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Fallout 4の没データFallout 4 マスターアップ版からカットされた内容の物です。 ゲームデータの中に、残骸データとして残っており、本来のゲーム本編では入手することは不可能となっています。ただし、一部アイテムはコンソールコマンドを使用することによって入手できるものもあります。



The add-ons to the BOS uniform.

  • BOSラボのコート: BOS制服のバリエーションで、BOS制服の上に羽織っている。(画像中央)ゲームのマスターアップ版ではScience scribe's armorに置き換えられたと思われる。
  • ケルスのコート: BOS 制服のバリエーションで、BOS 制服の上に羽織っています。(画像左)パイパーRed leather trench coatと同じモデルのように見えます. ゲームのマスターアップ版ではBrotherhood fatiguesに置き換えられたと思われます。
  • Maxson's cape: BOS 制服のアドオンで、BOS 制服の上に羽織っています。(画像中央)ゲームのマスターアップ版ではMaxson's battlecoatに置き換えられたと思われます。
Fo4 metal helmet cut

The three metal helmet variations.

  •  metal helmetWraparound goggles、そしてスカーフからなる防具。,軽装・中装・重装ごとに、ゴーグルにヘルメット、スカーフが追加されます。バンダナと被ってしまう関係からカットされたと思われます
  • ケイトの弾帯 (ID: 001921D8):データは存在するが、使用されてない。
  • Robotic bits, an eye-slot piece of clothing for ニック・バレンタイン that gives +1 Perception. It seems he was supposed to start the game with this item, much like his trench coat and fedora.

Armor mods[]

  • BOS-I Initiate and BOS-IV Knight CPT paint for T-60 power armor.



The untextured Chinese assault rifle prototype.

  • Ball-peen hammer:ジャンク品のハンマーの武器版。モデルは同じものを使用している。
  • 中国軍アサルトライフル:ハイポリモデルは存在するが、テクスチャが入ってない。デザインはFallout3にて登場する同武器と同じ。 A similar firearm, the handmade rifle, would appear in the Nuka-World add-on.

The roughly textured "harpoon gun".

  • Harpoon gun: Syringerと似た外見を持つ、ローポリ段階の未完成なモデル。マガジンやアイアンサイトにはアサルトライフル のパーツが流用されています。カットされたクエスト、20 Leagues Under the Seaと関係あるアイテムと思われます. A different version of the weapon was included in the Far Harbor add-on.
  • Mortar, a cannon weapon similar to nuke that shoots mortar shells. Ammo is by the same name as the gun.
  • パイプショットガン: テクスチャが存在しない。パイプ武器シリーズのショットガン仕様。
  • A diffuse and normal textures named Scimitar with no matching model can be found in the texture archives.
  • Far Harbor (アドオン) Textures and sounds for the compound bow and corresponding arrows.
  • Far Harbor (アドオン) A number of meshes for throwing Weapons, including: blade, harpoon, hatchet, saw, and bottle.
  • Nuka-World (アドオン) Lucky Rabbit's Foot: A cut weapon in the Nuka-World add-on, it takes the space of a grenade, but adds 10% XP and 3 to Luck.
  • Nuke, a cannon weapon that shoots nuclear bombs (not mini nukes) and uses ammo by the same name.

Weapon Mods[]

  • アサルトライフル
    • リコンスコープ。実装されたもののサイズ違いで、こちらのほうが大きい。
    • 四角形と六角形のリフレックスサイト
  • コンバットライフル
    • 小型マガジンとドラムマガジンコンバットショットガンの同名MODと同じモデル。
    • 四角形と六角形のリフレックスサイト
  • コンバットショットガン
    • 大型マガジンコンバットライフル の同名MODと同じモデル。
    • 四角形と六角形のリフレックスサイト
  • ブロードサイダー
    • 爆発弾を複数発射するバレル。
  • ヌカ・ランチャー
    • 標的捕捉コンピューター。ミサイルランチャーに取り付けられる物と同じものと思われる。
  • gamma gun
    • that would split the projectile into multiple ones, similar to the beam splitter mod for other weapons.
  • ハンティングライフル
  • マークスマンストックのストックを短くした物
  • マークスマンストック用バイポット。ロード画面のモデルではバイポッドが付いており、テクスチャ上でもバイポッド用のテクスチャが存在するが、ゲーム中のモデルにはバイポッドが付いていない。
  • A version of the reflex sight used on the 10mm pistol, with a hexagon shape as opposed to a dot or a circle. Additionally, there are textures for other reflex sight shapes, featuring the rounded corners of a square. There are also red versions of some of these shapes intended for use on the gatling laser. The Institute pistol has meshes for the reflex sight with a circle shape as well, but the circle shape doesn't show up ingame.
  • A version of the extra flame jets mod for the Shishkebab that only adds two flame jets, as opposed to the four the non-cut mod provides.
  • An untextured version of a stun pack for the sledgehammer, similar to the one used for the super sledge.

Settlement objects[]

  • Mounted Minigun. Can be spawned by console command but can't be crafted. Requires a settler to be assigned to it and then generates a Defense value of 10. Acts as a container with 100 5mm rounds. There are problems with the axes of the model making it difficult to place it such that it can fire.
  • Water cooler (xx001d3d). It uses the clean model of the base game's water cooler, but is an activator object that is meant to have the same functionality as the water fountain. However, it stops working after drinking from it once. The water container on top of the water cooler also has some visual issues when another object moves in front of it. Vault-Tec Workshop


  • Angler gunk, a junk item (xx0540fe). Far Harbor (add-on)
  • Beacon oscillator, a miscellaneous item (xx000890). Automatron (add-on)
  • Bond, a junk item (xx045e25). Far Harbor (add-on)
  • BPL compressed data holodisk would have been rewarded for completing "DN011 OverdueBooks" and can be found in-game after accessing a hidden terminal only accessed by clipping out of a room in the Boston Public Library.
  • Brain, a consumable (xx0019dc). Automatron (add-on)
  • Campground flyer, a miscellaneous item (xx01b0b8). Far Harbor (add-on)
  • Captain Cosmos in "Jangles' Big Day", a holotape game.
  • Cave fungus, consumable (000330F7)
  • Ghoul meat, consumable (00024075)
  • Gourd, an Institute version of the fruit (00173B13): +20HP, value 36, weight 1, no rads
  • La Coiffe issues 3, 4, and 5.
  • Nuka Cherry grenade, a variant of the Nuka-grenade and Nuka Quantum grenade (xx040cdd). Nuka-World (add-on)


  • Cryo Damage and its respective resistance on armor (changed to energy).
  • Fire Damage and its respective resistance on armor (changed to energy).


  • Berry Mentats addiction
  • Buffjet addiction
  • Bufftat addiction
  • Buzzbites addiction
  • Grape Mentats addiction
  • Jet Fuel addiction
  • Serum addiction
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum addiction
  • Orange Mentats addiction
  • Psychobuff addiction
  • Psycho jet addiction
  • Psychotats addiction
  • Ultrajet addiction


  • Liam's Algorithm - In the Creation Kit, this perk is stated to offer "Improved hacking." According to the EditorID it was planned to be connected in some way to the Plugging a Leak side quest. The name might also refer to the Institute scientist Liam Binet.
  • Cyborg - A perk from Fallout 3, Cyborg was intended to provide the player character with 15 points of radiation, poison, and damage resistance.
  • Nerves of Steel - Based on an unused sound resource present in the Creation Kit, Nerves of Steel was at some point intended to make a reappearance. Action Boy/Action Girl would end up performing the same role.

Brotherhood of Steel[]

  • Initiate - Take 10% less damage from feral ghouls, super mutants and synths.
  • Knight - Smaller fusion core explosion.
  • Paladin - Recover health while wearing power armor.

The Railroad[]

  • Secret Agent - Stealth Boy effects last 10 seconds longer. Intended for completing Memory Interrupted.
  • Station Master - Get a 5% bonus on selling items. Intended for establishing Mercer Safehouse.
  • The Heavy - Do 10% extra damage to synths and Institute foes. Not entirely cut (Institute Killer Weave applies it), but originally the player character would have received it as a permanent perk.


ファイル:Fo4 4a0bc perk.png


  • 20 Leagues Under the Sea (MS03): Side quest, the Sole Survivor has to go to underwater exploration and likely was related to the cut harpoon gun. This would likely take place in an underwater vault as untextured assets can be found in the Creation Kit of both an underwater vault window (VltSquidWindow01) and an underwater vault door (VltLGDoorMarine01) can be found.
  • Off the Grid (MQ301): Main quest situated just before The Nuclear Option (MQ302). Diamond City lost its power supply.
  • That's the Spirit (MS12): Stub in the game data.
  • Bullet (MS18): Stub in the game data.
  • The Enemy of My Enemy (MQ201): Main quest after Reunions (MQ106) and before Dangerous Minds (MQ202). Not actually unused, but since the quest has no visible objectives it never appears.
  • The Replacement
  • MS08: Sounds, globals, debug msg, "Game Master 3000 Mk II" NPC (MS08Computer).
  • MS06 and MS15: Only a keyword.
  • DN011 OverdueBooks: Appears to have been a quest related to the Boston Public Library where Curator Givens' terminal references "compressing" recently collected book data to holodisk in the likely event of his death, although no further clues are given other than his body being found and his main terminal explaining the situation. Using noclip tcl and walking through the large computer and wall directly behind the Intelligence bobblehead reveals a secondary, hidden terminal. Accessing this terminal allows one to compress the book data and acquire a "BPL Compressed Data" holodisk which will then be added to the miscellaneous inventory. Experience is also rewarded for doing this as it completes DN011 OverdueBooks. It appears the overdue books one can collect and turn in at the kiosks and exchange tokens for items, might have had with collecting them to compress the data to the holodisk, and possibly passing the BPL Compressed Data to another NPC at a later date. There is also another (DN011) that has more stages and the "DN011 OverdueBooks" might have been a sub-quest to a larger quest.


  • Patches (00098056 CZ_Patches): A human male raider in the Combat Zone that is a weapons merchant.
  • Scribe Collins (0004F38F RR303DeckOfficer): A Brotherhood scribe in raider outfit that is associated with Rockets' Red Glare quest, her in-game name is "Brotherhood scribe."
  • Professor Widmer (00026ED6 Widmer): A human male vault dweller.
  • Dolly Madison (0014FC3D REHancockFriend)
  • OldManBilly (00128C5A OldManBilly)
  • Vikter (000E6D89 DN020_LvlSupermutantBoss)
  • Game Master 3000 Mk II (0002FD9D MS08Computer)
  • Junkyard (0007D4F6 Junkyard)
  • Derek (000E2C91 Derek)
  • Combatant (00118ED6 CZ_CombatantLVL): A hostile radiant raider.
  • Handler (00108B32 CZ_Handler)
  • Confessor Adalia (000335C2 ConfessorAdalia): A hostile human female Children of Atom member.
  • Brad Finnegan (0002AAB1 BradFinnegan)
  • The Watcher (000CBF4F DN048SupermutantWatcherBoss)
  • Rosie (0002F824 EncBrahminRosie): A named Brahmin.
  • Eddie Lipkis (00023751 EddieLipkis)
  • Suspect Bot (00045798 DN050SuspectBot)
  • Arnie (000342C4 DN040Arnie)
  • Tim Flynn (000F790A DN152WickedTim)
  • Institute Patrol 1 (0003D196 RadioInstitutePatrol1)
  • Fisherman (001F22F4 POISC_Fisherman)
  • Casey (00052157 MS16Casey): A human female citizen.
  • Midshipman (000A1604 MS11GenericMidshipman)

Map markers[]

Map markers for the following locations exist in the game data, but are never enabled. Most of them can be seen on the map with console help: 001c26c2.enable followed by tmm 1.

  • 35 Court
  • Apartment
  • Baxter building
  • Boxing gym
  • Bridgeway Trust
  • Brookline building
  • Cambridge Academic Center
  • Cambridge baseball diamond
  • Cambridge church
  • Cambridge construction site
  • Cambridge graveyard
  • Cambridge hardware store
  • Cambridge raider base
  • Cambridge warehouse
  • Camp Kendall
  • Christopher Columbus Park
  • Commonwealth Bank
  • Dorchester Heights monument
  • East C.I.T. raider camp
  • Evans Way Cul-de-Sac
  • Factory
  • Flagon Tunnel
  • Footbridge camp
  • Founder's Triangle
  • Freeway pileup
  • Hawthorne Estate
  • Holy Mission Congregation
  • Hub 360
  • Sullivan's
  • Jimbo's Tower
  • Kendall Parking
  • Lil' Gentry playground
  • Long Wharf
  • L Street bathhouse
  • Major crossroad
  • Marlborough house
  • Mean Pastries
  • Moonshiner's camp Nuka-World (add-on)
  • Navy yard
  • North End graveyard
  • Nuka-World private airfield Nuka-World (add-on)
  • Oakwood Residences
  • Paul Revere House
  • Pizza parlor
  • Prost bar
  • Raider alleyway outpost
  • Raider back-alley camp
  • Raider drug den
  • Science Center gift shop
  • Shenley's Oyster Bar
  • South Boston graveyard
  • South Fens Tower
  • Fens Way station
  • Ticker Tape Lounge
  • Tower apartments
  • Union Man's Circle
  • Valenti station
  • Warren Theater
  • Water Street apartments


  • Cambridge baseball diamond
  • Red Rocket Lexington (map marker)
  • Warehouse in Diamond City
  • Atom's Divide in Diamond City
  • Men's restroom in Diamond City
  • Women's restroom in Diamond City
  • Church of Atom in Diamond City
  • Mayor's office in Diamond City
  • Mister Zwicky's house in Diamond City
  • Tunnels in Diamond City
  • Strongroom in Vault 114
  • Tunnel in Vault 114
  • Donoghue residence in Sanctuary Hills
  • Hawthorne residence in Sanctuary Hills
  • Rosa residence in Sanctuary Hills
  • Daisy's house in Goodneighbor
  • Hancock's strongroom in Goodneighbor
  • KL-E-0's house in Goodneighbor
  • Crow's Crag Park
  • Great Links 18
  • Waterfront Hotel
  • Vault 113
  • Vault 117
  • Vault 120
  • Vault 121


  • Patches (00098056 CZ_Patches): マチェットを所持した、男性のレイダー。コンバットゾーンに居たらしい。
