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Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ
セッシャノケンヲ イマスグカエスノダ、ハヤクカエサヌカ!— 拙者の剣を今すぐ返すのだ。早く返さぬか!

トシロー・カゴ2277年に、Mothership Zetaにいる、エイリアンに誘拐された日本のです。



Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

General Services Quests
Essential: いいえ
Enslavable: いいえ
Companion: はい
  • Temporary
Bounty: いいえ
Merchant: いいえ
Repairman: いいえ
Doctor: いいえ
Rents bed/room: いいえ
Starts quests: いいえ
Involved in quests: はい
  • Among the Stars
  • This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...


  • Among the Stars: Toshiro can be spoken to about his missing sword and you can return it to him after retrieving it from the maintenance level.
  • This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...: During the final battle on the bridge, after the first wave of aliens are defeated Toshiro will run in from a side door and assist Paulson and Somah in battling the next wave of attackers.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • After the events of Mothership Zeta, he stays aboard Zeta and cannot be interacted with. He will disappear if you revisit the Steamworks, but will remain on the bridge if you travel to or from the Capital Wasteland. He can be found later in the living quarters.

Other interactions[]

  • Despite being unable to understand English, Toshiro still responds with different dialogue depending on whether the player speaks to him with the polite, neutral, or smarmy dialogue options, presumably picking up on the player's tone and body language.


服装 武器 その他のアイテム 死亡時
Samurai armor
Samurai helmet
Samurai's sword* - -

*Toshiro will use the sword if you either recover it from the waste disposal area and give it to him, or if you never enter the Disposal area. Should you decide to keep the sword, he will be unarmed.


  • He is originally nicknamed "Chinaman" by Paulson, but after Sally tells him that Toshiro is from Japan, Paulson then calls him "Oriental".
  • If he is killed before the player destroys all three generators, everyone will still act as if he wandered off after the generators are destroyed, and his body will be gone as if he was still alive and took off.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Yoojutsu de sessha wo toraete yookai me. Kono mama de wa okanu zo!" – These wretched monsters have taken me captive with their sorcery. I cannot be left like this!
  • "Ken wo ubawarete shimatta, taegataki kutsujoku!" – I have been robbed of my sword - this is an unbearable disgrace!
  • "Hito wo azakeruna. Onushi no monoii wa sappari wakaran." – Do not mock me! I cannot understand a word you are saying.
  • "Sessha wo tasuketakuba, sessha no ken o sagashi dase!" – If you want to help me, go and search for my sword!
  • "Nanto? Nani o nozonde orunoda. Nani yue, onushi no iu koto ga wakaranu no da?" – What? What do you want? How is it that I have no idea what you are saying?
  • "Onushi, naniyue sonoyo ni hanasu? Nanika shomo no mono demo arunoka?" – You, why are you talking like that? Is there something you want?
  • "Aa, sessha no ken! Kaeshite moraerutowa, katajikenai." – Oh, my sword! I am most grateful for its return!
  • "Jyama o suru na." – Don't get in my way.


Toshiro Kago appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.


Xbox 360 After completing the main quest of Mothership Zeta, with Toshiro still alive, it is possible to pickpocket him. In his inventory his Samurai sword will appear but trying to steal it may result in the game crashing. [確認済み]



  1. 彼は音声が日本語、字幕もローマ字を使用しているため、日本語を知らないプレイヤーにとっても何を言ってるのかわりません。
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide

テンプレート:Navbox Mothership Zeta
