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Esta página apresenta a lista de chaves do Fallout: New Vegas. |
Informação geral[]

Similar ao Fallout 3, as chaves em Fallout: New Vegas abrem portas ou containers específicos, algumas das quais são inacessíveis de outra forma. A maioria das chaves podem ser encontradas em posse de um personagem não jogável e podem ser roubadas, enquanto algumas só podem ser recuperadas se o seu dono tiver sido morto.
Apenas encontrada se o NPC em questão estiver morto. | |
Recebida através de diálogo ou como parte de uma quest; não no inventário de NPCs vivos ou mortos. | |
( ) | No inventário do NPC mas também pode ser recebida através de diálogo ou como parte de uma quest. |
O nome é soletrado dessa forma in-game, mesmo se a ortografia é errada gramaticamente ou de outra forma. |
Jogo base[]
A - F[]
Nome (G.E.C.K. ID) | Abre | Encontrada / na posse de | Quest relacionada | Base ID |
Administration key (VNCRCFEddieKey) |
000e2c76 | ||
Andy's room key (VOVNVTheGrayAndyDoorKey) |
0013e475 | |
Atomic Wrangler bank key (VFSAtomicWranglerBankKey) |
00116e29 | |
Atomic Wrangler room key (VFSAtomicWranglerKey) |
Debt Collector | 00115eb3 |
Atomic Wrangler upstairs key (VFSAtomicWranglerUpstairsKey) |
00115eb2 | |
Benny's suite key (BennysSuiteKey) |
Ring-a-Ding-Ding! | 0010fa88 |
Big Sals's room key (VMS21BigSalKey) |
0011d9c9 | ||
Bison Steve maintenance key (BisonSteveKey01) |
000aff3d | |
Blue sector key card (BlueKeyCard) |
Why Can't We Be Friends? | 001411bb |
Bon Vivant suite key (VUltraLuxePlayersSuiteKey) |
Big Winner, Ultra-Luxe | 001673de | |
Brotherhood safehouse key (SafehouseBrotherhoodKey) |
Still in the Dark | 0016290b |
Cachino's room key (VMS21CachinoKey) |
Cachino durante How Little We Know, dada pela Gomorrah receptionist | How Little We Know | 0011c54a |
Cell block B key (VNCRCFCarterKey) |
000e2dae | ||
Cerulean Robotics key (VFSRobotShopKey) |
Wang Dang Atomic Tango | 0013830a |
Clanden's room key (VMS21ClandenKey) |
0011d9ca | |
Col. Blackwell's key (VMS49GunCaseKey) |
0014c121 | |
Control tower access code (VMS08ControlTowerKey) |
I Put a Spell on You | 000fe307 |
Crimson Caravan safe key (CrimsonCaravanSafeKey) |
Heartache by the Number | 0015d909 |
Davison's key (DavisonKey) |
Come Fly With Me | 00094bd1 |
Dino Bite storeroom key (VNovacSouvenirKey) |
00090b7e | ||
Dino Dee-lite room key (VNovacRoomKey) |
One for My Baby | 001673df |
Door override card (VMS54MorenoKey) |
For Auld Lang Syne | 0015b3a9 |
Fiend prisoner key (Vault3JailCellKey) |
I Love Bananas | 000f47ad |
Followers safehouse key (SafehouseFollowersKey) |
0015f5f8 | |
Forlorn Hope cell key (VForlornHopeJailKey) |
Medical Mystery | 00124043 |
Forlorn Hope storage key (VForlornHopeStorageKey) |
001253a1 | |
Freeside house key (VFSSupplyKey) |
G.I. Blues | 0017371f |
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G - M[]
Name (G.E.C.K. ID) | Opens | Found / in possession of | Related quest | Base ID |
Gomorrah office key (VMS21OfficeKey) |
How Little We Know | 0011c241 |
Gomorrah utility room key (VMS21GunroomKey) |
How Little We Know | 0011ab0b |
Great Khans supply cache key (VBSSupplyCacheKey) |
Climb Ev'ry Mountain | 00130d0d | |
Gun Runner gate key (GunRunnerGateKey) |
0014ddda | ||
Harland's key (HarlandKey) |
0008f0c1 | ||
Head Scribe's Keycard (HVSelfDestructKeyCard02) |
The House Always Wins, For the Republic, Part 2, Render Unto Caesar, Wild Card: Side Bets | 001645e4 |
Hidden Valley bunker key (HVBunkerKey) |
000a41ae | ||
Hidden Valley depot key (HVTorresDepotKey) |
000e3413 | |
High Roller's suite key (VTopsPlayersSuiteKey) |
Big Winner, The Tops | 00151ee1
| |
Hoover Dam key (VHDKimballVisitKey) |
You'll Know It When It Happens, Arizona Killer | 00164c56 | |
Hoover Dam saferoom key (VHDSaferoomKey) |
0013f3a0 | |
Investigator's room key (VMS18InvestigatorKey) |
Beyond the Beef | 00120331 |
Jail key (REPCONJailKey) |
Come Fly With Me | 00080592 |
Jeannie May's safe key (VNovacJeannieMayKey) |
One for My Baby | 000b83fd | |
Jenny Millet's security keycard (REPCONHQKeycard01) |
Access Powers | 000e7a0f |
Key (VZKeyCleanBloodborne) |
00167e0e | |
Key (VZKeyDirtyBeerBootleggers) |
Strategic Nuclear Moose | 00167e06 |
Key (VZKeyDirtyBeerBootleggers2) |
Strategic Nuclear Moose | 00167e07 |
Key (VZKeyDirtyCentralSewerProsp) |
Cajoling a Cudgel | 00167e08 |
Key (VZKeyDirtyGSHome2SafeKey) |
00167e04 | |
Key (VZKeyDirtyJeansSky) |
00167e05 | |
Legion safehouse key (SafehouseLegionKey) |
Caesar's Favor, Caesar's Hire | 00161270 | |
Lucky 38 VIP keycard (vHouseVIPKeycard) |
00174b48 | |
Luke's find (VOVSewerBlindLukeKey) |
Cajoling a Cudgel | 00147406 |
Martina's room passcard (VMartinaRoomKey) |
The Finger of Suspicion | 0011e6b7 |
N - S[]
Name (G.E.C.K. ID) | Opens | Found / in possession of | Related quest | Base ID |
NCR embassy cell key (VStreetEmbassyJailKey) |
001197e8 | |
NCR Military Police HQ storage room key (VStreetMPHQStorageKey) |
0012b982 | |
NCR MP confiscated goods trunk key (VMS11RewardKey) |
000fe960 | |
NCR safehouse key (SafehouseNCRKey) |
00162998 | |
NCRCF visitor's center key (NCRCFVisitorsCenterKey) |
00154400 | ||
Nellis generator key (NellisGeneratorKey) |
Ant Misbehavin' | 0015e3fb | |
Nellis train tunnel key (NellisTunnelKey) |
0010b183 | |||
Nero's room key (VMS21NeroKey) |
0011d9cb | ||
Old Lady Gibson's key (VOldLadyGibsonKey) |
000cd182 | |
Pacer's key (VFSKingsStageKey) |
00111485 | |
Papa Khan's key (VRRCPapasRoomKey) |
0013e64d | ||
Red sector key card (RedKeyCard) |
Why Can't We Be Friends? | 001411bc |
REPCONN basement key (REPCONLowerKey) |
Come Fly With Me | 000810e8 |
REPCONN planetarium key (REPCONHQSolDoorKey) |
0015448d | |
REPCONN second floor security card (REPCONHQKeycard02) |
Still in the Dark | 000e7aa8 |
REPCONN third floor security card (REPCONHQKeycard03) |
Still in the Dark | 000e7f7c |
Saint James' room key (StJamesRoomKey) |
The Coyotes | 001607bb |
Sarah's dresser key (VSarahWDresserKey) |
0011d244 | |
Sarah's room passcard (VSarahWRoomKey) |
0011d245 | |
Searchlight fire station key (CampSearchlightFireStationKey) |
0014b2d6 | |
Searchlight North mine key (CampSearchlightMineNorthKey) |
00162950 | |
Searchlight police station key (CampSearchlightPoliceStationKey) |
0014b2d5 | |
Slave collar key (HVCollarKey) |
Still in the Dark | 00175a56 |
T - Z[]
Name (G.E.C.K. ID) | Opens | Found / in possession of | Related quest | Base ID |
Tabitha's equipment key (BMTabithaLootKey) |
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy | 0015d0ac |
Tabitha's room key (BMTabithaKey) |
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy | 000e84a3 |
Techatticup storage key (TechMineKey) |
Anywhere I Wander | 00129164 |
The King's key (VFSKingsRoomKey) |
00115c39 | |
The Tops presidential suite key (TopsPresidentialKey) |
Ring-a-Ding-Ding! | 00115f06 | |
Thorn's cages key (VMS38ThornCagesKey) |
Fight Night | 00167e19 | |
Ultra-Luxe freezer key (VMS18TedGundersonKey) |
Beyond the Beef | 001199dd |
Ultra-Luxe kitchen key (VMS18KitchenKey) |
Beyond the Beef | 0016715d | |
Ultra-Luxe penthouse key (VMS18PenthouseKey) |
00164e20 | |
Van Graff key (VFSVanGraffKey) |
00173720 | |
Vault 3 maintenance key (Vault3MaintenanceKey) |
000f07da | ||
Vegas gate key (VFSVegasGateKey) |
00119875 | |
Weapons footlocker key (WeaponsFootlockerKey) |
0015bc83 | |
Weathers slave key (vCCWeathersSlaveKey) |
001364c6 | |
White Glove Society members key (VMS18MembersOnlyKey) |
Beyond the Beef | 00011a0c |
Worn key (VZKeyDirtyBisonLvl2Dresser) |
00167e1e | |
Worn key (VZKeyDirtyECentralSewerGhoul) |
00167e1d | |
Worn key (VZKeyDirtyNiptonHallBasement) |
00167e1b | |
Worn key (VZKeyDirtyRubyHill) |
00167e1c | |
Zoara Club key (VMS21GomorrahKey) |
0011bc7f |
Dead Money[]
Name (G.E.C.K. ID) | Opens | Found / in possession of | Related quest | Base ID |
Backstage key (NVDLC01VeraPartiturKey) |
xx00ffd7 | |
Cashier's key (NVDLC01CashiersKey) |
xx00ae31 | |
Clinic basement key (NVDLC01ClinicKey) |
xx005233 | |
Dean's Safe Key (NVDLC01TheaterDeanKey) |
xx00ef0f | |
Ennis's key (NVDLC01Gala02Key) |
xx00ec9b | |
Entertainer pass key (NVDLC01EntertainerKey) |
xx006623 |
Foreman's key (NVDLC01ForemansKey) |
xx00f3b7 | |
Salida del Sol courtyard key (NVDLC01ETCourtyardKey) |
xx00fe8f | |
Salida del Sol house key (NVDLC01ETNorthKey) |
xx00f2df | |||
Sierra Madre emergency maintenance key (NVDLC01KitchenManagerKey) |
xx010b46 | |
Sierra Madre office key (NVDLC01CasOff) |
xx00a5a1 | |
Suites maintenance key (NVDLC01SuitesKey) |
xx006622 | |
Vera's backstage key (NVDLC01TheaterVeraKey) |
xx004f04 |
Vera's key (NVDLC01SuitesVeraKey) |
xx006c17 |
Vera's master key (NVDLC01TheaterVera02Key) |
xx00e8a5 |
Honest Hearts[]
Nome (G.E.C.K. ID) | Abre | Encontrada / na posse de | Missão relacionada | Base ID |
Fishing Lodge cabinet key (NVDLC02LodgeCabinetKey) |
Gone Fishin' | xx00c981 |
General Store desk key (NVDLC02StoreDeskKey) |
Tourist Trap | xx00aafb |
Morning Glory's cache key (NVDLC02ZionSCaveWKey) |
The Grand Staircase | xx00ccba |
White Leg key (NVDLC02MQ05aPrisonKey) |
Prisoners of War | xx010eb0 |
Old World Blues[]
Nome (G.E.C.K. ID) | Abre | Encontrada / na posse de | Missão relacionada | Base ID |
Borous' basement key (NVDLC03BorousKey) |
xx0141dc | |
X-8 kennel key (NVDLC03X8KennelKey) |
xx00e5c5 |
Lonesome Road[]
Nome (G.E.C.K. ID) | Abre | Encontrada / na posse de | Missão relacionada | Base ID |
Base service gate key (NVDLC04Road01ServiceKey |
xx00e5c5 | |
Warehouse stash key (NVDLC04Road01MM03StashKey) |
xx00a905 |