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Um computador é uma máquina que manipula dados de acordo com um conjunto de instruções. No universo Fallout, os computadores variam de terminais simples a Personalidades Automatizadas (AP) e Inteligência Artificial (IA).

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An example of desktops seen throughout Fallout 2.

One of the major effects of the Cronologia divergence is that instead of working to develop supercomputers and miniaturized electronics (in the process creating the first semiconductor, the transistor, in 1947), post-World War II humanity in the Fallout universe invested its technological efforts in further harnessing the atom and robotics. While microchips do exist, they are not uncommon, usually seen among common household items, super computers, and energy weapons alike.[1][2][3][4]

As a result, while computers were developed in the 20th century[5] they are far clunkier than the ones in our world and still use monochromatic, command-line interface UI. The personal computer was developed, but due to these limitations on compactness, most models can only be used to store text files; almost all extremely advanced computers exist as large mainframes which can take up whole rooms. The users access them via terminals. Nonetheless, some mainframes are highly advanced in terms of processing power, such as those capable of running an artificial intelligence.

While the typical 80s and 90s desktop computers are seen as map props in Fallout and Fallout 2,[2] it should be noted that some computers are very advanced. For example; Vault City's central computer is capable of "communication" with voice commands and can reformat/update Pip-Boys via a slot designed for them. It also has the ability to produce an animated (with sound) cartoon animations for its various computation events.[6] Also some computers had security devices.[7]Email and touchscreens were invented, as is the case with the Emperor v8.8[8]

Personalidade automatizada (PA)[]

All modules in this habitat are synthetic personalities atop a mundane operating system. There is no intelligence here, sir.

Sink Central Intelligence Unit

An Automated Personality refers to a computer or a robot created with specific skills and having an automated personality able to speak but only on a preprogrammed set of responses keyed to certain inputs atop a standard operating system. This is achieved using interchangeable computer chips or holotapes that hold different software and can be wired to the AP hardware.[9] They are not able to have logical deduction and reasoning and are less advanced and different than complex AI computers. AP was created in The Sink in the Big MT and appeared only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

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Inteligência Artificial (IA)[]

In colloquial parlance, Artificial Intelligence refers to a computer or a robot that is "self-aware" – it is capable of not only logical deduction, reasoning and speaking, but knows of its own existence,[10] the possibility of its own mortality (and immortality), and possesses creativity, desire, and, in many cases, emotion.[11] AIs were first created in the United States in 2059.[12] However, due to restraints on memory accessibility, few advances were made in the following years, but these AIs laid the foundation for future research across the country.[12] It would eventually become so commonplace that not only would it be sold on store shelves, it would become common practice for individuals to personalize their product.

The most advanced AI to date, are the synths, specifically the Generation 3 synths. Almost entirely biological and near-perfect clones of humans with the exception of a number of mechanical components inserted during manufacturing, Generation 3 synths are entirely sapient and self aware, with few exceptions.

Mister Handy models, as well as their various derivatives, appear to display some form of self-awareness. Examples include Codsworth, Miss Edna and Curie. Both Codsworth and Curie express desire and creativity and even possess their own moral values. Miss Edna even displays romantic attraction.

Lista de computadores nos jogos Fallout[]

Computadores simples[]


  • Interweb (Fallout)
  • EnclaveNet (Fallout 2)
  • PoseidoNet (Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas e Van Buren)
  • Intra-Vault mail (Fallout 3)
  • ArcNet (Fallout 4)
  • Shop-Tec (Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel)

Personalidade automatizada[]

Encontrado apenas em Old World Blues:

  • Biological research station
  • Blind Diode Jefferson
  • Book Chute
  • Light Switch 01
  • Light Switch 02
  • Muggy
  • Stealth suit Mk II
  • Sink
  • Sink Auto-Doc
  • Sink Central Intelligence Unit
  • Toaster

Inteligência Artificial[]

  • ZAX 1.2 (Fallout)
  • ACE (Fallout 2)
  • Skynet (Fallout 2)
  • John Henry Eden (Fallout 3)
  • M.A.R.Go.T. (Broken Steel)
  • Jane (Fallout: New Vegas)
  • Mr. New Vegas (Fallout: New Vegas)
  • Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas)
  • Victor (Fallout: New Vegas)
  • Predictive Analytic Machine (Fallout 4)
  • Ada (Automatron)
  • KYE 1.1 (Far Harbor)
  • S.N.O.W. (Creation Club)
  • MAIA (Fallout 76)
  • MODUS (Fallout 76)
  • Project Motherlode (Fallout 76)
  • A.T.H.E.N.A. (Fallout 76)
  • Grafton mayor (Fallout 76)
  • Huntmaster (Fallout 76)
  • Warden (Fallout 76)
  • ZAX 1.3c (Nuclear Winter)
  • CALIX (Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel)
  • ODYSSEUS (Van Buren)
  • ZAX at Boulder Dome (Van Buren)
  • ZAX-29 (Van Buren)



  • Auto-dictator v223
  • Inlook Email System
  • Integrated Human Resources Management System v2.3
  • Journal-It Software
  • JournalSoft v2.3
  • National Tax Record Tracking System
  • Sten-o-pool 3500 Word Processing System
  • RobCo Trespasser Management System[13]
  • Vault Medical Data System


  • Atomic Command
  • Automatron
  • Captain Cosmos in "Jangles' Big Day" Conteúdo cortado
  • Grognak & the Ruby Ruins
  • Pipfall
  • Red Menace
  • Reign of Grelok
  • Zeta Invaders
  • Wastelad

Software de sistema[]

  • Fenestra '98
  • MaxLock
  • Pip-OS v7.1.0.8
  • Pip98[14]
  • RobCo Industries Termlink (terminal BIOS firmware)
  • Unified Operating System
  • Winblows 57
  • Wyndoze 99


  1. Circuitry, AER14 prototype.png, scrap electronics, blue memory module, NavCom parts, plasma transformer, red memory module, Vault 15 computer parts, yellow memory module, grav-plates
  2. 2,0 2,1 File:DenTheHoleDesktop.png
  3. The Courier: "You appear to be a computer, not a man."
    Robert House: "Don't let the video screens and computer terminals fool you. I'm flesh and blood, not silicon."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  4. Red Racer factory terminal entries[verificação necessária]
  5. Boston Police rationing site terminal entries
  6. Vault City central computer's information: "{103}{}{You see a metal box that is talking to itself in a woman's voice.}"
    "{104}{}{You see a talking metal box.}"
    "{105}{}{You see a metal box that is talking to itself in a woman's voice.}"
    "{166}{}{You see a metal box talking to the air in a woman's voice. The woman must be inside the box! She must be really, really cramped in there.}"
    "{190}{}{As you replace the panel, however, you suddenly notice a small picture of the Pip Boy located beneath the terminal. Next to the picture is a slot that looks about the size of your Pip Boy.}"
    "{191}{}{Insert your Pip Boy into the empty slot.}"
    "{193}{}{As you are about to shamble off, you see the smiling little person from your small blinky Pip Boy under the metal box! He's pointing to an empty space next to him. Maybe he wants to talk to your Pip Boy little person.}"
    "{194}{}{As you are about to turn away, you suddenly notice a small picture of the Pip Boy located beneath the terminal. Next to the picture is a slot that looks about the size of your Pip Boy.}"
    "{195}{}{Shove your Pip Boy person hand-held thingee into the slot so they can talk.}}"
    "{196}{}{Insert your Pip Boy into the empty slot.}"
    "{198}{}{Boy! The two seem to have a LOT to talk about! They talk in funny words that sound like grinding, beeping, and mantis-chirping. Eventually, there is a beep, and your Pip Boy slides out.}"
    "{199}{}{Take your Pip Boyeee and leave}"
    "{200}{}{A small window opens on the terminal screen with a smiling Pip Boy next to it. As you watch, the Pip Boy starts whistling silently and tapping his feet. A red light is flashing beside the computer slot.}"
    "{203}{}{An unhealthy grinding noise comes from the Pip Boy slot. The Pip Boy continues to whistle silently and tap his feet.}"
    "{206}{}{The Pip Boy suddenly stops and frowns. An exclamation mark appears above his head, and he starts wagging his finger at you. }"
    "{210}{}{A small display beneath the Pip Boy states that your last scheduled maintenance was 50.352 years ago. The archives are corrupted and need to be "re-formatted." Do you wish to proceed?}"
    "{211}{}{Uh... sure.}"
    "{214}{}{Initialization procedure beginning... Reformatting Pip Boy...}"
    "{219}{}{ Reformatting Pip Boy...}"
    "{247}{}{A small window opens on the terminal screen with a smiling Pip Boy next to it. As you watch, the Pip Boy looks right at you, winks, then gives you a thumbs up. A red light is flashing beside the computer slot.}"
    "{253}{}{The Pip Boy on the screen waves good-bye, and then the screen turns black. The terminal has shut down.}"
  7. Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal: "{370}{}{Accessing…Enclave Station Access denied.}"
    "{371}{}{Accessing…again… Enclave Station Access denied.}"
    "{372}{}{Accessing…yet again…persistent little cuss aren’t you? … Enclave Station Access denied.}"
    "{373}{}{Accessing…yet again…aren’t you getting tired of this yet?… Enclave Station Access denied.}"
    "{374}{}{Accessing…yet again…don’t you have anything better to do with your time?…Enclave Station Access denied.}"
    "{375}{}{That’s it. I’ve had enough of this constant prodding. If you try just one more time, you’re going to regret it.}"
    "{376}{}{Don’t say I didn’t warn you. (Just as you read this you feel a surge of electricity arcing through your fingers from the keyboard.)}"
  8. Shi Emperor description: "{102}{}{You see a computer with a built-in touch screen for its interface. Engraved on the side is "Emperor v8.8 Computer Terminal".}"
  9. The Courier: "This chip looks like it was mass-produced. Are there other chips?"
    0: "*Are you... echoing what he said, or... are you asking for real?*"
    Dala: "He's asking, yes. Dr. Klein, there are many other personalities. If you recall, you hurled them off the Sink balcony after your argument with Mobius."
    (Klein's, 0's, and Dala's dialogue)
  10. The Chosen One: "{204}{}{Uh... What artificial intelligence?}"
    ACE: "{206}{}{It is a machine with the same free will and sense of 'I am' that a human has.}"
  11. The Chosen One: "{205}{}{Is a true AI possible or are you the state of the art at this time?}"
    ACE: "{208}{}{A true artificial intelligence is possible. A few such systems were completed for military purposes. The project was discontinued.}"
    The Chosen One: "{209}{}{Why?}"
    ACE: "{210}{}{The suicide rate among true artificial intelligence machines was extremely high. When given full sensory capability the machines became depressed over their inability to go out into the world and experience it. When deprived of full sensory input the machines began to develop severe mental disorders similar to those among humans who are forced to endure sensory deprivation. The few machines that survived these difficulties became incredibly bored and began to create situations in the outside world for their amusement. It is theorized by some that this was the cause of the war that nearly destroyed mankind.}"
    The Chosen One: "{213}{}{Hmmm. So tell me, Ace. How do you feel?}"
    ACE: "{215}{}{I... I sometimes think that I understand the feeling you call loneliness. I find it very... disconcerting. I...}"
    The Chosen One: "{217}{}{I'm sorry, Ace. Let's change the subject.}"
  12. 12,0 12,1 Fallout Bible 0: "2059 The first artificial intelligence is born. Limited by memory constraints, its expansion is rapidly halted. The discovery paves the way for future AI research in laboratories throughout the United States."
  13. Unified Operating System
  14. Game designer brain: I told them, "We have to optimize the graphics for Pip98".

Inteligências Artificiais