Fallout Bible 1は、Fallout Bibleの一部である。これらの文書はクリス・アヴァロンにより編集され、Falloutのゲームの為に作られた初めての背景資料で、2002年1月15日に公開された。
Fallout Bible 1、Fallout Bible 2そしてFallout Bible 3 は後に、 Fallout Bible 0 で情報や背景資料が改定されている。
The following is the original document or a transcript thereof. |
- ここに提示されている情報は下書きであり、いくつかの重要な改定が必要です。しかし寝転がって思い浮かんだいくつかのアイデアを我々は君たちに見てほしく、ある程度の中核的な情報を公開しました。
- 私はバイブルへの電子メールを全て受け取り、読みました。たとえ私には個別に返信する時間がないとしても、問題点や矛盾を指摘し続けて下さい。(ジェイソン・マイケルへ特別な謝罪―私はまだPNPゲームの全てに目を通せていません) 私はみなさんが知っていること全てを知りたいと思っています。
- あなたがバイブルで見ることができる情報の一部は不完全です。その理由は、Falloutの将来の製品のためです。私はBlack Isleでの立場を守りたいですが、我々は窮地に立たされても何か残したいと思っています。あるいはそこから逃げ出したいと…。さて、突然の省略をお許し下さい。これらは二次小説のプロットラインのための燃料と考えて下さい。
- この文書内に含まれる情報は、Fallout 1と2で思いがけないほど多くをネタバレするので、下記の情報内には沢山のスポイラーがあることにみなさんは気付かなければなりません。
- 次のパートの追加は11日の月曜日です。(月曜日は私をより良く働かせます。よくわかっています。週の労働時間がかなり多い頃から、週末はスタッフと一緒に平和に過ごしています) 私はどの提案から手を付けていいかわかっていませんが、みなさんにお知らせします。ちょうど今はF2キーが壊れ、ティコとドッグミートの情報を整理しているところです。
- 私はまだPDF版を知りません。ですがどうやって作るべきか、知るために最善を尽くします。
Black Isleスタジオ:クリス・アヴェロン
- ショーン・マクグローリーから3つの大きな質問
- すべての知られるVaultと行われた実験内容を文書化しました。このリストはティム・カインにより編集されたと私は思っています。軋む時代遅れのティムは、自分のことなんかすっかり忘れてるでしょう。
- 彼はFalloutの年表を文書化しました。これはファンを虜にします。しかし全てのBrotherhood of Steel同志とZAXコンピュータを得て作られたものではないので、将来の新作で多少の矛盾が出ることもあります。
- 大戦争の原因となったいくつかの出来事の概要を伝える、宣伝広告画像(History.jpg)はレナード・ボヤースキーまたはジェイソン・アンダーソンにより編集されました。しかし私はその画像のカラー版があまりにサイズが大きいので、白黒にして容量を減らしました。テキストがぼやけてしまったので、みなさんがカラー版を求めるなら教えて下さい。かなりのメガバイトを持ちます。
なぜ多くのグールはFallout 1とFallout 2の間にネクロポリスからブロークン・ヒルズとゲッコーに移り住んだの?ネクロポリスは今は空っぽ?また、なぜハロルドはグール達に加わったの?彼はまるで自分がグールじゃないように言っていたのを私は覚えています。ハロルドはグールたちに対する質問で、グールを"彼ら"と呼びます
- グールは今もなお人間であり、発展と進化を必要とします。そしてFallout 1と2の間は80年以上経過しており、グールはネクロポリスから広がるように移動しました。何人かはFallout 1での出来事の前に去っています。
- ネクロポリスは空っぽではありません。セットがリーダーでなくなってから長い時が経ちますが、グールはまだそこに住んでいると言われています。彼が生きているか死んでいるかどうかは、明らかではありません。
- ハロルドは人々を助ける優しさを持っているので、Fallout 2でグールたちに加わりました。彼はグールのグループがウェイストランドを旅しようとするのを見て、彼らの助けになることができるならと、誰のためでもなく加わったのです
- ハロルドはグールではありませんが、彼はミュータントです。彼とフランシーン、それにリチャード・グレイが軍事基地を攻撃した時、彼に起こった事は知られていません。ですが彼はFEVウイルスに晒され、変わってしまったのです。基地攻撃後に意識を失った彼はウェイストランドで目覚め、覚えている一番新しい記憶は変わってしまいました。
2. FEVは本当に不妊症を引き起こしますか?そのようだったFallout 1での答えは"Yes"でした。引き起こす理由のいくつかは、ZAXとブリーにより説明されました。しかしFallout 2において、プレイヤーがマーカスをニュー・レノのキャッツポウに連れて行き、「彼女が妊娠していなければいいんだが」と言うと、マーカスはFEVがミュータントを不妊化するといいます。彼は、「FEVに漬けられてから再び元気を取り戻すまでには数年かかる」と言います。加えて、Vault 13のデスクロー達はFEVに染まっていますが、彼らは繁殖することができます。FEVは本当に不妊症を引き起こすのでしょうか?
- FEVはいくつかの生命体へ不妊症を誘発させます。FEVはスーパーミュータントとグールに不妊症をもたらします。ニュー・レノでのマーカスのコメントは、ただのジョークでした。 (私はこれが不適切なものである事を謝罪します) しかしFEVは他の生物に対して不妊症を誘発させることはありません。実際は、彼らの生殖周期を高速化しているかもしれません。(潜在的な欠点と共にね)
これはほんの一部ですが、ジャイアントラット、マンティス (それらがソルトレイク・シティを毛布で覆うように爆発的に繁殖した事はみなさんご存知ですよね) ラッドスコルピオン、デスクローなど大部分の種はFEVで突然変異した後でも繁殖できる種なのです。
- Vault 13のデスクローたちは特例です。Fallout 2では、彼らはエンクレイヴの実験の一部として戦闘部隊を作るために育てられました。エンクレイヴは彼らが繁殖できるとは思っていませんでしたが、当のデスクローたちは繁殖するつもりでした。科学者たちは彼らが自分たちだけで育ち、コントロールしきれなくなることを恐れていました。ですが科学者たちが彼らの繁殖力を制限するときにミスを犯したという意味ではありません。
- ワナミンゴはFEVウイルスの実験により生まれました。しかし彼らは不妊症です。彼らはエイリアンではありませんが、他の国との戦争用に作られたFEV製の生物兵器なのです。…ですが彼らは自由になりました。ワナミンゴは長生きです。しかし彼らはFallout 2の時に滅びました。もはやFallout 2の地域以外でも、ウェイストランドで彼らを見つけることはないでしょう。
3. AラッドスコルピオンはFEVにより生まれたものですか?シェイディ・サンズの医者(ラズロ)との会話では、彼はラッドスコルピオンが元々アメリカのダイオウサソリだったと言い、自然進化や放射能汚染による変異の結果、あれだけ大きくなるか疑問に思っています。もしかしてウェイストランドの全ての生き物はFEVに染まっているのでしょうか?いったいどれだけのものがFEVにより突然変異し、どれだけのものが影響をうけなかったのですか?おそらく中世の動物寓話集における動物たちは、FEVの感染度合いを示すものなのでしょうね。
- ラッドスコルピオンは放射線とFEVの両方の影響を受けて生まれました。シェイディ・サンズのラズロは正しいです。当初ラッドスコルピオンは成長したダイオウサソリでした…それはもう大きな。
- あなたがFallout 1と2で見たほとんど全てのものは、ウェイストランドでFEV感染した生き物です。
- カマキリ
- ネズミ種
- ヤモリなどトカゲ種
- バラモン
- サソリたち
- アリたち
- 様々な植物(ハエジゴク含む)
- 犬はFEVによる影響を受けているという噂がありますが、誰も何も見ていないので、今のところ噂のままです。当然のことながら、ケンタウロスは人間と犬、その他いろいろなパーツのごちゃ混ぜです。しかし、その…変異がどのように起きたのか誰か知っていますか?グレイは研究室の1つをグチャグチャにしたんでしょうね。
- FEVによって突然変異しなかった生き物は、大戦争の余波を生き残れませんでした。ゴキブリはその例外ですが…。アリに関してはFEV感染しているものとしていないものが存在すると思われます。
- 誰もVaultシティにいるうるさい鳥たちがどこから来たか知りません。
- 私はFallout 1と2で見られなかった生物とFEV感染した生物の図表を将来追加していくつもりです。おそらく大部分の昆虫は影響を受けたでしょうね。(彼らは非常に早く繁殖する傾向にあり、世代交代が進んでいけば、彼らの突然変異はより明確になる傾向もあります) おそらくカブトムシやクモ、ゴキブリなど他の生き物などが対象です。
Vault-TecはFallout 1と2で異なる呼び方をされています。正しい呼び方は"Vault-Tec"です。
みなさんの好奇心が強い場合に備え、Fallout 1とFallout 2の舞台裏の語り手(声優)は、マーク・O・グリーンという事をお教えします。彼はInterplay社のDragonplay部門 (Black Isleになる前の古い言い方ではD&D)の幹部であり、優れたダイアログライターです。
Vault システム[]
Fallout 2でプレイヤーがVault 8の記録を読むとき、Vault 8が"コントロールVault"である事を説明する機密ファイルを見つけることが想定されました。(そのためにはScienceスキルが必要になります) そこには1000人を収容できるよう設計され、時が来ると勝手に扉が開くことが記されていました。このファイルは他のVaultにも、恐ろしい真の目的があることを示すことを意味していました。
Vault 13ではプレイヤーが中枢コンピューターをハッキングすることで、Vault 13の真の目的と歴史、更には監督官がVault居住者の存在に困り彼を追放した事実を知ることも想定されました。監督官はVaultが大規模な社会実験であることを理解していました。そしてVault居住者が実験を破滅させるのではないかと恐れ、彼を追い出したのでした。マーティン・フロビッシャー(Fallout 2でのVault 13のリーダー)によると、当然の結果ですが監督官はすぐに窮地に追い込まれる自体に陥りました。
"もう何年も昔のこと、ある監督官が悪事を犯した。その際に、多くの住民がVaultを去っていった――きっと、その人たちはすぐに荒野で死んでしまったのだろうな――そして、その監督官は死刑を宣告された。それ以来、その肩書はもう使われてはいない。" |
マーティンは監督官が処刑されるのを見ませんでした。彼の情報は彼の先祖によりVault 13に記録されたものです。
基本的に、Vaultはアメリカ合衆国の人々を保護することを目的としていませんでした。2077年の時点で4億人いたアメリカの人々を収容するには、Vault 13のようなサイズのVaultが約40万戸も必要になりました。そのためVault-Tecは、たった122戸のVaultを造るよう委嘱をしました。これらのVaultが存在した真の理由は、人々がどのように孤立状態のストレスに反応するか、そしてVaultの扉が開いた後、人々がどれだけうまく再入植できるかを観察するために4億人から予め選ばれた人々だけを収容したのでした。実験の内容は以下の通りです。
Vault 8 | 制御されたVaultであり、10年後に扉が開き、再植民することを目的とする。結果的にVaultシティが生まれた。不幸なVaultである。 |
Vault 12 | 選ばれた人々に対する放射線実験のため、Vaultのドアは閉じないよう意図的に設計された。結果的にネクロポリスとなり、住人はグールとなった。 |
Vault 13 | 長期隔離を研究するため、200年間閉じたままでいることを目的とする。しかし浄水チップが壊れた事により、監督官は即席的な駒としてVault居住者を利用した。後にエンクレイヴはVault 13の記録を研究し、戦争を終わらせるための計画を立てた。 |
Vault 15 | 50年間閉じられる事が意図され、あらゆるイデオロギーを持つ人々が集められた。Fallout 1のアラデシュから聞ける話には、あらゆる文化の影響が含まれる |
Vault 27 | このVaultは故意に過密にされた。許容量の倍である2000人が居住を強制された。このVaultの場所は知られていない。 |
Vault 29 | No one in this Vault was over the age of 15 when they entered. Parents were redirected to other Vaults on purpose. Harold is believed to have come from this Vault. |
Vault 34 | The armory was overstocked with weapons and ammo and not provided with a lock. |
Vault 36 | The food extruders were designed to produce only a thin, watery gruel. |
Vault 42 | No light bulbs of more than 40 watts were provided. |
Vault 53 | Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. While repairable, the breakdowns were intended to stress the inhabitants unduly. |
Vault 55 | All entertainment tapes were removed. |
Vault 56 | All entertainment tapes were removed except those of one particularly bad comic actor. Sociologists predicted failure before Vault 55. |
Vault 68 | Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one woman. |
Vault 69 | Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one man. |
Vault 70 | All jumpsuit extruders fail after 6 months. |
Vault 106 | Psychoactive drugs were released into the air filtration system 10 days after the Door was sealed. |
Rumor has it there were 122 different vault experiments. For Fan Fiction purposes, a lot of these vault experiments have been left open for you to play around with.
Fallout Timeline table, first draft[]
The following timeline information was compiled from information I was able to dig up in Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, as well as some old Word documents lying around. Considering how much has been lost in the years since the bombs dropped, keeping an accurate timeline is difficult, so there is bound to be some inconsistencies.
This is considered a first draft, because revisions to this timeline are likely to occur based on feedback from you guys, and feedback is welcome - trying to sift through history is proving to be pretty difficult. :)
I couldn't verify certain information on ZAX, the BOS history holodisk, and various logs from the Master, because I've lost my Fallout 1 save games. If anyone has screenshots of these things they'd like to share, I'd be grateful. It'd take me a few days to play back to those spots. Once I get these, I can do another revision of the timeline, since I'm not exactly sure of the chronology for the BOS and Master.
Here is what can be recovered from the records that exist:
2051 | Seeking to protect business interests and their oil supply, the United States begins to exert increasing pressure on Mexico, citing the political instability and pollution stemming from Mexico as a threat to the United States. Various economic sanctions serve to destabilize Mexico, and the United States military enters Mexico to keep the oil refineries running and making sure oil and fuel continue to make their way north across the border... at Mexico's expense. | |
2052 | A television documentary into the withered husk of the Texas oil fields brings the oil shortage into the American households, and reveals how deep the energy crisis runs. | |
2052, April | The Resource Wars begin. Many smaller nations go bankrupt, and Europe, dependent on oil imports from the Middle East, responds to the Middle East's rising oil prices with military action. The long drawn-out war between the European Commonwealth and the Middle East begins. | |
2052, May-July | The United Nations, already suffering, begins to collapse. In a series of heated debates, many nations withdraw from the organization as the UN tries to keep the peace. At the end of July, the United Nations is disbanded. | |
2053 | The socially transmitted “New Plague” arises, killing tens of thousands. The United States closes its borders and the first-ever national quarantine is declared. The source of the plague is unknown, but rumors persist that it is a genetically engineered weapon. | |
2053, December | Like an exclamation mark on the end of a very bad year, a terrorist nuclear weapon destroys Tel Aviv. | |
2054, January | Limited nuclear exchange in the Middle East raises fears throughout the world. | |
2054 | In light of the Euro-Middle-Eastern conflict and the plague scare, the United States begins plans on Project Safehouse. The project, financed by junk bonds, is designed to create shelters, also called Vaults, for the populace in the event of a nuclear war or deadly plague. Construction begins late in 2054 and proceeds rapidly due to advances in construction technology. | |
2054 | ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research. | |
2055 | FSEF [Actual name of organization is unknown; the acronym is not defined in the timeline] start working on a new virus to kill the New Plague. This virus is the FEV-1, Forced Evolutionary Virus. | |
2055 | ZAX 1.2 is brought in to regulate conditions in FSEF [The Glow]. It is not part of the Vault-Tec preservation software, so it does not have any orders to protect humanity after the bombs fall. | |
2057, Summer | A strain of FEV is tested on animals. | |
2059 | The Anchorage Front Line is established, as the United States increases its military presence in Alaska to protect its oil interests. The Anchorage Front Line causes tensions in the United States and Canada, as the United States attempts to pressure Canada into allowing American military units to guard the Alaskan pipeline. | |
2059 | The first artificial intelligence is born. Limited by memory constraints, its expansion is rapidly halted. The discovery paves the way for future AI research in laboratories throughout the United States. | |
2060 | Traffic on the streets of the world stops moving. Fuel becomes too precious to waste on automobiles, so alternatives are explored - electric and fusion cars begin to be manufactured, but factories can only make limited amounts. Pressure on fusion research increases. | |
2060 | The Euro-Middle Eastern War ends as the oil fields in the Middle East run dry... there is no longer a goal in the conflict, and both sides are reduced almost to ruin. | |
2060 | Initial tests of the new FEV are almost complete. Higher primates seem to survive, gaining intelligence. | |
2062 | New Plague continues to spread. Scientists in FSEF are amazed at what they find about FEV – it is carried by the bloodstream and seems to eradicate all imperfections it fines. It also seems to fill in gaps in the DNA sequence with new information. Animals become smarter, body mass increases, and they become more aggressive. | |
2063 | The construction of the Vaults completed. Drills begin in many cities, but the increasing frequency of the drills has a "cry wolf" effect, and the turnouts for drills trickle off as the years go on. | |
2065, June | Due to enormous demands for electricity in the summer of 2065, a nuclear reactor in New York City almost goes critical. The near meltdown brings into effect power rationing, and the term "Hot Summer" is used to refer to the New York incident. | |
2065, August | Increasing need for mobility in the United States mechanized cavalry leads the military to focus the efforts on creating a man-based tank - essentially, a two-legged walking armored unit: Power Armor. | |
2065-2067 | Power Armor research grows and several prototypes are developed, many of which prove to be unworkable in the field. These prototypes pave the way for future advances in both military and construction technology. | |
2066, Spring | As the oil resources dry up across the globe, China's fossil fuel dependency causes an energy crisis in the nation. China, bordering on collapse, becomes more aggressive in its trade talks with the United States. Unwilling to export oil to China, talks between the United States and China break down. | |
2066, Summer | Adding further insult to the Chinese-American relations, the first crude fusion cell is unveiled, one of the results of the Power Armor project. Devices designed for the fusion cell begin to be manufactured. Incorporating fusion power into the general US infrastructure begins, but the process is too slow to supply power to the regions that need it. Nearly thirteen years later, few sections of the United States were supplied with fusion power. | |
2066, Winter | In the winter of 2066, China invades Alaska. The Anchorage Front Line becomes a true battleground. | |
2066, Winter | As a sign of increasing tension between the two countries, Canada proves reluctant to allow American troops on Canadian soil or allow American planes to fly over Canadian airspace. The United States and Canadian tensions rise, but Canada eventually backs down, and US troops pass through Canada. This sets the stage for the Canadian annexation in 2076. | |
2067 | The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States. | |
2069 | Canada begins to feel the pressure from the United States military as the US draws upon Canadian resources for the war effort. Vast stretches of timberland are destroyed, and other resources in Canada are stretched to the breaking point. Many Americans refer to Canada as Little America, and Canadian protests are unheard. | |
2070 | The first of the Chryslus motors fusion-driven cars are developed. Reassuringly big and American, the limited models carry a hefty price tag but are sold out within days. Many Chryslus plants have long since been converted into making military ordinance. | |
2071 | Once the military applications of the virus become known, the FEV research being conducted in the Glow is relocated to a military base in southwestern California [The Military Base in Fallout 1, also called Base Omega]. The project at the FSEF [Glow] is put on hold due to the condition of the subjects: Animals seem to be regressing, become dumber, but their body mass remains high. | |
2072 | Several animal test subjects at the Glow suddenly attack in a pack, killing four scientists. They are all killed by security and the remaining animals are separated, drugged, and watched closely. | |
2072 | The United States' increasing demand for Canadian resources causes protests and riots in several Canadian cities. An attempted sabotage attempt of the Alaskan pipeline is all the military needs as an excuse to begin its annexation of Canada... which in fact, had already begun in 2067. | |
2074 | Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds, American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are deployed to China, but they make slow progress on the mainland, putting a further drain on American resources and supply lines. | |
2075 | FEV research resumes at FSEF in attempt to find out why the animal subjects survived when many human patients did not. Scientists engineer the virus further. | |
2075, March 21st | Research on FEV-1 begins in small quarantine towns in North America. Early results are positive, but within two months, the subjects become victims, displaying deformities and insanity. | |
2076, January | The United States annexation of Canada is complete. Canadian protestors and rioters are shot on sight, and the Alaskan Pipeline swarms with American military units. Pictures of atrocities make their way to the United States, causing further unrest and protests. | |
2076, June | Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in the Power Armor players find in Fallout 1. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War. Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed begin to break down. | |
2076, July | FEV research leaked to the world, raising tensions even further, and causing many countries to withdraw support for the United States. FEV is carried back to secret base, and all records of the project are ordered destroyed. News blackouts begin. | |
2076, August | Food and energy riots begin in major cities throughout the United States. Military units begin to be deployed in cities within the United States to contain rioters, and many temporary jails are constructed. A state of emergency is declared, and martial law soon follows. | |
2077, January 10th | Alaska is reclaimed, and the Anchorage Front Line is again held by the Americans. | |
2077, January 22nd | The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons. | |
2077, February | FEV Research nears completion. Protests in many major cities and governments around the world, as well as accusations that the US was responsible for the New Plague. The new virus, FEV, is seen as a threat, and serves only to fuel tensions. | |
2077, March | Prepared for a nuclear attack from China, the president and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make contingency plans for continuing the war. | |
2077, October 23 | Bombs are launched; who struck first is unknown... and it is not even known if the bombs came from China or America. Air raid sirens sound, but very few people go into vaults, thinking it is a false alarm. The Vaults are sealed. | Great War |
2077, October 23 | Necropolis Vault [Vault 12] never closes. Once it becomes known that the other vaults have sealed, people within Bakersfield attempt to force their way into Vault 12 to protect themselves and their families. | |
2077, October 23 | The FSEF research facility (the Glow), is hit by nuclear warheads, breaking open the FEV research tanks and releasing it into the atmosphere. Once exposed to radiation, it begins to mutate and infect humans and critters in the wasteland. | |
2078-2088 | The military base (Base Omega) survives, the soldiers and scientists within protected from the radiation and FEV flooding the wasteland. | |
2080 | The first effects of the virus are seen in the survivors. Widespread mutations occur with animals and humans alike. Those that survive the effects of the mutations are permanently changed by the virus. New species are created almost overnight. | |
2082 | Scientists in Base Omega select a new goal and begin to try and make the perfect survivor. They attempt to tailor the FEV, creating FEV-2. They become increasingly secretive, isolating themselves from the soldiers. | |
2083, Summer | The city of Necropolis founded by the ghoul survivors of Vault 12 (and the US citizens that fled to Bakersfield when the bombs fell). | |
2084, Spring | Set takes control of Necropolis, wresting control from the original Overseer. The Vault 12 Overseer is driven north and never heard from again. | |
2088 | When it is discovered that the scientists in Base Omega are testing the new strains of FEV on the soldiers, the soldiers rebel. Under the leadership of General Roger Maxson, they wipe out the scientists, but in the resulting firefight, one of the FEV canisters is ruptured. Fearing contamination, the soldiers seal the base, then head out into the desert, taking supplies and weapon schematics with them. This event was called the "Exodus," and the surviving soldiers went on to eventually form the Brotherhood of Steel. | |
2089 | The Brotherhood of Steel begin establishing a small bunker in the Wasteland (their headquarters in Fallout 1). Originally nothing more than a simple concrete bunkhouse, the BOS began to excavate sub-chambers, slowly building it into a fortress to withstand raider attacks. | |
2091 | Vault 8 opens, and they use their GECK to create fertile ground for their city. This eventually becomes Vault City. | |
2092 | LA Vault opens, the Boneyard is founded and attracts survivors. | |
2092 | Dr. Richard Moreau is exiled from Vault City for murder. The circumstances surrounding the murder are unknown, but he changes his last name to Grey and heads south. | |
2093 | The Hub is founded by a man named Angus, who sets up camp around a filthy oasis in the desert, and he proceeds to begin trading with other settlements. | |
2096 | Vault 29 opens. Harold (now human) sets out to make his fortune as a trader, then caravan boss. Increasing mutant attacks cause him to form one of the first adventuring parties of Fallout to try and find out where the mutants are coming from. | |
2099 | John Maxson, the future High Elder of the BOS in Fallout 1, is born. | |
2102, Spring | Richard Grey’s Expedition [including Harold] finds the Military Base/Base Omega and the Expedition is scattered and defeated by mutants at the base. Grey is knocked into one of the vats of FEV by a robotic arm, and Harold is knocked unconscious, only to awaken later out in the wasteland. | |
2102, Summer | Richard Grey, now horribly mutated by the virus, arises from the Vats and begins his plans for the Unity and the master race. He gains the name, "the Master." | |
2120 | The Master starts experiments into the FEV-II. Over the next few years, his experiments produce breeds of strange mutants, but only around the 2137 do his results begin to bear fruit and the super mutants are born. | |
2120 | Angus rules over growing Hub and establishes himself as governor. | |
2125, Winter | Angus is murdered. Hub is thrown into chaos. | |
2126 | A band of merchants seizes the water tower in the Hub. They demand anyone wanting water must pay a toll. The Great Merchant Wars begin. | |
2126-2128 | The Great Merchant Wars are fought, the Water Merchants seal up the town, but are outnumbered. A man named Greene, a police officer, makes the peace and negotiates a settlement. Central Council is formed. | |
2130 | The Great Winter occurs. | |
2134 | A faction within the Brotherhood of Steel gains strength, and they urge the Elders to end their seclusion. Divisionist group splits away from the Brotherhood of Steel, taking some technology and weapons with them... and the old keys to Base Omega/the Military Base. | |
2135 | Roger Maxson dies of cancer, and John Maxson takes up the role of "General" (Elder) within the Brotherhood of Steel. | |
2135 | FEV-II research completed. Master begins gathering test subjects, willing or unwilling, from local human stock, usually caravans. The first super mutant emerges from the vat during this year. For many years, the caravan disappearances are blamed on monsters in the desert, and even when the abductions begin to occur on Hub caravans, the deathclaws are blamed. | |
2137 | Master's begins to mass-produce super mutants. Only about one in six or one in five attempts are successful, and of these successes, only half seem to last to go on to be part of his growing army, now called the Unity. | |
2140 | Decker forms Underground in the Hub and starts pulling strings. | |
2141, Spring | Vault 15 opened. | |
2141 | Vault Dweller born. [This will vary according to your player character's age in Fallout 1.] | |
2141, Winter | Raiders begin to form in the region as food supplies run low. The Khans and the Vipers begin terrorizing local settlements. | |
2142, Spring | Shady Sands founded, wall erected against the raiders. | |
2145 | Cute lil' Tandi is born, unaware that by the time F2 rolls around she will turn into a wizened old crone that is difficult to look at. | |
2151 | The Brotherhood of Steel sends a group out to find out what happened to the Brotherhood exiles, but finds only ruins in the wasteland and no survivors. | |
2152 | As their influence spreads throughout the wastes, the Master finds humans, doomsday cultists, and rather than dip them in the vats, he demands their obedience as spies - their leader is a man named Morpheus, and he pledges his followers to the Master. Morpheus and his cultists form the future core of the Children of the Cathedral. | |
2155-56 | After capturing a caravan of strange-garbed travelers (vault dwellers), Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master learns of other Vaults, and realizing their human occupants are ripe for transformation, begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults. | |
2156 | The Master sees advantages in establishing a benevolent "religion," the Children of the Cathedral, and using them as spies in settlements throughout the wastes. Missionaries from the Children of the Cathedral spread slowly across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears for Morpheus and the Master. | |
2157 | The Master learns the location of the Bakersfield Vault, Vault 14, and sends a detachment of super mutants there to seize the vault. Many ghouls perish in the attack, and Set finally parleys with the super mutants, telling them that the ghouls are the Vault survivors the super mutants are looking for. The super mutants, angered at failing to find an intact Vault, set up a small garrison at the watershed to watch the inhabitants and insure Set's... cooperation in the war to come. | |
2161, December 5th | Vault Dweller is kicked out of Vault 13 to find a replacement water chip. | Start of Fallout 1 |
2161, December 15th | Vault Dweller discovers Shady Sands. Meets Tandi. | |
2162, April 20th | Vault Dweller destroys the Military Base. | |
2162, May 3rd | Vault Dweller kicks the Master’s ass. | |
2162, May 10th | Vault Dweller returns to Vault 13, only to be driven out. Some members of the Vault leave in search of him not long afterwards. | End of Fallout 1 |
2165, May 12th | Vault Dweller removes his Vault suit and from this day forward, never wears it again. | |
2165, July 10th | Vault Dweller founds the small village of Arroyo. | |
2167, August 18th | Construction of Arroyo completed. | |
2185, Summer | At high noon, Marcus and Brotherhood of Steel Paladin Jacob cross paths many, many miles southwest of Broken Hills and fight for a few days. Eventually, they give up, unable to get an advantage over the other. The two start traveling together, arguing over Master and BOS doctrine. | |
2185, Fall | Marcus and Jacob, along with the trail of ghouls, humans, and super mutants, found the community of Broken Hills. | |
2176, Spring | Jacob moves on, says goodbye to Marcus, then vanishes forever. | |
2186 | New California Republic formed, and a central council is created as a governing body. | |
2188, October 2nd | Vault Dweller has a daughter (who becomes the Elder in Fallout 2). | |
2195, July 20th | Enclave scouts discover the remains of the Military Base and find it partially destroyed. | |
2195, July-August | Enclave scientists and chemical corps scour the remains of the Base, while assault squads (including soldier Frank Horrigan, 25 at the time) comb the desert for slaves they can use to mine the military base and get to the Vats. | |
2195, September | Enclave construction crews and super mutant slaves begin excavations. They uncover the FEV virus, and mutations begin to occur. Frank Horrigan comes into contact with the FEV and is sent to the Enclave labs for study. | |
2195, October | Enclave, having obtained the FEV data, abandons the Military Base site after more mutations occur, causing 2nd Generation Super Mutants to arise. Super mutants slaves are abandoned in the Base, and the group forms a new community, led by Melchior. | |
2195-2220 | Horrigan gradually mutates from exposure to FEV, gaining the physique and slow, stupid, single-mindedness of a super mutant. He is kept heavily sedated, operated on, and studied for many, many years. He is conscious for only brief periods at a time, then quickly sedated after the bloodshed is over. | |
2196 | Tandi unanimously elected President of NCR by the NCR council. As expected, she proceeds to do a kick-ass job. | |
2198 | Enclave works on various new technologies, including Power Armor variations. None of these are much of an improvement over the conventional old school Power Armor, and some are actually worse. | |
2208, January 16th | Vault Dweller vanishes from Arroyo, presumed dead, and he leaves his Vault Suit behind, folded on his bed. Some say he was taken by the sky spirits, others say that he felt it was time to move on. | |
2208, February 2nd | The One-Moon (Month) Cycle of mourning for the Vault Dweller ends, and activity in Arroyo begins to return to normal. | |
2208, February 2nd | Final training of the Vault Dweller's daughter for the role of village elder begins. She undergoes a great deal of physical training and tutoring in various sciences, mathematics, and, of course, weapon skills. | |
2210, January 31st | Vault Dweller's daughter takes her mystic test, a key ingredient of which is several pots worth of hallucinogenic plants from Hakuinn’s garden. She runs the gauntlet in the Temple of Trials, using her charm to pass the tests. She offers numerous criticisms of the test, resulting in many revisions. | |
2210, February 2nd | Vault Dweller’s daughter ascends to role of Village Elder. She rules with a steady hand, and her wisdom is greatly respected. | |
2215, August 1st | Congressman Richardson rises to power within the Enclave, aided by pressure from his father, President Richardson. | |
2215 | Under Presidential Order, Enclave scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of Power Armor. Many prototypes are developed and tested. | |
2220, March 5th | Congressman Richardson is elected president for the first term of five, through aid and political pressure by his father (President Richardson). | |
2220, October | Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II Power Armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the President Richardson for the sake of morale. | |
2221, January 23rd | Tests begin to run dry on Frank Horrigan. It is suggested that he be used as a field operative and be used in tests in the wasteland against local populations. | |
2221, March 23rd | The “Chosen One” is born. The Chosen One's father is not recorded in the tribal records. The reason for this is unknown, but the Elder may have simply been embarrassed. | |
2231, March 27th | Frank Horrigan is manufactured for his new role. A new version of Power Armor is built to accommodate his mass, and he is sealed inside. After a few horrifically successful field tests, Horrigan becomes the Enclave's solution to numerous sticky problems. | |
2235 | The Enclave experiments on deathclaws, attempting to create special fighting units for waging war in hostile environments. Many of these experiments are tested against Horrigan. | |
2235 | While there had already been a small number of ghouls in Gecko at this time, more come to the area, and the town of Gecko is formed. The new influx of ghouls bring scavenged technology and know-how, and the power plant in Gecko becomes operational later that year. Vault City looks upon their new neighbors with growing concern. | |
2238 | Harold arrives in Gecko, and he does his best to help the ghouls with the running of the Nuclear Power Plant. | |
2241 | The worst dry season in many years causes a drought in the Northern California area, hurting crops and brahmin in both Arroyo and Modoc. | |
2241, January | The first samples of Jet begin to arrive in Redding, courtesy of the Mordino family. | |
2241, February | Vault City rejects offers of an alliance with both the Bishop family of New Reno and NCR. | |
2241, March | Raider attacks on caravans to Vault City begin. | |
2241, July 25th | Chosen One begins his mystic test, descending into the Temple of Trials. | Start of Fallout 2 |
2241, July 27th | Chosen One leaves Arroyo in search of the GECK. | |
2242, May 15th | Enclave sends a coded sequence to Vault 13, activating its central computer and declaring that is time to leave the Vault. Martin Frobisher gathers the Vault dwellers together for tutorial movie. Less than a day later, they open the Vault door to be greeted by a verti-assault squad who kills three of the citizens who were "resisting," and storms the Vault, seizing all the inhabitants. | |
2242, May 16th | Less than a day later, Vault 13 is opened, only to be greeted by two Enclave verti-assault squads. The squads kill three of the citizens who were "resisting capture," and storm the Vault, kidnapping all the inhabitants. | |
2242, May 17-21st | Enclave animal handlers drop a Deathclaw unit into Vault 13 from a safe distance to kill anyone investigating the Vault and cloak the Enclave's presence. Other Deathclaws are sent into the desert surrounding Vault 13 to check for any escapees or witnesses. | |
2242, Fall | The Chosen One enters the Enclave using the damaged tanker and destroys the Poseidon oil platform, killing the President of the United States and ending the Enclave's plans for world domination. | End of Fallout 2 |
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