradecraft.
  • Telling Desdemona to protect the Railroad during End of the Line.
  • Informing Desdemona about the Institute's plans before joining The Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Telling Glory "I promise" when she asks the Sole Survivor to save the synths during Precipice of War.
  • Telling Desdemona that one misses Glory.
  • Being against the genocide of Synths during Human Error.
  • Rejecting Doctor Chambers' deal during Human Error.
  • Completing the launch of the ship during Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution.
  • Lying to save the suspect after successfully interrogating the Suspected Synth.
  • Promising that the Sole Survivor won't tell it to anyone about Initiate Clarke in Duty or Dishonor.
  • Telling Doctor Amari that you lost your chance to say goodbye to H2-22 at the beginning of Memory Interrupted.
  • Telling Rei Nakano that even if her daughter is a synth, she needs help. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Telling Kasumi Nakano that Acadia is worth protecting. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Pretending to be Atom's messenger when talking to Brother Devin. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Embellishing the tale of the Red Death. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Completing Open Season. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Killing the Hubologists by inserting a fourth Fusion Core at the end of Trip to the Stars (This appears to conflict with the fact that he likes keeping them alive, possibly due to an oversight in development). Nuka-World (DLC)
Não gosta
  • Asking for more money in dialogues.
  • Using chems.
  • Eating corpses.
  • Giving drugs to Mama Murphy.
  • Saving Pickman.
  • Speaking without code to Old Man Stockton.
  • Saying to Tinker Tom that the Institute's plan to "terraform" the Commonwealth is crazy.
  • Entering Lorenzo's cell after killing him or if the player character chooses to free Lorenzo.
  • Helping the Minutemen retake Fort Independence.
  • Entering the town of Covenant.
  • Returning the egg to the deathclaw.
  • Saying it was an honor to work with Abbot during Painting the Town.
  • Telling Brandis the rest of his team is dead.
  • Threatening Brother Thomas in Emogene Takes a Lover.
  • Bringing a HalluciGen gas canister to Fred Allen.
  • Siding with Bobbi No-Nose in The Big Dig.
  • Betraying Bobbi No-Nose in The Big Dig.
  • Telling Initiate Clarke to turn himself in during Duty or Dishonor.
  • Choosing to kill Initiate Clarke in Duty or Dishonor.
  • Telling Glory that Sole Survivor doesn't need her help during Memory Interrupted.
  • Threatening First Mate when aboard the USS Constitution for the first time.
  • Telling Ironsides to abandon ship during Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution.
  • Siding with the Scavenger during the Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution.
  • Opening Lorenzo Cabot's cell in The Secret of Cabot House.
  • Telling Ada that it's "not my fight". Automatron (DLC)
  • Asking Sister Aubert to pay up. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying 'Glory to Atom' to Grand Zealot Richter during The Heretic. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Encouraging Devin or admiring his devotion when asked by Zealot Ware. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying Howard Dunbar is Mirelurk food when talking to Captain Avery during Safe Passage. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying caps is the reason to help the people of Far Harbor when asked by Teddy Wright. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Telling Mags Black that killing Colter was a thrill. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Going along with Cleansed's explanation of Hubology. Nuka-World (DLC)
  • Killing Brandis at Recon Bunker Theta, regardless of whether he attacked first.
  • Joining the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Telling Blake Abernathy that his daughter “got what she deserved.”
  • Assassinating the optional target Shelly Tiller during the course of The Silver Shroud quest.
  • Killing settlers and innocent people (makes him turn hostile).
  • Executing Danse at the end of Blind Betrayal.
  • Surrendering one's possessions to Brother Thomas.
  • Activating Liberty Prime in Liberty Reprimed.
  • Killing The Railroad when speaking with Desdemona in End of the Line (Note: This will make him hostile).
  • Giving Proctor Ingram the network scanner in Outside the Wire.
  • Killing Marowski, after being offered caps by Malcom Latimer.
  • Completing The Big Dig on Bobbi No-Nose's side.
  • Killing Trish in Diamond City Blues.
  • Describing Pickman Gallery as beautiful when turning the quest into Hancock.
  • Killing the accused settler in the Suspected Synth Minutemen radiant quest.
  • Killing Brian Virgil during the quest A Loose End.
  • Killing the Cabots except for Lorenzo during The Secret of Cabot House.
  • Telling High Rise that Sole Survivor is not signed up to babysit him.
  • Killing Machete Mike during Hull Breach. Far Harbor (DLC)
  • Saying "You did the right thing" to DiMA during Best Left Forgotten. Far Harbor (DLC)


Deacon aparece apenas en Fallout 4.


  1. CompanionDeacon.txt#396
  2. [Desdemona (77-)]