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ロベルト・ジョセフ "RJ" マクレディ は、2277年のリトル・ランプライト市長であり、2287年にコモンウェルスで働いている傭兵です


Fallout 3[]

マクレディは2265年に生まれました。彼は10歳からの3年間、リトル・ランプライトの市長として勤めました。スマートで強く、大人への恐れを持たない完璧なリーダーです。その為、リトル・ランプライトの住人から絶対的な信頼を得ています。 彼は小さいですが(年齢のため)、好戦的で大人を極端に警戒しています。子供たちを守るために、誰かの頭を吹き飛ばす度胸もあります。しかしマクレディは彼が友達だと考える相手に対しては非常に忠実です[1]




Fallout 4[]

During the decade between 2277 and 2287, MacCready ended up marrying a woman named Lucy and had a son with her named Duncan. When he first met Lucy, he lied to her about his occupation, telling her he was a soldier and concealing the fact he was a hired gun. He never told her the truth. At an unknown point in time, feral ghouls killed Lucy while MacCready fled with Duncan. Some time later, Duncan contracted an unknown disease, prompting MacCready to travel to the Commonwealth to find a cure.

He was employed by the Gunners for some time, but left, and has ever since been hounded by them for continuing to take jobs in their territory. He is still skilled with rifles and can make precise head shots. When the Sole Survivor meets him in The Third Rail, he's talking with two Gunners. After they leave, he can be hired as a companion for 250 caps (can be persuaded down to 200 or 100, depending on the size of the player's caps purse.) After becoming good friends with him and completing his quest; he will give the Killshot perk, which grants a 20% accuracy boost for head shots in VATS.

Interactions with the player character[]

Fallout 3[]

Interactions overview[]

General Services Quests
Essential: はい
  • Always
Enslavable: いいえ
Companion: いいえ
Bounty: いいえ
Merchant: いいえ
Repairman: いいえ
Doctor: いいえ
Rents bed/room: いいえ
Starts quests: はい
  • Rescue from Paradise
Involved in quests: はい
  • Picking Up the Trail
  • Those!
  • Fungus Deal


  • Picking Up the Trail/Rescue from Paradise: When first met, MacCready will threaten to shoot unless leaving the Little Lamplight cavern entrance. The Lone Wanderer has to pass a difficult speech check, use the Child at Heart perk, or complete the Rescue from Paradise quest in order to gain entrance to Little Lamplight. After gaining entrance to Little Lamplight, the Lone Wanderer will have a new dialogue path with MacCready which reveals the entrance to Vault 87 through Murder Pass.
  • Fungus Deal: After speaking with either Eclair or Lucy, the Lone Wanderer can convince MacCready to enter a trade agreement: swapping either strange meat (to Eclair) or Buffout (to Lucy) for cave fungus.
  • Those!: The Lone Wanderer can convince MacCready (using the Child at Heart perk) to accept Bryan Wilks into Little Lamplight.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Speaking to MacCready in quick succession too many times will raise his ire. Eventually he'll refuse to talk and will tell the Lone Wanderer to leave Little Lamplight. Although one can still talk to him, they must wait twenty-four hours.

Fallout 4[]

Interactions overview[]

キャラステータス サービス クエスト関連
不死属性: はい
  • Always
コンパニオン: はい
  • Permanent
Perk: いいえ
商売: いいえ
治療: いいえ
ベット貸出: いいえ
開始クエスト: はい
Long Road Ahead
関連クエスト: いいえ


  • Long Road Ahead: MacCready asks the Sole Survivor to help him take care of the Gunners who were harassing him, and later, to help him find a cure for his son.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • MacCready can join the Sole Survivor as a companion for a price of 250 caps. He can be bargained down to 200 or 100 caps, depending on the size of the Sole Survivor's caps purse, though the latter persuasion attempt is very demanding.
  • If MacCready likes the player character enough he will give the perk Killshot, which boosts hit percentage for heads in VATS by 20%.
  • He will occasionally give few ammo of random types, including fusion core.
  • He and Cait are the only companions in the game that will steal for the Sole Survivor. This can be used as an exploit as they are able to steal items undetected right in front of people.
  • Commanding MacCready to enter power armor can prove difficult, especially in tight spaces. This is due to his AI being unable to find a path to the back of the armor frame.
Range of interests[]


Fallout 3[]

服装 武器 その他のアイテム
Mayor MacCready's outfit and helmet R91 assault rifle 5.56mm round

*Unlike the other Little Lamplight characters, there's no interaction possible with his inventory when trying to pickpocket him

Fallout 4[]

服装 武器 その他のアイテム
MacCready's duster
MacCready's hat
Sniper rifle .308 round


  • When he is the companion, upon talking to him he will give some random ammo, ranging from 10mm rounds to a fusion core.
  • Every time he enters power armor, he will unequip its helmet and place it into his inventory. One can force him to equip the helmet again through trading, after which he won't try to unequip the headpiece until he enters a new set of power armor.
  • Once idolized, MacCready gives the player a wooden soldier toy, a gift from his wife, Lucy. Lucy made the toy soldier for him after he told her that he was a soldier when they first met.
  • Whitechapel Charlie's quest is a great way to farm likes from him. Starting the quest, checks for more caps, picking owned locks on the warehouse, and stealing in the warehouses all boost his affection. To gain maximum affection from the quest, quicksave before stealing an item then quicksave again, wait for the message saying "MacCready liked that" to appear, then quicksave again and quick load before stealing another item. This must be done to bypass the "cooldown" from game's affection check which prevents the player from gaining affection too quick through the same method. Alternatively, one could wait for the cooldown to expire between performing each admirable action.
  • As an adult, MacCready makes attempts to curb the cursing habit he had as a child. Occasionally, he will stop himself mid-sentence to correct his vulgar language. He does this because he made a promise to his son, Duncan, that he would clean up his behavior and "be a better person."
  • During Duty or Dishonor, MacCready hates it when agreeing not to kill the ghouls and/or to let Initiate Clarke go free. This is presumably related to the fact that ferals killed Lucy.
  • He appears to dislike getting wet, as he makes multiple negative comments about it throughout the game.
  • MacCready dislikes traveling at night, claiming "we could be walking into an ambush and never see it coming."
  • MacCready is a smoker. He mentions needing a cigarette in one of his ambient dialogue options.
  • MacCready's teeth are rotten.
  • Robert has killed "for a drink" before. It is not clarified what kind of drink or what the circumstances were. This could conceivably mean that MacCready is hinting at having done anything from committing murder for booze to killing for life-sustaining water.
  • If taken to an abandoned nursery area in Trinity Church, he'll tear up, but pretend he has something in his eye.
  • If taken to the drug den, he'll continuously inhale jet.
  • In the gym area/basketball court of the Boston mayoral shelter, MacCready will comment: "We used to have a hoop setup in Little Lamplight until Eclair broke the darn thing."
  • Upon death, his last words will be "No... please... no."
  • Randomly, MacCready will shout "Tunnel Snakes Rule!," which is a reference to the Tunnel Snakes in Fallout 3, which MacCready appeared in. It is unclear about how he learned about the Tunnel Snakes.
  • When visiting Diamond City, MacCready will comment: "Haven't been to Diamond City in years but I'll tell you...nothing's changed." When brought to the Dugout Inn, Vadim Bobrov will greet him enthusiastically and say: "MacCready! Is good to see you, tovarisch. How is Lucy? She still as beautiful as I remember?" MacCready will correct him by saying: "No...she didn’t make it, Vadim." This all suggests that MacCready and Lucy traveled to the Commonwealth together and had been to Diamond City sometime before she passed and before Duncan got sick. Duncan may not have even been born, yet, as Vadim does not mention him.
  • When entering Vault 81, MacCready comments on how he lived near a vault (Vault 87) and that it was dangerous. His tone of voice suggests he's distrustful of vaults.
  • If MacCready is a companion in Special Delivery, when speaking to Jack Cabot he will imply that he believes in the extraterrestrial, and that it freaks him out. This could be a reference to Zeta, an alien mothership in Fallout 3.
  • Longneck Lukowski's Cannery is an excellent place to farm "likes" from MacCready as there is a ton of Potted meat and empty cans to steal.
  • If romanced by a male Sole Survivor, MacCready has dialog appropriate for same-sex affections, including calling the Sole Survivor "handsome".
  • When interacting with magazines, MacCready might comment on how he loves comic books.
  • When exploring the Super-Duper Mart, MacCready might lament: "Of course it had to be the cookie aisle that got crushed."
  • After sleeping with MacCready, he may say: "I never knew you could do that with mutfruit...". This is reference to the sexual act regarding grapefruit.
  • When taken to WRVR broadcast station, MacCready mentions the Capital Wasteland's radio GNR and Three Dog, saying "I miss the Capital Wasteland Radio... Three Dog was a hell of a DJ"
  • If the player attempts to steal from the VIP room in The Third Rail, MacCready will leave the player's company and become hostile, prompting an interface for the player to send MacCready to a settlement, similar to Preston Garvey if the player kills a settler.
  • If MacCready is your traveling partner when you first enter the Boston Public Library he will state that lions scare children and a horrified voice. A reference to his childhood character in Fallout 3
  • If MacCready is your companion during the first conversation with Magnolia in The Third Rail, He states that he is a fan of rock and roll.

Notable quotes[]

Fallout 3[]

Fallout 4[]

  • "And what about you? How do I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?"
  • "Never been in a plane before. Highest I ever got was taking a hit of Psycho."
  • "Walk a hundred miles if I knew there were a pile of caps waiting for me at the end."
  • "If they cared about it, they wouldn't have left it lying around."
  • "It's quiet. Too quiet. *laughs* Oh man, I always wanted to say that."
  • "Tunnel snakes rule! *laughs* Sorry, I heard that a long time ago."
  • "Let's be careful. No human being would possibly pile books this way."
  • "Yeah... we should get the hell out of here. Right now would be good."
  • "I'd kill for a drink. Come to think of it, I have."
  • "Nothing says welcome more than urine soaked garbage"
  • "Took everything I had to escape with Duncan in my arms. Maybe it would have been better if we'd died there with her"
  • "What about your husband/wife? I know he/she's gone, but you still love him/her, don't you?" – When the Sole Survivor romances him
  • "Commonwealth Savings Bank of MacCready, open for business."
  • "Always wanted my own trailer... it'd be midnight blue with a leopard-skin interior. Hey... it beats living in a cave." – At Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates.
  • After committing to a close relationship:
    • "Having you this close to me has made me happier than I've ever been before."
    • "The day you told me that you loved me was the greatest day of my life."
    • "I'll never forget what you've done. You saved me...from myself."
    • "Don't get too far ahead of me...I like being close."
    • "Well...hello handsome!" – Male Sole Survivor
  • When "Lover's Embrace" is activated:
    • "I never knew you could do that with mutfruit"
    • "That...was amazing"
    • "Wake up sleepy head"
    • "Ready to face the day?"
    • "Ugh is it time to go already?"
  • When at the top of the buildings in Hyde Park
    • "Hehe, I can see my house from here. Sorry always wanted to say that"
  • If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111
    • "Hey, I'm really sorry. We don't have to be here if you don't want to... I... I'll leave you alone."
  • When swapping MacCready with
    • Piper: "So when are we going to have that one-on-one interview, Piper?" to which Piper replies: "Oh, MacCready. Never in a million years."
    • Hancock: "Hancock! How’s the coolest Ghoul in the Commonwealth?" to which Hancock replies: "Hey, MacCready. Don’t wait up."
    • Deacon: "All right, Deacon… I guess it’s your turn. Stay safe." to which Deacon replies: "Appreciate that, MacCready. You do the same."
    • Nick Valentine: "Damn, I forgot to pick up that motor oil for you, Valentine." to which Nick replies: "Cute, MacCready. You come up with that all on your own?"
    • Curie: "Well Curie, I guess you’re up. Have fun out there." to which Curie replies: "Mon dieu! Always so polite. Au revoir to you, MacCready."
    • Strong: "All right, Strong… Looks like it’s your turn, my massive, mutated friend." to which Strong replies: "Goodbye, Mack Ree Dee."


Robert Joseph MacCready appears in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • "R.J. MacReady" is the protagonist from the 1982 John Carpenter horror film, The Thing, based on the novella "Who Goes There", by John Campbell. In the 1982 movie, MacCready is played by Kurt Russell. MacCready, like his Fallout 3 counterpart, is a no-nonsense, resourceful survivor who rises to a leadership position among his peers.
  • The quote "Let's be careful. No human being would possibly pile books this way." is referring to a line said by Bill Murray's character, Peter Venkman, in the 1984 movie Ghostbusters.


Fallout 3[]

  • PC Mayor MacCready is prone to disappearing. He tends to wander into obscure and dark corners. He may appear near the front gate if going outside and fast travel back to town, or standing on the platform where he first stood when he let the Lone Wanderer into town. One can move to his current position with the console command player.moveto 0000313b.[確認済み]
  • PC Sometimes MacCready will not give the option to open the gate, even if one is at that point and have followed the advice outlined in this wiki. One way to make sure that this does not befall is to click all of the grayed out speech options when speaking to MacCready. The dialog option to open the gate comes after a line that is often grayed/dimmed.[確認済み]
  • PC It's possible for MacCready to not open the gate after being instructed to do so. He will run to it, and climb up to the catwalk but will not activate the switch to raise the gate. This is because the scripted sequence requires Princess to be on the other end, and she may not run with MacCready to perform this function. Short of using the console to activate the gate/toggle clipping, the solutions are to: use the other entrance, reload from a previous save, or attempt to move Princess in range of the event with the console command prid 000185d5 followed by moveto player.[確認済み]
  • PC Doing DLC quests before opening the path will end "Picking Up the Trail" resulting in MacCready's and Joseph's dialogue options to vanish and making entry into Vault 87 impossible. The only solution is to resort to a save that still has "Picking Up the Trail" as an active quest, and redo whatever progress has been lost or to use the console command ResetQuest 00014e8c and go to the Citadel to start the quest again.[確認済み]

Fallout 4[]

  • MacCready may vanish from your settlement when you arrive there after selecting Paladin Danse as your companion on the Prydwen during the quest Shadow of Steel. [確認期限切れ][platforms tag needed]
  • PC Sometimes you may not be able to talk to MacCready or open up his inventory. He also fails to follow the player during fast travel. Entering the console command "prid 0001d162" followed by "moveto player" will bring MacCready to the player, but does not correct the issue.[確認済み]



  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
  2. The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide彼は3年間市長であったとゲーム内で述べますが、ゲームガイドでは「10才の2年前」に市長になったと述べられています
Little Lamplight