Abandoned bog town ·Appalachian Antiques ·Big Bend Tunnel East ·Creekside sundew grove ·Firebase Hancock ·Firebase Major ·Forward Station Alpha ·The General's Steakhouse ·Old Mold Quarry ·Overgrown sundew grove ·RobCo Research Center ·Sunrise Field ·Veiled sundew grove ·Watoga (AMS corporate headquarters ·Watoga Civic Center ·Watoga Emergency Services ·Watoga Estates ·Watoga Municipal Center ·Watoga Transit Hub)
Ammo dump ·ATLAS Observatory ·Becker farm ·Big Fred's BBQ Shack ·Dent and Sons Construction ·Emmett Mountain disposal site ·Federal disposal field HZ-21 ·Fort Defiance ·Greenbank ·Hopewell Cave ·Huntersville ·Johnson's acre ·Lake Eloise ·Middle Mountain Cabins ·Monongah ·Monongah Power Plant ·Monongah power substation MZ-01 ·Monorail elevator ·Mountainside Bed & Breakfast ·National Isolated Radio Array ·National Radio Astronomy Research Center ·New Appalachian central trainyard ·Palace of the Winding Path ·Pleasant Valley Ski Resort ·Pleasant Valley Station ·Pumpkin house ·Red Rocket Mega Stop ·Relay tower EL-B1-02 ·Scenic overlook ·Seneca Rocks ·Seneca Rocks Visitor Center ·Site Alpha ·Site Bravo ·Site Charlie ·Sons of Dane compound ·South Cutthroat camp ·Spruce Knob ·Spruce Knob Campground ·Spruce Knob Lake ·Sugar Grove ·Sunnytop Ski Lanes ·Sunnytop Station ·Sylvie & Sons logging camp ·Top of the World ·The Vantage ·Vault 96 ·West Tek Research Center ·Yellow Sandy's still