ロバート・ハウスの兄弟については、Anthony Houseをご覧ください。 同名の他キャラクターについては、Robertをご覧ください。 |
ロバート・エドウィン・ハウス またの名をMr.ハウス は、2281年のモハビ・ウェイストランドに存在したニューベガスのストリップ地区を経営する、総裁兼最高経営責任者であり、また唯一の所有者である。同時にロブコ工業の設立者でもあり、ニューベガスのカジノ経営者達を取り纏める責任者でもある。
ロバート・エドウィン・ハウス (ロベルト・ハウスとも)は、2020年6月25日、ネバダ州の裕福な技術者の家庭に生まれた。父親はオートジャイロの運転中に落雷による不慮の事故により死亡し、ハウスは幼くして孤児となる。異母兄弟のアンソニーによって父の遺産である会社を騙し取られるが、ハウスはマサチューセッツ工科大学を卒業し、22歳という若さで故郷ラスベガスにロブコ工業を設立した。ロブコ工業はハウスの天才的な技術力と卓越した商才により、わずか5年で世界で最も稼ぐ企業の一つとなる。ハウスは他の多くの事業で支配的利権を得るために、富と権力を注いだ。これにはレプコン社の宇宙航空事業、ラスベガス大通りのラッキー38ホテル&カジノなどが含まれ、最も個人的なものはH&Hツール社だろう。父親の経営していた会社であり、欲張りな兄弟によって奪われた会社であった。(奇妙なことに、ベガス郊外の工場は2077年当時でも弟の支配下にあった)
ハウスは2138年に意識を回復した。[2]2274年に指揮下のセキュリトロンをラッキー38から外に送り、再び世界へ存在を現した。これはフーバー・ダムにニューカリフォルニア共和国のスカウトが到着したことに起因する行動であった。ハウスは自らの支配力を確固たるものとする為、ニューベガスに三つの部族(のちに三大ファミリーとして知られる)を招集し、間もなく都市を再建した。これはニューカリフォルニア共和国軍の進出を歓迎し、関係を良好にするためのものだった。フーバー・ダムの助力とマッカラン国際空港を本部として使用する許可と引き替えに、NCRはニューベガス条約に調印した。NCRからの協力が保証された事で、暫くの間 ストリップ地区はNCRの併合から守られた。
ハウスはラッキー38に住みながら、ニューベガスを徘徊するセキュリトロンを使って失われたベガスを再建した。ある時点で、ハウスはVault 21の指導力を賭けにより獲得し、その際にVaultをセメントで全て埋め立て、永久に封印する計画を立てた。ハウスはVault 21の有益な技術部分を取り除いた後に不必要な階層をセメントで埋めていったが、サラ・ウェイントローブの嘆願を受けてVault 21の最上部を残し、ホテルに改装した。(全てのカジノ機器は、Vaultの実験の際に設置されたものだった)
また、ハウスはゲーム内で見つけられる収集物であるスノーグローブへとても興味を持ち、手に入れるために素晴らしい報酬を出す。スノーグローブはそれぞれ2000キャップと引き換えにジェーンへ渡される。シエラ・マドレ (Dead Money)、 ビッグマウンテン (Old World Blues)、ザイオン自然公園 (Honest Hearts) そしてザ・ディバイド (Lonesome Road) のスノーグローブは取得時に自動でプレイヤーの所持品から削除され、2000キャップと交換される。シエラ・マドレカジノではシエラマドレのチップが2000枚追加される。運び屋がスノーグローブをジェーンへ売ると、ラッキー38のプレジデンシャル・スイートへ飾られる。しかしプレイヤーがハウスを殺すと、スノーグローブはプレイヤーの所持品に残り、ジェーンは消えるだろう。
テンプレート:Interactions FNV
- The House Always Wins: Mr. House gives the player the quest, which leads to one of the final quests, All or Nothing. In this case, player communicates with House only through the computer terminal in his office.
- For the Republic, Part 2, Wild Card: Change in Management, Render Unto Caesar: However, if the player decides to side with NCR, Caesar, or fight for an independent New Vegas, Mr. House has to be killed or disabled.
- The Moon Comes Over the Tower: Emily Ortal asks the player to bug one of House's terminals for important medical information.
Other interactions[]
- Mr. House plays a major role in the game. The Courier hears a lot about him while traveling, but upon reaching New Vegas they are invited by House, himself, to visit him in the Lucky 38. There, House gives the Courier vital information about Benny and the platinum chip. Also, he allows the Courier and their companions to use the Lucky 38's presidential suite as a safehouse.
Fallout: New Vegas endings
- On the shores of Lake Mead, due east of New Vegas, sits the grandiose pre-War House Resort & Country Club, the current site of the NCR's Camp Golf. Due to its name, its obvious past opulence, and the presence of a large portrait of Robert Edwin House, standing in front of a large bipedal robot in its main dining hall, it may be surmised that Mr. House was a chief financier and patron of the club before the bombs fell. This portrait is reminiscent of a famous painting of Howard Hughes, who was also an avid golf player.
- If Mr. House is disintegrated by an energy weapon, the stasis chamber disintegrates with him. The same event occurs when using a plasma weapon and its signature goo.
- From information contained on the terminals in the H&H Tools Factory, it is gleaned that Robert House's half-brother, Anthony, used underhanded means to wrest his inherited share of the family business from him after the death of their father. It is strongly implied that Robert's later, methodical hostile takeover, coupled with McCarthyist paranoia regarding the Communist Chinese, drove Anthony House completely mad.
- Mr. House is given the nickname "Not-At-Home" by the Omertas for his tendency to remain ostensibly neutral in Strip affairs.
- Upon his death, the quest The House Has Gone Bust! will simultaneously trigger and fail, and the note A Tragedy Has Befallen All Mankind will appear in the player's inventory.
- If you take Mr. House out of his stasis chamber, he will ask you why you have ruined his plans and he will react differently depending on what you tell him. If you say you did it in the name of the NCR, he will belittle them and call you a "sad, misguided whore." If you tell him you are acting on behalf of Caesar, he will be horrified that slavery is humanity's future. If you say you did it for Yes Man, he will tell you your "vanity project" is doomed for failure. If you say it was "just business", he will retort by saying that you should have worked for him for personal gain. Finally, if you say you did it just because you didn't like him, he will call you a fool for letting your feelings about him jeopardize humanity's future.
- Robert Edwin House is one of the characters that the player must eat in order to earn the Meat of Champions perk.
- In the G.E.C.K. there is a version of Mr. House as a human before the war, although he has no mustache and his hair is gray, rather than black as it looks on his computer.
- House cannot be targeted in V.A.T.S.
- Due to his age and method of staying alive, Mr. House actually counts as an abomination for the Abominable challenge. Because he is considered an abomination, shooting him with the flare gun results in the "The abomination panics and flees!" message, but nothing else happens.
- The Courier can also attempt to pickpocket Mr. House but he does not yield any items.
- If you kill him using the Ranger Takedown with any kind of displacer glove, Mr. House and the stasis chamber will flip over, causing a lag or freeze.
- Another portrait of Robert House, similar to the one in the House Resort, is found in Higgs Village in the add-on Old World Blues. It was punctured by several knives, most likely by Doctor 0, who has an intense hatred for House, long before the events of Old World Blues.
- When killed, the player loses Karma, despite House's Neutral Karma.
- When talking to him, if you look at the top left and the top area of the monitor, you will notice two giant fingerprints. The exact same fingerprints are present on the Pipboy's screen. The screen's texture might just be the same for both, but bigger on House's screen.
- If you speak to Ulysses after the end of Lonesome Road, you can tell him if you have killed House. At first he is indifferent and wonders what will happen to Vegas and the Three Families now that House is gone, but soon after he states that it's for the best.
- In Fallout 4, approaching Deezer in Covenant while having Deacon as a companion will trigger a dialogue in which Deacon says "Command override. Vocal audio House, Robert. Access core programming". Deacon claims that this is House's personal security override code, and that he won it in a poker game.
Notable quotes[]
- "Sorry to deny you a moment of primate triumph, but you'll have to go elsewhere to sound your barbaric yawp."
- "You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are."
- "Success depends on forethought, dispassionate calculation of probabilities, accounting for every stray variable."
- "Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows."
- "I like to think you have enough sense to do the right thing. The rewards for doing so are immense... as are the punishments for not doing so."
- "To your untrained eyes, it may look as though mankind is making a comeback. In the NCR, you have something that resembles a nation state. Savage as it is, in Caesar's Legion, you have an organized society. But neither of these offer a future. They're regurgitations of the past."
- "From what I hear, I'd want to eat at the Gourmand every night... if I were ambulatory."
- "But autocracy? Firm control in the hands of a technological and economic visionary? Yes, that Vegas shall have."
- "I offer many benefits, but vacation time isn't one of them."
- "You don't see them raiding hospitals to cart away Auto-Docs or armfuls of prosthetic organs. No, they greatly prefer the sort of technology that puts people in hospitals. Or graves, rather, since hospitals went the way of the Dodo."
- "We're talking about a coterie of bulging-eyed fanatics who think all Pre-War technology belongs to them."
- "Because they're ridiculous! Because they galavant around the Mojave pretending to be Knights of Yore. The world has no use for emotionally unstable techno-fetishists. Just wipe them out, will you?"
- "Ideological purity and shiny power armor don't count for much when you're outnumbered 15:1."
- "Goodbye? Is that some kind of joke? You barely understand what I want you to accomplish down there."
- "I can't reach through this monitor and compel you to follow instructions, but know this - if you disappoint me, you will pay for it."
- "Are you a child? The Platinum Chip was taken from you, obviously."
- "You laid the foundation for my victory, so fine - I'll permit some latitude in how you schedule your work."
- "Absolutely not! Caesar is of great use to me. I don't want you harming a hair on that man's head - assuming you can find one."
- "I much prefer working with robots..."
- "What of it? I enjoy them. There's something about a little diorama set inside a glass dome that I... find pleasing."
- "Until you do this, consider yourself suspended... without pay."
- "Marvelous work ethic, bravo."
- "Kimball may be a grandstanding boor, but I want him protected."
- "An opinion you expressed with supreme subtlety and finesse. Moving on..."
- "Do you have any idea how prodigious is the opportunity you're casting aside here?"
- "Why would I want to go to war against the NCR? They're my best customers."
- "Not interested? Not interested? You have an interest in this even if you're too stupid to know it. If you have an interest in breathing, you have an interest in this."
- "I haven't shown my hand - I've shown one card. I've given my enemies a single, provocative datum upon which to fixate. They have no idea what other cards I'm holding. It's a strong hand, believe me - I dealt it to myself."
- "Consequently, I have to "wait and see" what happens. It's... grotesque."
- "You're making me question your usefulness, you realize."
- "Had I used an armed caravan to transport the Chip, I might as well have been announcing to the world "this is important. Attack this!""
- "You are the first person to step foot inside the Lucky 38 in over 200 years. It was not an invitation I made lightly."
- "I'm not offering you an incentive as crude as money - though there'll be plenty of that. What I'm offering you is a ground-floor opportunity in the most important enterprise on Earth. What I'm offering is a future - for you, and for what remains of the human race."
- "If you find Caesar's Legion so frightening at this remove, imagine them rampaging across the Strip. We have a chance to see them destroyed, to see New Vegas become the harbinger of a new age."
- "Don't let the video screens and computer terminals fool you. I'm flesh and blood, not silicon."
- "You needn't be afraid of me. It's my Securitrons that are going to kill you."
- "By the time I was 30 years old, I was a billionaire 30 times over. I founded and ran a vast economic empire. Do you really think I'm going to let an upstart come into my home and ransom my property to me? I spent two centuries searching for the Platinum Chip. It's my invention, my property - mine. Now be a good courier and deliver it!"
- "I invite you to think carefully about what you do next... standing alone before me, surrounded by my heavily-armed Securitron guards."
- "I'm sure the assassins will wait for you to show up."
- "New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment."
Robert House appears only in Fallout: New Vegas and is mentioned in Fallout 4.
Behind the scenes[]
- Mr. House was written by John Gonzalez.
- The challenge "A Slave Obeys" requires the player to kill Mr. House with the 9 Iron or Nephi's Golf Driver. This is a reference to the first BioShock game, in which the player beats the game's main antagonist, Andrew Ryan, to death with a 9 iron while he repeats the words "A man chooses, a slave obeys." Both characters were based in part on Howard Hughes.
- In casino parlance, "the house" refers generally to the gambler's opponent, the casino itself, as in the idiom, "The house always wins."
- Mr. House's personality is based on that of Howard Hughes. His obsession with snowglobes is a reference to another work of fiction, Orson Welles' Citizen Kane, itself based on the life of William Randolph Hearst. A snowglobe falls from the hands of the dying 'Hearst' in the beginning of the film as he utters the famously cryptic line "Rosebud".
- Jane, House's computer companion, is likely an allusion to the filmstar Jane Russell, who was under contract to Howard Hughes and also his lover for a time.
以下は Fallout: New Vegas cut content に基づいています & {{{1}}}. |
- Mr. House had another Securitron gal named Marilyn (based on Marilyn Monroe) that was apparently cut. However, she appears alongside with Jane in a card from the deck of card of the collector version, the texture file for her "face" is still in the game's files and there's a reference to her in the G.E.C.K. Also, after meeting Mr. House, Veronica will say she's "surprised he only had the two robot sex slaves." This was likely meant to reference Jane and the absent Marilyn, but the line was never removed or changed.
Fallout: New Vegas cut contentに基づく情報はここで終わりです |
- A medicine check of 35, gaining XP each time, can be accessed as many times as you want. [確認済み]
- Activating Mr. House fails to start dialogue, rendering him useless (the mainframe). This might be the result of resetting ally status of Securitrons when they are hostile due to a faction error with vault 11 robots. To fix this, enter the following commands into the console: setally 1267AB 0001B2A4, resetquest 00147885, setstage 00147885 5, setobjectivedisplayed 00147885 1, prid 001264c5, setdestroyed 0. [確認済み]
- The dialogue ending "at Fortification Hill" may cause a crash once he's finished talking. [確認済み]
- The stasis version of Mr. House will sometimes break, turning invisible. [確認済み]
- ↑ Elijah: "Big Empty's a treasure box, a scientific graveyard of Old World misery. Like the Sierra Madre... there's treasures there, sleeping. Some, awake. The Holorifle, the Saturnite alloy... the hologram technology, hibernation chambers, Securitrons, the collars... even the suits attached to those things stalking the Villa... that's only the surface of what's there."
- ↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide collector's edition
- ↑ House: "ダメだ… もう終わりだ… 菌にさらされ… 長くても… 1年の命…" (運び屋がMr.ハウスのチャンバーを開き、再びチャンバーを閉じる事を提案した場合)
テンプレート:Navbox characters FNV