The Vault

Play Magazine postet et intervju med Inon Zur angående lydsporet han har laget for Dragon Age: Origins. Inkludert i intervjuet er et spørsmål som er relatert til Fallout 3. Her er et utdrag fra intervjuet (på engelsk):

I have to ask about the “Butcher Pete” song in Fallout 3. Steeped in controversy, this old-timey song by blues musician Roy Brown was included among the “period pieces” of the Fallout 3 soundtrack and helps to further steep the wasteland in retro American lore. There is some debate about whether the song is about a guy who likes to have sex with a lot of women, or sex with anything, or if he is a serial killer who preys on women, or all of the above. But this makes me think of “period piece” songs that fit the game’s era and which are played by NPCs who live within the gameworld, as opposed to atmospheric songs which only outsider viewers can hear. Did you include any such “period” songs in Dragon Age: Origins? What do you think of the dynamic between period songs versus atmospheric songs for the audience?
Like in any project, decisions about songs versus score have to do with the nature of the projects and the artistic needs and choices. Era songs are VERY powerful when it comes to games that tend to happen in a specific known time, place and era where you can state the exact date and where you are in that realm. They tend to evoke the feeling of “reality” which enhances the “realism” in the game. Fallout 3 is definitely this kind of project, but Dragon Age is not. Dragon Age happens in an indefinite time somewhere in the far past, but we don’t even get a specific time or place. In this case we actually want to further enhance the undefined time/place feel, so we will rely more on score and less on songs, and if we do incorporate songs they will feel like part of this “dark fantasy” environment.
postet av: -=KAG=-Discussion - the VaultNO okt 23., 2009 kl. 20:26 (UTC)