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Into the desert
Your involvement with the various places and people of the Wasteland is well documented by future historians. Only a single question remained unanswered: What happened to you?



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You are taken away, and slowly returned to normal Vault life. But a month later, disaster strikes.
water chipを見つけることをを拒否、または失敗する。カットコンテンツ


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Your mission beneath the Mutant Stronghold is successful. Your actions today will influence the outside world for years to come.
Mariposa Military Baseを破壊する。 Fo1 Military Base Destroyed


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Your mission beneath the Cathedral is successful. Your actions today will influence the outside world for years to come.
the Cathedralを破壊する Cathedral


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It is done. Vault Thirteen belongs to the Unity and the Master. Your knowledge of the Vault defenses saved many mutant lives during the attack. You personally made the final kill when you took the life of the Overseer. You will certainly become one of the finest soldiers for the Unity, and your skills will see you rewarded often in the future. You are happy. But there remains the tiniest doubt of what could have been...
Unityに加わる。LieutenantMasterVault 13の位置を明かす。もしくはMasterが生存したまま500日(ver.1.0では13年)が経過する。 Fo1 Vault 13 Overrun



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The death of the Master was the first major step towards ending his mad dream of conquest and enforced peace, but it is the destruction of the Vats that neutralizes the mutant threat. Without the ability to create more mutants and enforce their harsh brand of justice, the mutant armies flee to the east, beyond the no-man's land.
Mariposa Military Baseよりも先にthe Cathedralを破壊する。
注釈:Vault Dweller's memoirs


Fo1 Wasteland Lossless


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You managed to destroy the Vats, then you killed the Master before he could realize his twisted plans. With the Master gone, his armies flee to the east in fear of retribution from the remaining normals.
the Cathedralを制圧する前にMariposa Military Baseを破壊する。
Fo1 Wasteland Lossless



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The ghouls of Necropolis learn how to maintain the repaired water pump, and eventually rediscover many lost secrets of engineering. They form a business selling this technology to other towns.
water chipを取得し、取水ポンプを修理する。
Fo1 Necropolis Good Ending


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The ghouls of Necropolis learn firsthand the final meaning of dehydration, as their city succumbs to the desert sands and the water runs out. Without their water purifying control chip, they do not survive.
water chipを手に入れるが、取水ポンプは直さない。 Fo1 Necropolis Bad Ending


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The mutant attack on Necropolis spares none of the ghoulish inhabitants. After the mutant armies advance, they leave a truly dead city behind them.

注釈:Vault Dweller's memoirsFallout 2はこのエンディングを正史とする。

Fo1 Necropolis Bad Ending



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The Followers of the Apocalypse rise to become a major influence in New California. With your help, they gain control of the LA Boneyard.
注釈:Fallout: New Vegasはこのエンディングを正史とする。しかし、Heatherがゲームに登場しないためこのエンディングを得ることは出来ない。
Fo1 Followers Good Ending


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The mutant armies, led into battle by the fierce Super Mutants, destroy the Followers of the Apocalypse. Barely human carrion feeders pick over the Followers' remains.

もしくは、使徒たちの中にいるChildren of the Cathedralのスパイを見つけることに失敗する。

Fo1 Followers Bad Ending



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In Shady Sands, Tandi helps her father Aradesh bring a new community and new life out of the broken remains of the world. They are responsible for the New California Republic, whose ideals spread across the land.
注釈:Fallout 2Fallout 3New VegasFallout 4はこのエンディングを正史とする。
Fo1 Shady Good Ending


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Aradesh grieves for his slain daughter, Tandi, but eventually builds Shady Sands into a respected community which is prosperous for many years, before his untimely death at the hands of a Desert Raider.
Tandiが死亡、もしくは救出されない。Aradeshは生きている。 Fo1 Shady Good Ending


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Tandi takes control of Shady Sands after the death of her father, Aradesh. Her brilliant if headstrong style of leadership makes Shady Sands a powerful force in the years to come.
Aradeshが死亡するが、Tandiは生きている。 Fo1 Military Base Destroyed


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With Aradesh dead, and Tandi missing or killed, Shady Sands needs a new leader. After several elections, they find they cannot be governed by a single person and create a guiding council. Shortly afterwards, the Raiders regroup and attack Shady Sands, burning the small community to the ground.
Aradeshが死亡し、Tandiは死亡、もしくはKhansによって捕らわれたままである。 Fo1 Shady Bad Ending


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The mutant army marches as far north as Shady Sands, razing the small town to the ground.
Masterが230日経過後も生存している。このエンディングは他のエンディングより優先される。 Fo1 Shady Bad Ending



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Killian Darkwater takes firm control of Junktown, drives out the last of Gizmo's kind, and then enforces his own brand of frontier justice. Life is fair and safe under his law.
Gizmoが死亡し、Killianは生存する。 Killian


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With Gizmo out of the way, Killian enforces his brand of frontier justice on Junktown. The city remains orderly but small, as travelers steer away from his rigid sensibilities.
キリアンの後ろには絞首台があり、吊るされ、死んだ男の影が見える。 Killian


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Junktown becomes the new boomtown under the careful, and profitable, guidance of Don Gizmo. He profits the most, and continues to increase the size of his casino, and the scope of his power, until he chokes to death while eating some iguana-on-a-stick.
Gizmoは生存している。 Gizmo


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Under Gizmo's leadership, Junktown becomes a trading center and resort, where people come from miles around to gamble, spend money and enjoy themselves in relative safety. Gizmo keeps the town prosperous but healthy, as he has no desire to injure his own affluence. The inhabitants of the town become wealthy and famous.
画像は、JunktownがRenoのようなカジノで、電気が通っており、通りは綺麗でGizmoの事業を危険にさらすようなドラッグの売人やごろつきがいないことを示している。 Gizmo


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The mutants are slowed, but not stopped, by the brave defenders of Junktown. When the army finishes their brutal siege, nothing of Junktown remains.
Masterが210日経過後も生存している。カットコンテンツ Harry
In the original write-up of Junktown, the "ending sequence" was reversed from its final incarnation. See the alternate endings for the original versions.[1]

Brotherhood of Steel[]


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The Brotherhood of Steel helps the other human outposts drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life, on both sides of the conflict. The advanced technology of the Brotherhood is slowly reintroduced into New California, with little disruption or chaos. The Brotherhood wisely remains out of the power structure, and becomes a major research and development house.
注釈:Fallout 2はこのエンディングを正史とする。


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The Brotherhood of Steel, under new leadership after the death of Rhombus, becomes an overzealous, techno-religious dictatorship. In 20 years, the Steel Plague devastates the newly formed New California Republic, and starts a Dark Age that could last a thousand years.
Rhombusが死亡する。 Paladin


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The Brotherhood of Steel repels the first wave of a mutant invasion, but a traitor in their midst causes the Citadel to fall. Fortunately, the advanced technology is mastered slowly by the mutants, and they were unable to use it against you.
Kedrickが生存。もしくはMasterが170日間生存する。カットコンテンツ Mutant



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With your assistance, Old Harold brings the ghoul population of the Hub into equality with the humans. The two sides work together, and the Hub prospers. Old Harold is still alive, as far as anyone knows.
行方不明のキャラバンを見つけるHub警察にIguana Bobを通報するのクエストを完了し、Deckerのクエストを一つも完了させない。そしてHaroldに優しく接する。
注釈:このIguana Bobのクエストがゲームから欠けているにもかかわらず、Fallout 2Fallout 3New Vegasはこのエンディングを正史としている。
Fo1 Hub Good Ending


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The Hub disperses before the might of the mutant army and will never recover.
行方不明のキャラバンを見つけるのクエストを完了させず、Deckerのクエストを少なくとも一つは完了する。もしくはMasterが140日経過後も生存している。 Fo1 Hub Bad Ending



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Thanks to your persistence, the Raiders are destroyed as an effective fighting force, and disband. None of the Raider survivors are ever heard from again.
注釈:Fallout 2New Vegasはこのエンディングを準正史とする。
Fo1 Raiders Ending


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The Desert Raiders eventually regroup and manage to terrorize small communities in the years following your adventures.
レイダーのキャンプに入るが、上のエンディングほどのレイダーを殺さない。 Fo1 Raiders Ending

Scourge that lasts for years[]

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The Desert Raiders pillage most of the northern parts of New California. They are a scourge that lasts for years, until a rebel army of mutants brings them down.
Do not enter the main camp of the Khans. Fo1 Raiders Ending

Vault Dweller[]

Kill the overseer[]

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You march into the desert sands, leaving the shattered corpse of the Overseer behind you, never to return to the Vault.
Must have the Bloody Mess trait from character creation or by using the perk Mutate!. Then by the end of the game, must either have low Karma, or initiate combat after talking with Jacoren.

The overseer lives[]

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You march into the desert sands, leaving the Vault behind you.
Don't kill Jacoren.
Note: The Vault Dweller's memoirs and Fallout 2 establish this ending as canon.


Remastered cutscenes[]


  1. Jess Heinig in Fallout Bible 9