A survivalist by trade, Tycho is a veteran of the wastes. He carries a gas mask (just in case), wears hardened leather armor and carries a shotgun, a knife, spiked knuckles, and a canteen; all the usual survival gear. Most just see him as a random man in dusty leather armor, with a gas mask hanging around his neck, goggles to keep out sand and glare and a sand-colored trench coat usable for camouflage and to keep the sun off. The double-barreled shotgun slung on his arm further confirms the feel that he's just another mercenary.
However, in reality, Tycho comes from the Desert Rangers, a small, but formidable faction from the Mojave Wasteland and beyond, experts in survival and self-styled peacekeepers of the wastes. His background gives him immense knowledge about life in the desert. He took off to wandering the desert with traders and explorers for several years, returning from time to time with goods or maps. Tycho started with small trips and went further abroad as he became more experienced. He went as far as the Gulf of Mexico in Texas and then headed back west.
Eventually he wound up on the west coast as a long-range explorer for the Rangers, stopping in Junktown for some rest and relaxation, just as the Vault Dweller comes to the settlement to kickstart a small revolution.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
General | Services | Quests | ||||||||||||||||||||
Effects of player's actions[]
If caught stealing Neal's urn from the Skum Pitt (before recruiting), Tycho will turn hostile.
Other interactions[]
To obtain Tycho, the Vault Dweller must head to Junktown and be at the Skum Pitt located in the far North Eastern part of the city at 5 o' clock. He will join indefinitely if having taken on Killian's quest to deal with Gizmo. If Killian is dead, Tycho becomes non-recruitable.
Due to sprite limitations, he can only use rifles, shotguns, small handguns and spears. He has 60 Hit Points. It is unwise to give him anything with a burst function; he wastes ammo and can accidentally cause friendly fire (to civilians, including companions) if they are near his target when he uses the burst function.
Tycho can also teach some survival skills, raising the Outdoorsman skill.
Tell me about[]
Tycho's Tell-Me-Abouts | |
Query | Response |
Junktown | まあ、Junktownで暮らすのはどうかと思うが、面白い街ではあるな。将来性はある。ただ、過去のゴミを使って作り上げるってのが未来を築く上でベストかどうかは分からんな。 |
Rangers | 俺たちレンジャーは東部ネバダ界隈の出身だ。在りし日のテキサス・レンジャーの伝統を受け継いでいる。サバイバルと戦闘の技術を身に付け、世界に出ても生き永らえて上手くやっていけるようにする。 |
Chip | ウォーターチップか。そういった古いテクノロジーの遺物は長らく目にしていない。個人的な意見だが、修理できない機械なんかに頼らず自分の力で生きていった方がいいぞ。 |
War | あの大戦は、人間が欲と狂気にまみれた証だ。教訓として肝に銘じ、あんな愚かなことが二度と繰り返されないよう祈るとしよう。 |
Wastes | 荒野は環境も厳しいし危険もある。用心して旅しようが関係ない。放射線や未知の生物の犠牲となってしまう。慎重に進むことだ。視覚と聴覚がとらえるものには全て意味がある、そのことを忘れるな。 |
Necropolis | 「死者の街」とはよく言ったものだな。かつてベーカーズフィールドという小さな町だった場所にある。まあ、今は住みついているのはグールとそれ以下の連中なんだがな。 |
Vault | 巨大な地下Vaultがいくつもあるってのは聞いたことがある。まあ、詳しく知っているわけじゃないが。 |
Killian Darkwater | Killianはいい奴だ。大変な仕事をしているよ。 |
Gizmo | Gizmo・・・あいつは俺を泥棒扱いしやがった。どうせ奴は自分で自分の首を絞めることになるだろうよ。 |
Boneyard | Boneyard?ギャングばかりで相当暮らしにくい所らしいな。沿岸部にある。 |
The Hub | Hubは巨大な商業都市だ。ジャンクタウンから南へ少し行った所にある。 |
Casino | Gizmo's casinoには余程のことでもない限り行きたくない。Gizmoの首を踏みつけに行くってんなら別だがなー。ま、贅肉をかきわけてちゃんと踏めるとは限らんか。 |
Store | KillianはJunktownにそこそこの店を構えている。 |
Deathclaw | 噂を聞いたことがある。素早さ、デカさ、たちの悪さ、どれも生きとし生けるもの全てに勝るらしい。だが多くは知らない。生存者があまりいないんだよ。大きな鉤爪を備えた、残忍な生物だそうだ。 |
Military Base |
各地に軍の秘密基地が点在しているのは知っている。ただ、場所までは分からない。 |
Apocalypse | 世界が核で滅んだのは、思い上がって愚かな行為に走った結果だ。今、その報いを受けているわけだ。 |
Strange | 確かに得体の知れないのが色々といる。変異した蠍や牛を見たことがあるし、Necropolisにはグールが住みついているらしい。グールは人類らしいんだが、我々とは似ても似つかない連中なんだ。 |
Booze | きつめの黒ビールの方が好きだな。あればヌカ・コーラでもいい。 |
Chems | ドラッグなんかやめておいた方がいいぞ。確かに景気づけにはなるが、どうせ最後には苦しむことになる。 |
Psychics | 精神「感傷」の話か? へっ・・・真面目な話、俺には信じられんなあ。 |
Merchants | Hubの商人の中には、Junktown等ほかの町を定期的に訪れる連中もいる。 |
Brotherhood, Cathedral, Children, Exodus, Followers, Garl, Master, Unity, Set, Watershed, Hall, Library, Overseer, Medic, Healing, Initiates, Paladins, Scribes, Vats | すまんな、力にはなれない。 |
Tycho's comments | |
Location | Comment |
Deathclaw's lair | Note the lack of any animal life for quite a distance. And the piles of bones. Whatever lives here is a real beast. Keep your weapon handy. |
Necropolis | There are many strange tales about Necropolis, the city of the dead. Stay alert, because it could get dangerous really fast. |
The Glow | Watch out for radioactive hot spots. This place obviously sustained a direct nuclear strike, and secondary cascade radiation may be bad. I'd recommend avoiding this place completely if we can. |
Mariposa Military Base | A military place like this must have a central command room somewhere. I bet we could get through those force-field generators with a little hot-wiring, or if we could find the force field control computer. |
服装 | 武器 | その他のアイテム |
Leather armor | Shotgun | Stimpak x3 12 gauge shell x20 Bottle caps |
- He is equipped with the best armor and has the most health of all the NPCs who can join the player character.
- Although he wears regular leather armor, Desert Rangers seem to have a special armor issued to the U.S. Marine Corps before the Great War.
- He is the first character in the Fallout series to mention Vegas.
Tycho appears only in Fallout.
Behind the scenes[]
- Tycho's grandfather was a Desert Ranger (the Desert Rangers are a reference to Wasteland, a game from 1988 which is considered to be Fallout's predecessor). Tycho also mentions the "fat freak" from Las Vegas, which is a reference to Fat Freddy from Wasteland.
- Tycho is not mentioned anywhere in Vault Dweller's memoirs, but Tandi in the Café of Broken Dreams mentions him and the Vault Dweller, indicating that they did get together after all.
- According to lead designer Josh Sawyer[1] Tycho's description in Fallout was the inspiration for the NCR Ranger combat armor and the Desert Ranger combat armor in Fallout: New Vegas as Tycho himself is described as "a man in dusty leather armor with a trench coat and gas mask".